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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: 3) We probably want Democracy sooner than later for Emancipation. Not only for the cottage growth but also to annoy others. lol Any clue how the unhappy from that is calculated?

Civic_Unhappiness = City_Population * (Players_with_the_Civic / Players_Alive * 400) / 1000.

Played the turn. The western city still has only an axe but was 2 or 3-pop whipped this turn. I assume another defender next turn, most likely LB. Though in a non-hill city I don't think they make that much sense. More costly than a spear and just 2 str more but 75% defense less. And 75% are 3 str for the spear. Which means without any other bonuses spears should be better. Now every 25% are 1 str for the spear and 1.5 str for the LB, so he needs more than 25% bonus to get them to be equal. In this case the city provides 40% + 25% from fortify (at some point) means the LB has 0.8 str more than the spear. Or in absolute values 11.4 vs 10.6. But the LB costs 50 hammers while the spear costs 35. Lets say 3 spears for 2 LBs. I think you fair better with spears.

Well, whatever. I'll move a few Knights next turn in that direction. I could have done it this turn, but I don't see much point as we just had 1 undamaged Knight available, all others need to heal. Better to wait, we still will have odds on his axe (78%, more if we wait for a C1,S1 to be fully healed, I think that will take 3 turns though) and if he has a LB we can as well wait till we are fully healed and attack with a C2 Knight, also at positive odds for us.

Domestic matters: There is a sign to start the settler at Nina in 2 turns. Why not now? I don't think that changes anything, we will just work another coast.

Iris is fine as it is. I checked the numbers and we will get the Taj-build down by a turn when we grow another pop. Working the workshop already now instead does not speed it up any further. Also working the workshop and a engineer doesn't.

Else, I probably need a few catapults soonish. I think I wrote that already, did I? Anyhow, I think Fernanda, Katharina and some other city down there should provide 5-10 of those. That should be sufficient for our needs right now. I assume he will not defend with high numbers in one city but instead split them throughout his cities so we have to either waste cats or Knights on his defenders. Don't see a way to change that, though if he does it like that it also makes it more unlikely to get counterattacked.

(October 22nd, 2013, 16:13)flugauto Wrote:
(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: 3) We probably want Democracy sooner than later for Emancipation. Not only for the cottage growth but also to annoy others. lol Any clue how the unhappy from that is calculated?

Civic_Unhappiness = City_Population * (Players_with_the_Civic / Players_Alive * 400) / 1000.

Does that stack over time as well? Because if not, that means we have to eliminate quite a few players to make it felt. frown

(October 22nd, 2013, 16:16)Serdoa Wrote:
(October 22nd, 2013, 16:13)flugauto Wrote:
(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: 3) We probably want Democracy sooner than later for Emancipation. Not only for the cottage growth but also to annoy others. lol Any clue how the unhappy from that is calculated?

Civic_Unhappiness = City_Population * (Players_with_the_Civic / Players_Alive * 400) / 1000.

Does that stack over time as well? Because if not, that means we have to eliminate quite a few players to make it felt. frown

It is a percentage of the city population, up to 40%. If only you have the civic, it is 1/9 of 40%, which is about 5%.

We're waiting for the workers to be shipped over from Iris before settling the city south of Julia (I assume you mean that city and not Nina), no? The sign is timed such that we would build a road to the city right as the settler finishes. If we build it sooner then the settler would just take longer to reach the city site and it wouldn't have any tiles to work, so I don't think that makes sense. Unless you want to start the settler sooner and 2-whip it instead of 3, which is generally going to be less efficient since it's more turns of using the food tiles as hammers rather than food.

I don't see us running Emancipation except in brief bursts either in GA or between GAs (more likely the latter, but we'd need to reliably have another GA to switch out of the civic). The unhappiness is useless in a game larger than say four players, as noted above. We'll want to run Caste if we're not in Slavery once we get Chemistry. More on this later as promised.

Okay, some random points.

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:35)Krill Wrote: Not like I can answer that.

Then again, every single frigging person here seems to link to the Sirian doctrine once Astronomy is researched.

