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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Ugh, I knew it, missionary fail at Iris. Build another one at Carina after the settler, and hold the Taoist missionary until we successfully spread? If we get Taoism in there we'll lower our chances of success.

But yes, we did get the Artist. dance

I moved the galley south one tile and we did indeed get a trade route with WK.

Nothing interesting really. Ten fish indicates they have a water-heavy empire too though. They actually don't have many contacts right now.

Looks like 4t to Guilds. Nobody that we know of (i.e. everyone but Gavagai) has it right now. I also checked and Nationalism takes 7t currently.

Declared war on WK and moved in.

Setup cities for the Knights-micro. I marked those with "setup for Knights". Please don't change anything on the tile configuration on them, some of them the micro is pretty tricky (especially Iris as it has nearly too much production so that 2-pop whipping a Knights gets really hard because 1 pop is already 52 hammers). And I have a better estimate now even though I still haven't finished the micro for the cities. I assume we should get ~25-30 Knights in the first wave. Depends a little bit on travel time though. But 22 should definitely be doable by T151 I guess.

I didn't realize that we are going to whip Iris too. crazyeye I don't think I've ever whipped a Moai city...are you sure we need to do that?

I unloaded the central exploring galley vulture and we found Gavagai's work boat. He also has 12 cities, and no Guilds. High score for someone with only twelve cities... Anyway, I guess we'll keep exploring west until we defog a route to him and then turn back and finish exploring the islands?

(October 7th, 2013, 20:12)NobleHelium Wrote: I didn't realize that we are going to whip Iris too. crazyeye I don't think I've ever whipped a Moai city...are you sure we need to do that?

Yes, as that gets us 2 additional Knights in time for the first wave wink We will whip away mostly unhappy pop though so its really just 1 pop we lose that we can't work. In exchange for 105 hammers. I would say that's a good trade.

Regarding the central galley: Yes, think exploring further makes the most sense.

Okay that sounds good.

I logged in to check things and saw that WK offered us a treaty which I declined, since our galley would get booted out of their territory and we wouldn't be able to re-declare. He may sink our galley of course, but I guess that's a risk we'll have to take.

Also, I noticed that Sian's latest city that we've defogged has slowcheetah culture around it, so we're likely to come across his borders soon. Shall we offer OB, which is more likely to be accepted now than when he sees our work boat? I'm pretty sure we'll have more to gain than he does if his border does indeed block our work boat.

Also, Gavagai has Alphabet.

He is up: Alphabet, Construction
We are up: Feudalism, Theology, Music, Philosophy, Horseback Riding
Notable common techs: Machinery, Civil Service

(October 8th, 2013, 09:20)NobleHelium Wrote: I logged in to check things and saw that WK offered us a treaty which I declined, since our galley would get booted out of their territory and we wouldn't be able to re-declare. He may sink our galley of course, but I guess that's a risk we'll have to take.

Also, I noticed that Sian's latest city that we've defogged has slowcheetah culture around it, so we're likely to come across his borders soon. Shall we offer OB, which is more likely to be accepted now than when he sees our work boat? I'm pretty sure we'll have more to gain than he does if his border does indeed block our work boat.

yeah, offering ob makes sense. I'll log in to do so in a few minutes

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