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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

I made a few changes (whips) to get a more accurate picture of how much science we'll make this turn, hope you don't mind. We could run 70% this turn and 90-100% next turn to finish Iron Working, and Calendar will actually only take 5 turns after that. OR we can tech Calendar now in 4t and still get Iron Working 3t after that, which lets us start MoM sooner in Pamela and still gets IW fast enough(ish) for our settler heading to the jungle. (We should send him to the prospective iron site, the NobleRice can wait since it doesn't help us push south towards BaII.) So I say we build Wealth in Pamela for 4t until Calendar and then dump its 40h overflow into MoM and then do a slow build. Worst case we get fail gold and built a bunch of Wealth. lol We can whip some later on to shave off 2-3 turns probably.

I hope you agree with the lighthouse whip in Barbara, but I don't see why we would stagnate at size 2 instead of whipping it. We'll be at 17/22 food when the border pops and then we can work the netted fish immediately to get back to size 2. For Steffi we can work all coast for two turns to grow and then work the ivory (and not any of the mines) to finish the work boat in time for Barbara. I've put in signs to trace the movement, please double check.

I also put in some signs about whipping Iris this turn or next turn.

why would need iron working before calender? start that MoM!!
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

Whips are fine. I actually had planned to whip that LH in any case because as you say it makes no sense to wait. That's why I started it last turn in the first place because I knew it would be 1-pop whipable wink

For our lurkers: We got HG (I assume because our score skyrocketed).

I think we need to discuss the MoM-idea. I'm not sure it is worth it if we don't have Marble. Its a 18 turn build even with the overflow applied. Whipping has to provide more than 46 hammers to be worth it. If we put 1 turn in a galley with 19 hammers, then 2-pop whip it for 60 + production of 17 (we lose 2 mines due to the whip) it yields 96 hammers. Minus 50 for the galley itself yields 46. And less production for the following turns, so not worth it. Worker instead would be 25 fh in the first turn, +60 for whip +21 for second turn of production = 106 -60 = 46. Again not worth it because we lose production down the line.

That city could instead produce 3 settlers and 3 workers in that time.

We can't build it anywhere else either. What we can maybe do is put the overflow in MoM and then we build up an overflow cascade so that we can direct all those hammers into other stuff if necessary. But what I actually would want to do is:

Tech MC -> overflow in Colossus. We can tech MC in 5-6 turns and build Colossus in 4, so we could get it by T110. What do you think? I feel with all the water we are working and without Marble that would benefit us more. I could also see a run through Aest -> Lit -> Music, but without Marble the upper branch of the tech-thread is rather meh imo.


@BaII-city: I think he has planted far forward to set himself up in the choke, fearing we would invade. He didn't have any cities down there when my warrior was running around. Probably the reason he killed him was to deny us the information that he tries to settle up on us. Dumb move as we were moving back anyhow. Oh well, I would love to see that city killed by the Barb-Axe, but if not, I think I'll take a stab with our Vulture.

Oh, and I haven't finished turn. Don't know what to do with one of the workers + would like your input to the above idea.

Going to log in and check it out.

Okay, I'm on board with the Colossus idea. We try for the Colossus and then build a forge in Pamela and use that to try to get MoM instead. pindicator and I sort of did the same thing in 45, except we finished the MoM by turn 100. lol MC -> IW -> Calendar?

I'm going to move the workers, okay?

Oh, there's a problem with your plan. lol Building the Colossus requires a forge. So we won't be able to get it that quickly but I still agree with the idea. The only issue is that IW gets pushed back another turn, but we'll just have to live with that I guess.

Please feel free to move the workers and change tech / builds as appropriate.

(August 25th, 2013, 12:49)NobleHelium Wrote: Okay, I'm on board with the Colossus idea. We try for the Colossus and then build a forge in Pamela and use that to try to get MoM instead. pindicator and I sort of did the same thing in 45, except we finished the MoM by turn 100. lol MC -> IW -> Calendar?

I'm going to move the workers, okay?

Yes, MC -> IW -> Calendar sounds good. Question remains if we ever build MoM. Tbh I know that it is a super strong wonder if used correctly, but having to build it for 20 turns doesn't seem right. Maybe we should put in Poly -> Mono somewhere in between, I guess that's at most 3 more turns of research, maybe only 2 in a few turns. That together with a forge would be at least +50% for MoM, even without Marble, making us produce 34 h/t in Pamela. With some overflow set up there in advance we might in the end (taking into account necessary research) not be much later to finish MoM as when we would build it right now.

As for 45: Wasn't that quick speed? If so that would be ~T150 on Normal.

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