Here's Hunting first. I'm picking up at turn 15, after Agriculture and Fishing have come in and our Worker has just completed. There is some odd queue juggling and tile juggling that is designed to get the Settler out one turn earlier, and the Worker roads Pink Dot to get it founded one turn earlier (worth 2F, 1H, 2C).
Turn 15
Research: Fishing -> Hunting
Build: Worker -> Workboat
Tile(s): Grassland Forest -> Grassland Forest Hill
Worker action: Walks to Wheat
Turn 16
Worker action: Build a Farm
Turn 20
Tile(s): Grassland Forest Hill -> Wheat
Turn 21
Research: Hunting -> Mining
Worker action: Move NE
Turn 22
Worker action: Build Road
Turn 24 (Pop + 1)
Tile(s): Wheat, Grassland Forest Hill
Worker action: Build a Camp
Turn 26
Build: Workboat -> Warrior
Tile(s): Wheat, Crabs
Turn 28 (Pop + 1)
Research: Mining -> Bronze Working
Tile(s): Wheat, Crabs, Fur
Worker action: Build a road
Turn 30
Worker action: Move to Grassland Hill (west of Athens)
Turn 31
Worker action: Build a Mine
Turn 32
Build: Warrior -> Settler
Warrior action: Move to Pink Dot
Turn 33
Build: Settler (partial) -> Warrior
Turn 34 (Pop + 1)
Build: Warrior (partial) -> Settler (partial)
Tile(s): Wheat, Crab, Grassland Mine, Grassland Forest
Turn 35
Worker action: Build road
Tile(s): Wheat, Crab, Fur, Grassland Mine
Turn 37
Worker action: Move to Fur
Turn 38
Research: Bronze Working -> Animal Husbandry
Worker action: Move to Incense, build a road
Turn 40
Worker action: Move to Rice, build a road
Turn 42
Worker action: Move to Pink Dot, build a road
Build: Settler -> Warrior
Settler action: Move to Fur
Civics change: Revolt to Slavery
Turn 43
Settler action:
Worker action: Finish road
Settler action: Move to Pink Dot, found new city