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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

If I don't die, I actually might, it's still the best hammer tile in this city area, and I could rush out Archery or well... Iron Working. I agree, the deer is a much better choke tile, but it's secure enough to be unreachable, this is the next best thing?

Oh, and here is the view from Coinflip Hill -
[Image: CoinflipHill.jpg]

My sandbox test seems to say that if I DoW them right now, I get bounced one tile SE.

Looks like I'm a bit late here, but I would have retreated and invited them to choke/try to take the city. If they choked then train a warrior to choke them as well. Maybe bluff that you started with a warrior build, but I'd avoid talk of NAPs as I assume you'll want to Praet-rush them anyway.

Two votes for bad move then lol
More seriously though, this is great, getting pretty lively here smile

Does the NAP really matter though? It's not like I'm offering one that is very 'helpful', it happens to run out at around the time needed to raise an army...

I generally feel like I'm chatting with him each time rather than negotiating.

Quote:broker0033: at least I didnt post it in the wrong HRE thread smile
That was my first thought when it wasnt where I thought I put it

LiPing: I guess there is that, lol
unfortunately, I saw it

broker0033: Nothing too damaging just a sum up of the wall of text
shouldnt have been surprising

LiPing: a little bad... but yeah, what can you do, could be worse I guess

broker0033: Still the interest is in a long term partner
But lets let Plako read it. My fault for the delay

broker0033: I am at work and cannot see the game did you move the warrior to the hill?

LiPing: yes

broker0033: Ok just waiting to hear from Plako. Deal is still on the table right?

LiPing: which one?

broker0033: possible nap/settling agreement

LiPing: subject to full formal wording, if it has to be, I guess
just unfortunately, I know you think I'm unreliable and you know I know you think I'm reliable, so yeah
honestly not expecting it to go through, haha

LiPing: actually I'd probably rather it didn't now, it'd be easier to play that way without feeling weird about the accidental spoil, not that there might be much to play the other way, lol

broker0033: It was just a comment on your desire to keep it short. Seemed you had plans

LiPing: honestly I felt quite put off by the 'this is our land, you sign this and go away' feeling I was getting

broker0033: It was a starting position, you have to start somewhere

LiPing: but overall, no hard feelings tongue

broker0033: No but I had a framework with which I had to negoitate in. As I said we would be willing to discuss the settling of that area

LiPing: better pick china or something next time lol

broker0033: China? cho-ku-nu yeah that would have been useful but probably too later

LiPing: for agri/mining start
and not everyone gets scared as soon as they see you, lol

broker0033: we have mining to start. Oh you mean you pick china
Nobody wants agressive rome as a neighbor smile

LiPing: oh, you'd be surprised actually lol

broker0033: ?

LiPing: some people actually do, heh

broker0033: Who another agressive civ?
early uu stalemate

LiPing: yeah, those don't always work out too badly
(although it seems a bit counterintuitive and all)

broker0033: It did for Ruff and Imhotep smile

LiPing: the world can just agree not to follow that example smile

Sent at 12:59 AM on Tuesday
broker0033: So who is your other neighbor are are you still not willing to share that info?

LiPing: zulu

broker0033: agressive zulu and agressive rome side by side again eh?

LiPing: pretty good eh?

broker0033: just peachy smile

LiPing: seems to be a feature of random placement tongue

Sent at 1:05 AM on Tuesday
broker0033: I wonder who the poor sap on the other side of zulu is smile
much quicker uu

LiPing: but SCOUT start
that was why I didn't pick them

broker0033: Ah that is why you are safe from them.

LiPing: I hate scouts, honestly

broker0033: I like them for thier speed and hut popping but they die quick and it feels like a waste of hammers

LiPing: I hate how having them to begin with slows your start unless you're willing to take risks

broker0033: hard to go worker first with only a scout to defend smile

LiPing: hope that it wins on defense smile
anyway, should we talk about formal terms for the dice?

broker0033: Still waiting on plako to weigh in

LiPing: just so that you have a clear idea what I'm offering smile

broker0033: sure but needs to be quick I have a meeting in 15 min

LiPing: in the event that you declare war on me after moving, I offer various info from demographic if I lose
and offer a 10 turn nap if I win

broker0033: how about 15?
it would take you 10 to get there anyway

LiPing: 12, then

broker0033: ok I will post it smile

LiPing: and that is if you declare on me, and not make me declare on you smile

broker0033: not sure if that matters but ok

LiPing: I get to look like the good guy if I lose smile

broker0033: lurkers will read the post. Still your suggestion smile

LiPing: and I think it's funny smile

Just attack me already, darnit lol

Say... actually, does it even go "<Civ1> has declared war on <Civ2>" in this format or am I just wasting my time with that offer?

It can be seen in the foreign relations tree where someone has "you declared war on us" as a relations modifier. But you have to have met both civs to see it. I'm not sure if it shows up in the game log but if it does, you will again probably need to ahve met both belligerents to see any message.

IF you declared war on Broker now, where would they're warrior go?
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Drat, well that was a waste of time then, I've been trying to get them to declare on me hoping that it'd say "Broker has declared on LiPing" and then if I won, I would have the 'moral advantage' (if there's such a thing) of turning up to fight the "evil" Korea later and all that... well, nevermind.

If I declare now, according to my test game, my warrior gets bumped SE, trying several tests, it seems that whoever declares from a shared tile gets bumped in the diagonal direction of their nearest city, I assume then that Korea will get bumped SW if they try.

Also, the border's expanded

Quote:Hi LiPing,

I am the only other aggressive guy, so if the threatening warrior is not a quechua smile, you have pretty good odds defeating him. If I am correct here, it’s something around 68%. I know it is still a gamble but much better than a plain fifty/fifty.

I am glad to hear you moved your settler west not east smile You settled on turn 2, and it means you moved between 2 and 5 squares from your starting position. And this means we are tightly packed. Not a surprise here, given that we play on a standard map smile
I don’t have the game in front of me, but I think your cap is something around 12 squares SW-W of mine. When I return home I will tell you exactly where my cap is.
Taking into account the size of the map it’s quite a lot of land between us. I don’t have a whole picture of the land there but I definitely agree we can work out our border peacefully.

With regard to the NAP or a potential alliance. I agree that the conclusion of a long NAP or an alliance will strengthen our civilizations. It is not only that we have secured our flank, it opens up the possibility of further cooperation, such as exchange of information, gold, UU. If not for anything else, I would do it for an amusing factor. I just imagine somebody’s face, when he see both aggressive Praets storming the front gate and aggressive Impis harassing his backyard smile

I live in Europe and I have only one time-window around 10-11 pm (GMT +1) for a game and possibly a chat. I have two kids, who need my constant attention smile If you are around that time we can chat in-game.

To sum it up:
- We both are willing to sign an alliance. How long should be our first NAP? For me the longer the better.
- How do we divide the land between us? I understand we wait for more map info and then decide. Until then we should tell each other if we plan a city in the area between our caps.



Also, if Broker screwed up and posted spoiler infomation in public, feel free to use it entirely to your advantage. He made the mistake, not you, so anything that happens because of it is entirely his fault, as you can't unlearn it.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

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