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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

What are the benefits of whipping this turn for 2 pop?

Edit: Doing a Noble impersonation, by the way.

Benefit is more overflow, getting the Knights done accurately with overflow for Temple and Monastery. Without that whip we will have to produce for several rounds before we even can whip the first Knight. Which would most likely make the second come to late for the first wave.

On that note: BaII has gotten Construction (you can see a bridge on the road to the sugar in his land). And we won't have any high defense tiles to sit on as he is chopping the jungle. I expect him to hit us with Catapults when we move in. We might have to think about if it isn't smarter not to split our forces and instead move onto the tile 2E of FeedshotGG (his western city). He is as said chopping the jungle so we will fork the cities. And with around 30 units we should be able to absorb quite a few of his catapults before he gets odds on us (even if he damages all vultures and attacks with his spears our Knights, and if all our promo-Knights get damaged as well, he still will only have a 50% shot to win those fights IF his spears are double-promoted).

Also: We can build culture now. I would suggest we do so in Renate. That way we can keep the hill. We can do so this and next turn while we finish chopping the jungle 1E of it. Two turns after we can finish a workshop on that tile and work that to secure the tile. Will delay the granary, but again, I would put the security of having that mountain tile over the good of that city.

Oh, and I know what we will produce in Iris next turn. A chariot. We can finish it by working the hill on that one turn. That chariot will have 5 XP, enough for Sentry. We can have that a little bit forward even when we keep the mountain and will be able to see what he has before we have to commit all our forces.

Well, anotehr knight in the first wave seems way better than another pop working whatever tile. So, whipping seems good.

Isn't there a way to whip the knight first and overflow to finish the forge? Probably not, but I guess is worth throwing the idea.

(October 8th, 2013, 14:02)Serdoa Wrote: Oh, and I know what we will produce in Iris next turn. A chariot. We can finish it by working the hill on that one turn. That chariot will have 5 XP, enough for Sentry. We can have that a little bit forward even when we keep the mountain and will be able to see what he has before we have to commit all our forces.

Can you get it to the mainland (maybe not mainland anymore, since we changed the capital) in time?

Thing is, we don't want to finish the Forge after whipping another unit as that would cost us the 25% modifier on that whip. Finishing the forge now and then whipping gets us 74 hammers for 2 pop. Whipping a unit and finishing with that overflow the forge only gets us 60. And also we would want to produce much overflow for the next unit already as the production is too low on its own to even carry us to the point were we can again 2-pop whip a Knight. Putting that instead into the Forge would not only counteract that idea but would also mean that we either would lose more hammers (because if you finish a forge you'll get the overflow of the forge-build divided by 1.25 despite that the forge-build itself never benefitted from the forge-multiplier -> forge-bug) or would again not have overflow for the unit.

Re: Galley: Yes. The one galley we have is actually enough to do it as it was luckily in the right place this turn that I could move it where it has to be. We will have even a turn to spare with it before it has to ferry the Knights.

And btw, the micro at Isabella is really dirty. Its one of the farthest away cities from the front we have. To get a Knight for an attack on T151 from there it has to start moving latest on T144. Guilds finishes EOT141. That's 2 turns to finish a Knight in a 7 pop city with at most 9 base hpt. So I really just hoped to get that done. When I finished micro, I instead was reminded on a parody on Star Trek I saw once:

Kirk: Scotty, how does it look?
Scotty: The Dilithium-crystals are broken. We need 4 weeks to repair them.
Kirk: I give you 4 hours.
Scotty: Ok, I'll do it in 2.

So, I'll do the same, I'll get us two. Knights that is. And a LB. Micro relies on the fact that we have already invested in the HA. So we start a LB now and whip it on T141 for 2-pop. On T142 we 2-pop whip the HA->Knight + get a chop. Total of 172 hammers. And that's enough to finish the next turn another Knight.

And the end-total is 27 Knights in the first wave.

edit: 30 would be possible but would trash the cities too much. Some take a heavy hit as it is. Stacking 3 unhappy hurts, especially with our happy cap. Do we have anywhere a happy we can acquire additionally maybe? That would really help.

Sure, whip Katharina now. Just make sure you calculated the overflow correctly due to the forge bug. tongue

I logged in to take a look, moving all the knights to the fork tile 2E of FeedshotGG sounds good. God those city names are retarded. Anyway, I didn't whip Katharina since I don't know what tiles you want to work. If you drop cottages there make sure to pick them up with Heidi.

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