Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Gandhi of Korea (Broker33 & plako)

I'm quite busy and haven't got time to go properly all the discussion and I had to be going again. From what I could gather she doesn't seem that intrested in being friendly with us and I feel it bit strange she is so intrested in getting our warrior to open field. Maybe she has anonther warrior coming as she saids. We could move to NE and let her make the desicion, if she wants to attack. But I'll think about this and come back to this in ~5h.

The other nation is almost certainly having a scout so it is either Greece, HRE or Zulu. Zulu seems only one she wouldn't like and also makes us her primary target.

More discussion

I think we should go for it. She does want it for some reason. I feel like I have pocket Q's with a raise and re-raise in front of me. Hard to go all in but hard to fold. Does us declaring war affect the RNG at all? Curious why she is so insistant we are the ones to declare.

Quote:me: I wonder who the poor sap on the other side of zulu is smile
much quicker uu
9:41 AM liping.rb: but SCOUT start
me: Ah that is why you are safe from them.
liping.rb: that was why I didn't pick them
I hate scouts, honestly
9:42 AM me: I like them for thier speed and hut popping but they die quick and it feels like a waste of hammers
liping.rb: I hate how having them to begin with slows your start unless you're willing to take risks
me: hard to go worker first with only a scout to defend smile
liping.rb: hope that it wins on defense smile
9:43 AM anyway, should we talk about formal terms for the dice?
9:44 AM me: Still waiting on plako to weigh in
9:45 AM liping.rb: just so that you have a clear idea what I'm offering smile
me: sure but needs to be quick I have a meeting in 15 min
liping.rb: in the event that you declare war on me after moving, I offer various info from demographic if I lose
9:46 AM and offer a 10 turn nap if I win
me: how about 15?
it would take you 10 to get there anyway
liping.rb: 12, then
9:47 AM me: ok I will post it smile
liping.rb: and that is if you declare on me, and not make me declare on you smile
me: not sure if that matters but ok
liping.rb: I get to look like the good guy if I lose smile
9:48 AM me: lurkers will read the post. Still your suggestion smile
liping.rb: and I think it's funny smile

Hmmm lurkers keep comenting in other threads. Wonder why we get no attention?

Because we all support Rome:neenernee.

I didn't comment on Rome's thread either....

Difficult to comment here, all depends on your perception of the situation.
You are on a warrior vs warrior situation, you have no idea what to expect in Rome land so it is much harder to say anything without risking a spoiler.
Also you are 2 players and we don't know exacly what both of you are thinking of the situation...

Because you post your updates in the wrong forum :neenernee
Just kidding, of course lol

I'm sure we're all reading yours just as much Broker, i know i am.

Very interested to see how this situation develops smile

We all know post count is the true measure of the game smile Just fishing for more posts.

Didnt expect 2 :neenernee out of three though tongue

I can tell you that starting 8 tiles away from agressive rome is not a fun start frown

The more she sells the less I want to buy. 30% isn't exactly a coin flip and she might actually head directly towards our capital instead of attacking with her warrior, if we move towards her capital (especially if she gets warrior there early enough to wait for our warrior). We can handle Praets, if we get metal and choose our battles wisely. If I count right she would be on our capital before we get our warrior ready.

I've a new idea. since she isn't gonna be nive towards us we shouldn't either or play according to her wishes. What would you think, if we move SW and declare war this turn so we would force her to lose 1 turn in his journey or take a shot with bad odds. We would have time to build 2nd warrior and position new warrior to forested hill. We should switch tech BW after agriculture and hopefully hook copper before her. We could offer cease fire immediately after this turn, if she is intrested. Main thing here is to get 2nd warrior ready in time. Obviovously we should change our tech path also Agriculture-BW would be best path.

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