Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Intersite Game - Turn Discussion Thread

So yeah, I simmed. We'll kill 10 units +- one. The options, as I see it, are:

1) Attack and take the trade. They'll have about eighteen cuirassiers left which may be able to take Ditchdigger against one pike and eight maces (if we move the reinforcing stack in). More likely they will attack our stack outside the city and likely kill the entire remaining stack of 10 units and 0-2 catapults.
2) Retreat to the north to the tile 3N which will be safe from attack, but Frozen Jungle will not be defensible and they can move forward from there.
3) Defend Ditchdigger and let them get odds on every cuirassier attack (24 cuirs will have odds) and likely lose ~17 units on defense, possibly another two more if they press the attack with the remaining cuirassiers.

We can't retreat to the east because that tile will be attackable by cuirassier once Ditchdigger falls.

So yeah, I really don't see any good solutions.

Given what I saw when you were logged in, I think this might be GG as no one has been doing any unit book keeping and I have a feeling that our bank account's basically run dry now on units moving west.

We errored and lost our whole anti-CP stack and then stripped our north so we can't kill Poly's Rifles. Even if we draft ourselves into the ground, it'll take until T180 before we have enough rifles to match what Poly has on the map now at which point we will have spent our catapults unless we pull them back now. We don't have any specific reply on what to do to combat CFC other than 'we will have some rifles' and to pull out of Starfall and Eastern Dealers. Long term planning is non-existent and our info is disorganized making it hard to have any fun. :\

I guess my point is that I'm not sure if there's enough desire/commitment/in game material to turn this around and make a game of it.
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Yeah, I pretty much agree with that.

We won't get any war weariness.

We obviously wait whether we get a diplo answer this turn. If not, we attack.

Complete both forts with the workers available. (2x N-NW of Ditchdigger + 2x NE of Ditchdigger for the Ditchdigger fort)
Draft Horse Feathers and have the drafted musket go onto the galley (before the galley moves.)
Now we can move the galley to the fort and unload both the cat (which can move on and fight this turn) and the musket (unload) so it can defend that fort.

The second fort S of Ditchdigger will be our staging and defense tile.
Now every attacking unit goes through the Ditchdigger fort.

We have 9 catapults to go in frst (8x N of Ditchdigger + the one unloaded from the galley).
We follow that up with the muskets and maces from Ditchdigger and three knights (2x N-NW of Ditchdigger; 1x S of PETA)
The Pike from Ditchdigger should go to defend the Frozen Jungle Fort, in case they blitz through Ditchdigger and want to occupy that.

Desert Ditchdigger and pile our defenders (from N-NW of Ditchdigger, those 7 maces, musket and 6 cats) into the fort 1S of Ditchdigger to protect what is left of our attackers. Cats cant get flanked in forts, right?
Leave only a token defense in Ditchdigger.

Move the Mano y Mano stack to 1N of Ditchdigger. (Leave only a mace in Mano y Mano to prevent their lone Horse Archer in Costalot to take it uncontested).

Move the Mace and Cat stack that is currently 2S of Beyaz Penir back south to the tile 3N of Ditchdigger.

All those units will give us options against Civplayers next turn.

Move the southern Gourmet Menu stack northwards (SE of Horse Feathers) for now. We decide next turn what we do with it.

In the north against Apolyton we trade territory for time over the next turns. The key is that we create a localized force advantage. And we do this against Civplayers.

All those little cities on infrastructure should go for muskets. No matter whether they are in the extreme south or in North Germany. We need boots on the ground now.
The maces in Dom Dilemma and The X Factor head towards Doppelgänger. The middle east axe can go to Dom Dilemma if we fear a little naval invasion there. Or not. Northern Germany is completely expandable at the moment.
All scattered units currently on route somewhere should aim for the area between Frozen Jungle and Ditchdigger.

With the drafting and whipping Rifling has been pushed to T176 unfortunately. Can't be helped.
All smaller cities should focus food and growth so we have some whipping potential over the next couple of turns and before they fall to our enemies.

Any workers we can spare (SW of Speed Racer) should go and improve the road network between Forbidden Fruit and Eastern Dealers. There is at least 3 tiles that could do with a road.

The worst that can happen next turn is that Civplayers takes Ditchdigger and wipes a lot of our troops.
We could then retaliate with what we have left in the area.
On T174 Civplayers in a worst case scenario blitzes Frozen Jungle and takes Mano y Mano. And Apolyton takes Beyaz Penir.

For Civplayers that should be it. They would have stretched their supply lines massively by then. They don't have the population potential near the front line to whip draft any reinforcements in time. And our southern stack can come into play by T175.

People, please think about what you want to do with a GG. Depending on where he is born, it can open up some tactical options of spreading 20XP over units close to promotion or stuff.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

We also have maces in Winter Wasteland and Let it Snow. Pull them out to Gourmet Menu.
There is also a lone spear on the southern coast. Pull it north. Its useless where it is.

Two of the three seven tribes muskets can shift north as well.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Erm, the 1S of DD fort was never completed. I don't think we have the workers to complete both forts this turn.

The mace in LIS is currently for MP. We can move the other units though. The rest makes sense, more or less. I'm not sure whether the 25% defense in 1S of DD is more important or the extra catapult from finishing the coastal fort.

So there is not a half finished fort 1S of Ditchdigger as the sign suggests?
"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

There is a half finished fort. I don't see how we'll finish both that fort and the fort that allows the catapult to unload. There may be more workers in range of the second fort than I remember though.

Oh, we have plenty of workers for both forts if both are half complete. We have 12 workers for both forts.

We can action chain them down from the north.
Will explain later.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Here it goes:
2 of the workers currently 2S of Beyaz Peynir go to 1E of PETA Crusaders and road it.
This allows the two workers currently 1E of PETA Crusaders to work on the Frozen Jungle fort.
2 of 5 workers currently at the Frozen Jungle fort construction site, finish the fort. (I checked and it need 4 turns to complete, so we are good there.)
What we have left is:
1 worker 1S of PETA Crusader that can reach the Ditchdigger fort site and work.
3 workers from the Frozen Jungle fort site that are not required there.
2 workers NE of Ditchdigger.
2 workers N-NW of Ditchdigger.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

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