Sirian doctrine is often misremembered. A very key component of the doctrine is the ability for ships to bombard down defenses quickly. Ships are basically catapults on steroids for that purpose, but it's not available before Chemistry. (Although scooter asked me once whether triremes can bombard defenses and I laughed and told him that they were boats rowed by slaves with a big spear attached to the front.) We really need only one of the following to defend our capital adequately:

1) Superior land units, like rifles defending against knights.
2) Superior sea units, like frigates patrolling against galleons.
3) Nakor continuing to be our northwest neighbor.

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:41)Serdoa Wrote: Yeah, we'll have to push more to the west (see my last post) to make it a little bit more secure. Also I think Noble and I discussed if we will move the capital again at a later stage. I could see that once we have towns with Univ.Suffrage and ... the other town-improving civic ...

I don't think it's likely that we'll move the capital again given that we've built an academy there and by the time Heidi passes Iris in commerce we probably won't be in Bureaucracy anymore. The other town-improving civic is Free Speech which replaces Bureaucracy. wink

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: That reminds me, we have a few things to think about I guess:

1) If BaII has LBs we probably need a few Catapults. Preferably from the southern cities to reduce travel time.

Maybe. It depends on whether his remaining cities are on hills or not, and we have no clue. I'm definitely glad that we took out those front hill cities before he got Feudalism.

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: 2) We get Taj in a few turns. We need to think about which cities should start on getting GPP. I want to get at least 4 more GP produced via GPP in the next 2 GAs. Together with the 2 saved ones, 1 from economics, 1 from Communism, 1 from Physics we have 9, enough for 2, 3 and 4 GP GA.

In total we should look at 32 turns of GA. I'd like to at least chain 2 and 3 GP-GA together but we'll have to see about the current state then I guess.

This is the big question. Our next GP is at 700 points which is a whole fucking lot without an NE city. Even with Pacifism we'd need ~11 turns to get a GP out of a city that can run 7 specialists (including one from Mercantilism). So...that's not good, because we don't have cities with that much food surplus right now. Birgit is at 9 and can get up to 11 if it takes the deer, so it's our best candidate next to Pamela. Pamela has the best food if it steals the pig from Steffi, giving it 14f. 8 specialists is still 10 turns, so with some granary food burning we can say that we'd get a GP out of Pamela. So I don't see many options for getting GPs out right now. We do have some other options though:

1) Don't run Pacifism and use the Taj GA to stay in OR and build infrastructure. Not a bad option and one I was actually assuming we would do.
2) Sandbag Taj, building it to within one turn (even without marble) and then swapping off. Right now only yuris can tech Nationalism and I don't think he's going to get it anytime soon, so the wonder should be safe for a good while. That BaII city at the end of the peninsula has a lot of food and we are trying to get our NE city up, so if we can delay the Taj for a good number of turns it can make a big difference.
3) Finish Taj normally and get whatever GPP we can get for now.

I favor #2, obviously keeping track as we go and finishing it as soon as need be. And then depending on when that is we can decide on #1 or #3. I don't think we should chain GAs because it's better to leave a 4-5 turn gap when you can swap to another set of civics (Nationhood is worth considering, Emancipation might be but we probably won't have it) and then swap back at the start of the new GA.

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: 3) We probably want Democracy sooner than later for Emancipation. Not only for the cottage growth but also to annoy others. lol Any clue how the unhappy from that is calculated?

As I've said, I don't think Emancipation is worth running except in brief bursts outside GAs, if we can arrange things that way. Most likely we won't get a chance to.

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: 4) We need to get a few more settlers now. I think the newer cities need to get infrastructure now, but what about the older ones? Do we have any that could start with settlers?

We still need a few more missionaries I think but we should have several cities that can build things like settlers soon now that the monk buildings are nearing completion.

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: 5) I'd like to think about how we can quickest start to settle the continent in the west that we got a foothold-city on. We need to transfer a few settlers and workers + troops over and that 1 galley isn't cutting it anymore.

Dunno. Ideally we should scout it better but there's so many demands on production.

(October 22nd, 2013, 12:37)Serdoa Wrote: 6) Where to put Liberty Statue?

Whatever city on the mainland that can build it the fastest of course. wink

By the way, did you / are you going to make those map sale offers?

I did not. Still debating with myself about it (and well, tbh when I log in at 2300 I kinda am not in the mood to do that as well, while my wife is already nagging me to go to bed).

cheetah started another GA and went back to Caste/Pac after five turns in Slavery. He also has 2.8k gold...

I can't remember, did he have MoM?

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