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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Gandhi of Korea (Broker33 & plako)

Warrior continues SE and founds more riverside grassland and silk. This land favors cottages over specialists.

[Image: civ4screenshot0285.jpg]

Yes it does. Do you think the warrior should go ne or move to the silk then the hill then start the loop around north and west

Broker33 Wrote:Yes it does. Do you think the warrior should go ne or move to the silk then the hill then start the loop around north and west

I don't have strong opinion. Maybe silk tile.

Found another silk I am thinking move to the hill then swing n

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0024.jpg]

Hill seems best to me also.

I moved to the hill and WOW that is close yikes

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0027.jpg]

Still think warrior needs to swing north and around to the west. probably ne then n

Intresting, although a bit disappointing that we've nation close enough for warrior rush. Is it LiPing? Her borders haven't yet popped in the capital (2 turns behind us). What do depends her actions. Unless she moves warrior to protect her capital optimal solution would be to head towards her capital since it is almost certainly undefended. However I'm not sure we want to play this game like that. Other alternative is to contact her immediately to agree upon long NAP and our border and we really want a city between us.

PM from Lping

Quote:Hello Korea, just noticed your Warrior on the hill, I do not have Broker's contact info (plako's is edited so I thought I'd send you a message to ask, and also find out if you are free to chat currently.

She didnt settle right away so I am guessing she moved our way. But I agree way too close.

My thoughts: We should probably rush and take her out if she dosent move warrior to cover capital. I believe she is agressive rome after all and being nice will only get us a praet headache.

Long term Nap is another possibility but we need to get cities out there inbetween us.

Chat with LPing

Have some decisions to make. Capitals 8 tiles apart. If we switch build now we should be able to have another warrior available before she could rush. Could also take her up on the 50/50 chance at another capital smile

