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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Nah, looking in game there was a GProphet born as well. And Gavagai has the holy city of Buddhism. Can you say Shrine?

And we found Jowy with our workboat in the south-west

For that whipped workboat: I'd like to net the Fish with it. That's less commerce but more food, which is still an ok-trade imo. What do you think? I haven't moved it yet, so if you agree, please log in, move it northwards and finish turn.

Mids plan (needs refinement):

Chop all 7 forests = 420 hammers
Put overflow this turn in Mids = 24 hammers
Total: 444 hammers

Start Chariot next turn

T90: 2/30
T91: 4/30
T92: 9/30 (work mine+pig)
T93: 14/30
T94: 46/30 (whipped)

T95 we overflow 16 hammers + 4 normal production for adjusted 40 hammers. Add 13 (26) from a forest outside our borders and that finishes Mid. 2 Forests have to be chopped early to free up the workers for this, the rest can be delayed till T95. Not a very tidy plan nor a very good one tbh, but short of adding more turns to Mids I don't see how else to do it. Well, the Chariot is not necessary obviously. We can simply produce Mids instead all the time. If we leave the forest outside the borders be and work instead of the pig for T92-T94 the mine + forested plains we get

T90: 28/500
T91: 32/500
T92: 104/500 (add 1 chop)
T93: 116/500
T94: 128/500
T95: 142/500 (work two GLH-mines)

Add 6 chops on T95: 360 hammers = 502/500. Might be the better plan even.

Oh good, Jowy is just far enough away that he'll be ripe for conquering by the time we expand to him. wink And yeah, the Buddhist shrine is up and 16 is the points for a wonder.

Yeah I was stupid and forgot we can easily net the fish first if we're going to be working the tile with Katharina anyway. We can still whip the work boat for the clam there. I guess plan B is good so that we save the forest and worker turns? Please double check it though or else we'll look very foolish not working the pig. tongue

Let's send the galley to scout the one-tiler southeast of Iris? If there's first ring food then that's probably our second island city.

Oh and we get our Prophet in next EOT. We could settle him? Kind of meh but if we get Rep that's not bad. We also get 2h from him so that could speed up the build, two turns of travel time down to Heidi though. Could also settle in Ana Paula, I don't expect the hammers to be significant most of the time though. Other options are hold for a GA (we could try to build MoM with our earlyish Calendar plan) or hold for a Theo bulb. We'd need to clear out the religions techs for the bulb though and we don't want to be spending time teching them right now. I imagine we would go for Philosophy for a religion otherwise, holding it for the shrine would probably be even later. tongue

I do like plan B better for certain. Won't save worker turns though as we need to move one of the workers onto the forest hill to help with the mine there, else it would be 1 turn late. Except if we settle the Prophet of course, in that case we don't need the mine to finish Mids. I'm not sure though if we can mine that tile for 3 turns, than chop it (so it comes in T95) and than finish the mine in 1 turn or if those turns will be lost. Anyone know how that works?

For the galley: We'll want to take the worker in 2 turns with us. Plan was to move it along the island and have the worker board on T91 BEFORE we move the galley again. I think we want to unload him first, but I have to look at the game to be certain as for how we would need to move the galley to scout.

Regarding Prophet: Definitely don't want to hold him too long. 2 hammer and 5 gold (+3 beakers with Rep) adds up even if the hammers might not have any significant impact on any one build. Theo is definitely many turns away and right now we don't want to go there at all. So realistically I think its either GA or settling. For a GA we should be able to produce another GP in the not too distant future, though I think the next one will be a scientist for an academy, so probably we rather should try for the Music-artist for our first GA. Which would imo also the right timing for it.

Just where to settle is the question. Would be kinda nice in the Mids-city for the help with the build right now but realistically I'd rather have it in our Wall Street city. Not sure which one that will be, though massive amounts of food for many merchant-specialists would be nice as we won't have a shrine unless we capture one. That means our double-fish city that could in theory also take the pig would probably be our best bet. That's 7 merchants, or 21 gold. +5 from the prophet for 26. Wall Street, Bank, Market, Grocer makes that 78 gold.

Another possibility, and one I have to check, is to put it in our MoM-city if that would speed up the build. We most likely build MoM in one of the northern cities (maybe instead of HG?). As long as we don't find Marble at least it could help to settle him there. If we do find Marble we might be able to make an overflow-chain if we start it soonish though to one turn it when it becomes available (there are still 5 or 6 forests to chop, so thats at least 300 adjusted hammers. Just 75 to overflow necessary what is easily doable via

Scout up to 14 hammers
Workboat up to 29 hammers
Galley up to 49 hammers
Aqueduct up to 99 hammers

If we produce just 12 hpt (doable in that forest-city)

T-4: 14+12 = 26 (11 overflow)
T-3: 29+23 = 52 (22 overflow)
T-2: 49+34 = 83 (33 overflow)
T-1: 99+45+30 whip = 174 (74 overflow)
T0: 5 adjusted chop - 300 + 172 ((74+12)*2) = 472 = MoM finished

We probably can even get rid of the scout step. Should be exactly 450 in that case. BUT we need Marble for it.

Yeah you can mine for three turns then chop and then finish the mine in one turn. If we finish the mine and settle the Prophet does that save us from working the forest over the pig? That sounds preferable to me.

Oh and about the galley, I was assuming we would drop off the worker on the mainland first. We need to go around and pass by the mainland anyway.

Might be the case Noble, I'll check when I'm home.

Btw: If someone is able to log in, please change our espionage spending to go full on Jowy. No need to keep it on BaII as we have his graphs now anyway.

I've changed the EP allocation.

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