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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Well we also need a religion to use OR. lol But yes, getting both multipliers is a possibility (we did have both in 45). But no, 45 was on normal and was probably the fastest no-marble MoM build so far. We did have several chops to help out, but also not nearly as many mines.

I assigned the workers to cottage some more and ended turn.

Oh and with a forge we can run an engineer. As the signs say in-game we should give the pig to Pamela to grow as fast as possible after Steffi grows this turn.

Just a short information for the lurkers: We are up to 171 beakers / turn (@100%) and it is 325 BC. That's good I think. For those interested at break-even we still have 110 beakers / turn.

And I forget to end turn. If someone logs in, please do so.

I ended turn for you and set all our EP spending to Sian, since we have 44 points on Jowy now. If he keeps spending on us we could set him to 1/turn.

Thanks. My working days right now are a little bit crazy. Normally that leads to badly played turns and rushed decisions, so I'm glad to have you take care of some of that stuff Noble. Thanks smile

I swapped Steffi over to one more coast, we only need the ivory to finish the work boat in time. Jowy stopped spending EP on us. thumbsup

I think we should sign peace with BaII now, if only for the practical reason of not having to potentially play with a turn split. Maybe we can trade luxuries with him for a while? I don't know, we'll have to see his resources.

What is the galley doing? I thought you were sending him to pick up the vulture but he's heading west now.

Not sure why you haven't ended turn, maybe something to do with BaII? Or did you forget?

I marked our likely Representation-happy cities (at least for now) in-game. Just keeping track so that we don't get confused if we stack whip happy too much in a smaller city. lol We'll need MP in Katharina sometime. Maybe we should have built a vulture in Carina instead of the library, we should finish it now though of course.

I simply forgot to end turn. Not really "in the game" right now tbh and probably will be like that till the end of next week. Have to work for two right now, what somehow works but doesn't leave much brain capacity for anything else.

I agree with the peace-offer even though I would rather send him chariots and kill him. But that's not practical at all unfortunately.

And yes, we should get some more units in any case. I'd like to have at least 2-3 chariots available as well, just to be safe. A spear for good measures as well.

Galley was just exploring that island down there. Wanted to know what it has.

I left some signs but in general a few things to discuss:

- what to do in the stone-city? I queued a settler but we might not have IW a little bit longer depending on other decisions so we could wait with it. Not sure what else to build here though tbh, maybe a chariot.

- Jowy has Marble. We could try to trade for it in 3 turns (T108) and finish Calendar on T109. We should than have it till at least T117. So 8 turns to build MoM. 40 hammers overflow + 23 production = 63*2 = 126 in the first turn, 46*7 = 322. Total: 448. Just short 2 hammers, I guess we can find those with some starving. Would finish it on EOT117. Still kinda slow imo. Would be better with a forge obviously, but I don't see us finishing that in time.

- our vulture near BaII is in danger. BaII could build a road and kill it, if he smashes enough troops against it. Its on a forest and I gave it woodsman 1, so it has +75% defense there, respectively str 10.5 vs 5 in case of an axe or 10.5 vs 8 against a chariot. still, should we move it back? I don't want to tbh, but I'm emotional when it comes to him (I owe him some dead troops for the killed warrior)

I don't really like teching Calendar and then praying Jowy will give us marble. Calendar is useless before IW if we're not building the MoM, so I'd rather just tech IW and then Calendar and then try to trade for marble then. In the meantime we can build the forge and decide what wonder to build after that.

Giving the pig back to Steffi sounds fine, if you want to work max mines at Pamela and forego working the hamlet for a few turns while we maximize hammers there to build a forge. A forge will only take 4t if we work every mine at size 8.

Apparently we signed a cease fire and not a treaty with BaII? I think that's fine actually, he can't kill the vulture without losing one unit as you say. So it mostly depends on whether you want to potentially incite war with him again or not. lol If you don't care much then I would just leave the vulture there to see if he settles north or not. But we could potentially do that from the forest hill as well.

New city needs a name. I was just telling you that I settled the city to gauge beakers.

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