Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

Fair enough.

Nothing much interesting happening, just moving warrior around, fiddling with demographics, and I set the Hunting to come in this turn ( T8 ). I also tried playing around with a donut map, plotted my capital on the spot which has an identical coastline, then using directions from Korea and Mortius (8 tiles west, 2E-11NE, both coastal); plotted their capitals to see if the idea was plausible, assuming the directions they gave were accurate, it comes out something like this...

[Image: Maybe.jpg]

(Barbarian city is the settle in place spot)

Got a message from Korea warning about some bear, they say they are ready to talk about possibility of land division (obviously, since they have seen it and I have not).

Also, this is probably going to disappoint, but since I'm going to be away for some 3 weeks during the next 2 months, (and no one commented about it on in the email thread, so I don't know what they think, but the thought I have with that being the case, is that since other things were discussed after, and were replied to, people must be reading that thread, and with relation to what I wrote, it probably means their actual thoughts are nothing complimentary, or it enrages them so much that they don't want to say anything lol)

I've therefore been asking around for a possible replacement, my feeling is that it's too embarrassing, and also inconvenient to the other players to ask for two pauses that would mean that I'd cause a delay of ~24 days out of the next 60... It's too much, I think. I apologize, I wasn't aware I was going to be away for such periods when I initially signed up for the game, or I wouldn't have in the first place.

Elkad has offered to find one if one can't be found from here, but before that option, would anyone here who is unspoiled be interested, or know anyone here who hasn't been reading PB2 threads who would be?

What an extensive analysis. Sorry, I am spoiled already and was definetly too unreliable for my own taste in Pitboss

I hope you're looking for a temporary and not a permanent substitute. I really enjoy your playing, analysis, reporting and diplomacy smile

You said earlier that you wanted to use this game to build your reputation. Well, one of the most important aspects of reputation is whether or not you finish games...

[Image: Turn012.jpg]

And Mortius met the Incas -

Quote:Hi LiPing,

The Incas just discovered my capital. Strangely it seems just the fact that they do not deign to write any greetings. I wonder whether this results from difficulties in developing a message by their team, or whether their intentions are not very peaceful. I sent them a brief greeting, and see what happens. In the worst case scenario I have the first war smile


Does the fact that Mortius is dead change your plans at all?

What the.

Well, my first thought is maybe he will be allowed to replace me, lol, I've been having no luck finding one over the week, and I'm beginning to get worried on that front...

Well, more on that later tonight.

Okay, welcome back to, let's play, situation analysis.

Well, I sorta get what Cyneheard is hinting at - Call it good with Korea, attempt to ally or talk long term deal with them, and push north-east-east instead, right?

I feel that the position over here is significantly weaker than one turn ago. While there's now free land where Mortius' holdings were, I don't think it's of any benefit at all to this civilization. It's located a significant distance away from the capital, which has already moved a... third? or thereabout of the original spacing away, so it'll be troublesome to utilize, taking into account upkeep, without the idea of moving the capital. at best I think I could get say, 1 more city's worth in that direction than I would have settled amicably with Mortius, and now instead of a friendly there, it's going to be a big civilization that likely won't be pleased to see me/us/whatever, and will cause a huge drain if I need to fight them.

In short... very well played, Incas, plenty of benefit to you guys, and I hate the result lol

Now, what else is likely to happen... I feel confident enough to predict this, given the history of "negotiation", Korea is going to come knocking with "(-1) You made yet another unreasonable demand!" and propose something like, since you now have all that land to your other side, give us all the land between our two cities and a 200 turn NAP or something like that, which is obviously no good for me. I don't really feel that there's any possibility of coexistence now, it was already poor to begin with - let's face it, they didn't trust me, and consequently, I don't trust them. I actually am beginning to even doubt there was a bear in the first place, I haven't seen any sign of it, and I'm beginning to think they may just have brought up the idea of a bear because they didn't want me looking North. Now, I feel like I unconditionally need Korea dead, as soon as possible, to free up the west land, for a position from which to be able to resist the Incas later, if it comes to that.

Q: How far out have you simmed growth?
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Around about 37-40 turns (two different models of getting out a settler, with different amounts of warriors (and/or part of a barracks) and very very roughly to around turn 50, (assuming dropping the city over 1N of the original start spot) but they all don't make allowances for finding copper, so realistically and practically, up to turn 32.

Korea came calling, I didn't want to make any deals while looking for a successor. No success on that front so far either.

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