Quote:me: greetings
liping.rb: hello, I just type here, right?
me: yep
real easy
liping.rb: never used this before lol, bear with me
12:15 PM me: only one that work firewall dosent block
12:16 PM liping.rb: oh and my apologies in advance before we start, because I'm fully aware I'm a terrible diplomat tongue
12:17 PM me: Well unlike the other game I cannot make unilateral decisions regardign diplomacy so I have to consult with my partner on all matters
12:18 PM Definatly alot less room between capitals. May I ask how far west of you initial starting point you moved?
12:19 PM liping.rb: yes, of course; I notice you are both around currently, does this have a multi-chat function to make it easier or do you already have some idea in mind?
12:20 PM me: well he only uses msn which I have also logged into. I like this as it keep logs. He isnt logged in at the moment time zone difference is a pain sometimes
12:21 PM also alot of people use this
did my question on your move west get through?
12:22 PM liping.rb: yes, but I would like to ask in return, you clearly have the better knowledge of the terrain between us, would you be willing to exchange information on the distance between in exchange?
... boy that looks clumsy
me: you are uncomfortably close smile
liping.rb: lol, I could say the same
me: we are not agressive rome
12:23 PM liping.rb: well at the moment, we are both "people with clubs" smile
me: true smile
Yes if you let me know how far west you moved I will tell you the distance to capitals
12:24 PM liping.rb: 4sq
me: damn they started us close. Hang on let me count
12:25 PM we are 8 tiles west on the coast started 12 tiles apart can guess it is probably uniform both sides
12:26 PM liping.rb: dang, lol
12:27 PM me: like I said uncomfortable not like the first pitboss which took almost 30 turn to meet someone
liping.rb: yeah, I admit, I wasn't expecting to see anyone early on who didn't use a scout
12:28 PM I saw standard size map on the info screen so I figured I would just circle the capital and wait for second warrior
12:29 PM me: my connection is acting up
liping.rb: Pretty glad I did now as it is, or I'd probably be looking at getting killed instantly smile
12:30 PM me: I was quite surprised to see borders when I hit the hill
12:31 PM liping.rb: I was quite surprised to see the warrior, I'd just gone back to check demographics because I'd gotten something wrong
me: thought we had a scout?
liping.rb: no, I miscalculated something about someone's build
12:32 PM me: Ah I dont know how to do that smile
fly by the seat of my pants
liping.rb: heh, I just thought I'd take the opportunity to try, don't really get to do it in any other game
and it helps with my secondary objective tongue
12:33 PM me: after reading the demo game I am sure people can tell when I pick my nose smile
May I ask what your secondary objective is?
12:34 PM liping.rb: Sure, well, playing in teams is obviously somewhat more fun, but I didn't really want to be just like "Hi, here I am, please team up with me", because then I'm just someone random who came out of nowhere and has no credibility
similarily I didn't want to say anything about the demogame when it was in progress because it's like... the show of the people who were there all along, and who would I be to just jump in and start talking (at least that's what I think)
12:35 PM so I am hoping to at least show I am somewhat competent or useful enough that people might consider taking me on if we have future games, lol
me: I did the random thing. It worked out for me he thinks alot different and we have very good discussions and come up to a plan. Took forever to decide to settle in place when I generally just do it.
liping.rb: of course, I could just be making an idiot out of myself and they could all be laughing at how many things I get wrong, for all I know
12:36 PM Ah, but you were already established smile
me: Nope first pitboss was my first game. And I know I made my share of weedy moves
before that I lurked
12:37 PM I think I had 4 or 5 posts before the game
liping.rb: I vote that the first pitboss establishes you smile
me: Ok cant argue that smile
I was just thinking that if there is another civ similar distance they other way scouting needs to be cut short
12:38 PM liping.rb: fair enough
to be honest, I was hoping someone's scout would run into me from your direction, if anyone did
12:39 PM I suppose the more immediate question is, now that we are here, assuming the idea isn't to start generating large amounts of guys with clubs, what now?
12:40 PM me: Yes that is the question. Need to discuss with my partner but what were your ideas?
liping.rb: since, I don't expect you to tell me, if the idea to generate lots of guys with clubs smile
12:41 PM well... I will go over my most immediate idea, and I know it's going to sound a little hostile, so please bear with me, lol
12:42 PM my initial thought is to move on the same hill as you, and hope you decide to move towards my capital so that the only choice I have is to attack and so I don't have to think about it tongue
me: LOL stake your game on a 50/50 battle eh
liping.rb: lol
12:43 PM well, I admit, with this little invested, it's not too bad an option to end up among the lurkers smile
and I'm finding the pressure to play fast from people in the email thread very stressful lol
12:44 PM me: early turns people want to fly through. We now have things to think about so a more sedate pace is desired smile
liping.rb: actually, I feel like the first 15 turns are the slowest tongue
so much numbercrunching
12:45 PM me: I dont number crunch so I just move my scout hit end turn smile
decide what I am going to do at turn one then go
12:46 PM liping.rb: and failing you deciding to charge me with warriors...
12:47 PM I suppose my next plan would be to try and negotiate some satisfactory way for you to move your guy away from where my border will be so that I can scout somewhere and not leave two warriors sitting there smile
should you be deciding to try to choke me or something with the guy with the club, that is smile
12:49 PM me: yes those would be the discussions. I have messages out to my partner and need to discuss with him this was unexpected so I have no idea what he will want to do.
Simply havent discussed it yet
We have time though smile
liping.rb: heh, at least it's not yesterday
12:50 PM I don't really get free time on Fri/Sat, not usually at home until Sun evening
12:51 PM me: It is sunday 11:50 here. Plako wont be available to discuss for another 4-5 hrs
liping.rb: 3:20 am for me, stayed up a bit
me: get some sleep. Should have some info for you in the AM
liping.rb: 8 tiles is a bit ugly though
me: yep
12:52 PM liping.rb: if anyone of us settles inbetween, only one city can fit
me: yep
liping.rb: and it'll be kind of culturally squashed too
actually, no, disregard that
me: Real close even if you settled in place on 1 city each would have fit between us
liping.rb: I couldn't really settle in place
12:53 PM me: realy starting spot should have been similar to ours smile fair map and all
liping.rb: I had hmm
12:54 PM 10 water tiles, two hills
me: maio capital must have had 2 seafood sources at least good for whipping
liping.rb: a non adjacent rice
a crab and a fur
12:55 PM me: that is alot of water
liping.rb: how is yours, lol
me: similar little less water
liping.rb: so yeah, I moved towards the rice
12:56 PM and I saw 3 resources, so I went there
me: cool we thought about moving but settling was the better choice for us
12:57 PM liping.rb: well, as it turns out, not so cool, lol
me: Well I hate to cut this short but football (american version) is about to start smile
We will send you a message once I have discussed with Plako
liping.rb: fair enough, tata

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