sunrise089 Wrote:However I see the value in option 4. We just need to acknowledge the riskiness of warriors only with Zulu out there.
I'll say this...if we do go Option 4 I prefer to sling Metal Casting instead of Feudalism. I can't see us waiting until turn 70 or 80 to expose a strategic resource. We can send our first Worker with the Settler and chop The Oracle out at city 2, squeeze a few Workers out at Athens while researching Pottery -> Animal Husbandry, and pre-chop some forests to get a fast Forge online after Metal Casting comes in. We sacrifice less in terms of expansion and security than trying to grab Feudalism, and we don't have to worry about a Great Prophet mucking up our lightbulb strategy.
The Oracle is 150 Hammers and a Monument is another 30. Once we have a second city site we can sim out how long it would take to complete The Oracle and determine if it makes sense to try. It would help if the second site is fed by grain instead of meat
