Remembered what I was doing with the galleons. Could not take out Dilfer (in the west) because he's got two hill skirmishers there. He's got a galley within range of Coma Kit but I'm fairly sure he's got no units on board. I did move the workers away as a precaution.
rego upgraded his warrior at McCoy to a maceman even though no galleons were in range this turn, so that was nice. He's still in Caste/Pac which is pretty odd... Continued with the marble plan and the galleon plan. Started teching Gunpowder, rego got Feudalism. Will be interesting to see what scooter is teching.
Hmm I was looking back at our chat at the beginning of the game where I threw out my pregame winning probabilities and just remembered that Ruff is the only person with a late game UU. We'll see if he gets to use it meaningfully or not...
Okay, read all the threads. Brief postmortem. This will be the first real postmortem that I've ever written.
First thing is, I apologize for kind of back-dooring into this game. I probably would have asked to join the game if the map wasn't made by Commodore.
Things we did well:
1) Picking Victoria
2) Settling cities with IMP
3) Spamming cottages at the capital
4) Building MoM and the Colossus
5) Early National Epic
6) Spawning five GPs during the GA
7) Resource trades (thanks for stone, rego! )
Things we did poorly:
1) That embarrassing stretch where we could not settle Hick Test due to rego's galley.
2) Should have gone for the guaranteed GM in NHL instead of a GS during the GA. The flexibility was worthwhile, and I overcalculated the worth of GSes compared to GMs, because bulbs don't get the usual 1.2x multiplier. Plus merchants are better than scientists.
3) Whipping AWB twice in a row right before the GA.
4) Never seemed to build enough ziggurats. I don't really know why.
5) Poor scouting, that seems to happen to me a lot. This was kind of a passive choice.
We had absolutely no access to stone. The closest stone was across the map. Meanwhile rego and scooter had stone on an island next to their blob. rego's island had two stone! Ruff had a second ring island which was like 2.5 ring to Ichabod. So Ichabod got a bit screwed here too. There was also a big lack of hills (except I think on Ruff's blob), desert hill gold is not close to equal to grassland gems, and I think the fish/nonfish balance was also suspect. novice's tool is not a substitute for actually looking at the map that you've made.
Doing some reading here It seems that the Northern spot was the winning place to be after all. It's also nice to see that you hated copper, stone and horse placements as much as I did..
It seems we made many similar decisions in this game, leader/civ picks, city placements etc. I know that comparison between the games is not necessirarily meaningful, but it's kind of fun anyways. So here are couple of quick data points.
Our T106 demos were very close to each other (comparing rival averages is interesting also as an indication of how tough the competition was):
You with 90 % research on Music:
Me while saving gold:
I also added in the same data from greens into the following list (vets T111, greens T110)
(February 19th, 2013, 22:09)pindicator Wrote: Total Population & City Count:
Ruff: 13 cities, 71 pop Fintourist: 13 cities, 67 pop Pindicator + Noble: 12 cities, 63 pop Rego: 12 cities, 55 pop Azza: 11 cities, 52 pop Scooter: 10 cities, 49 pop Sareln: 10 cities, 46 pop Viqsi: 9 cities, 45 pop Ichabod: 9 cities, 42 pop Hydra: 7 cities, 34 pop
I did no manage to easily find comparable beaker statistics, let's see if I have energy for it later. In our game me and Sareln were teching fairly fast I think. Our Lib date was earlier, because you managed to sandbag it significantly longer.
I'll have to read your thread today Fintourist (I've been a lazy lurker of late, although an alliterative one). But that is pretty remarkable that our Crop Yield was so close. Follow the Food!
If you really want to get crazy with comparing, I can always send you save files
Edit: Following that link to the city & population got to remind me of when I tried to pull some psuedo-math on Noble to justify building Globe just because I wanted to build Globe. And then Seven called me on it
I doubt that I will really have that much time for comparing our games, but thanks anyway! And congrats for the win, you guys manage to get it way earlier than me. I guess MoM + Lib was such a depressing combo.
I was actually pretty shocked how we planted so many cities in the same locations when I first looked at your thread, actually. Partially because some of the locations were rather unorthodox due to the general awkwardness of the resource locations and yet we both used them.
But yeah we spammed settlers and stretched across the map to get stone. Razing Ichabod's fourth city was what allowed that, of course.