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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Gandhi of Korea (Broker33 & plako)

Moving would bring also 2 more forests in to the BFC. However if map makers have balanced this map the way I suspect there should be fair chance that some resource is located on those non-forested grassland tiles in the west. I think from these 2 alternatives it is probably safest to settle in place. However I've new alternative i.e. moving settler 2N.

pros of that site:
*all land
* located on a hill
* More riverside tiles
* No levee
* No fresh water
* Early commerce before cottages
* Need another city to collect furs and crabs
* No coastal access (delays our early exploration through water)

All in all settling in place is probably still best alternative.

If you accept losing another turn (which is quite harsh), 3N would be really good, you have all your listed advantage + riverside (fresh water bonus + levee much later). It also will leave enough room for a second city with not too many overlap at the mouth of the river (either where settler is or 1SE would be quite nice).

So many possible spots. We could also found city N-N-NE. That would provide even more riverside tiles and no need to settle on the grassland hill and we could settle our next city on the original capital location or 1E of it depending on the possible resources emerging. Settler could move now NW-NE and before desiding where to settle next turn warrior could move N. This way we might be able to skip early Fishing and Hunting and go for simple Agri-BW-priesthood route and get a shot at Oracle. Assuming we've copper to secure us. Otherwise we might had to tech hunting and AH before Priesthood.

edit. My current preference is moving settler NW-NE and hopefully settle NE or move N to settle turn after it.

Wow lots of choices. My initial thought is that we dont want to be waiting 2-3 turns to settle 1 is ok but if we were to settle north and then backfill to the original capital spot why not settle capital there and plant 2nd city north?

We could have a strong capital and a strong second city inland and still get the jump on the growth curve. Also early happy resource is very useful.

Also if we move north we cannot see what is in the fog could be bad land.

Main reason to move is to get stronger capital for spitting out settlers and workers early and maximise Bureacracy bonus later without need to move the capital.

In these respects northern capital is a lot stronger. Early on riverside wheat tile is lot better than crab tile. Crab is only worth 4 food+2 commerce for quite a long time and to get even there we need Fishing + Work boat. We get 5 food + 1 hammer + 1 Commerce from the wheat after farming it. If we delay settling 1-2 turn catch up time from working Wheat instead of Crab is short. As a bureacracy capital Northern sites are better. They provide lot of riverside tiles that could be cottaged.

Main problem that I see is in northern sites is weaker early commerce before we're able to build cottages or get Library up for Scientists.

We can already deduct from what we see that Both N-N and N-N-NE are strong places. There are lot of Grassland riverside tiles. We won't make big mistake, if we move and don't see all the tiles. Biggest threat is that the tile we settle contains a resource like copper or iron.

Well if we are going to move 3 n seems the best location with fresh water and future levee's. If the goal is a strong cap then lets go for the strongest possible

I keep waffeling. Coastal capital isnt a bad thing either and ships will be important.

You can decide settling position and settling right away is definately alright. Getting early Work boat scouts is also important. However I really like the the northern positions and my preference is to move our settler now NW-NE and make the final desicion next turn after the warrior has moved 1N.

Currently 3N north seems long term best position. However I don't mind that much losing levee or fresh water bonus. Steam power comes too late to be an issue now and capital with strong production we can afford also building health improving buildings.

Settling north gives us good chance to get Oracle. We basically only need Agriculture, BW and Priesthood. We might even be able to delay BW (assuming we consider our position secure enough) after Polytheism and Meditation and try to get religion after Agriculture.

Well how is this for a plan.

We can move for the nw ne this turn. Move the warrior N next turn and decide settling. If we go for the best site 3N we can get out an early settler before too much exploring is done and send it to the 1E location for a settler pump while we build oracle if that is what we decide?

Sounds good. We should've easily time to produce 2*Workers, 3-4*Warriors and settler before it is time to start Oracle. While building Oracle I suggest we research Wheel+Pottery and hopefully can grab Metal Casting. If that takes too long we might want to take Monarchy.

btw. If we're going to settle 3N no matter what we could move our settler NW-NW to reveal some extra tiles.

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