As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] Serdoa, Ichabod and Ex-Girlfriends - co-starring NH,Bigger and Lewwyn

Have to had to work in a few minutes so that's probably not worth it, I'll just look around and gather my thoughts for now.

Oh, and I did build our great Taoist-shrine jive

Civstats reveals your joke. wink Although if it were Gaspar I would have to check twice... And actually if we do get another Prophet the Taoist shrine is potentially worth considering given how much yuris has spread it...

Actually we should check the tooltip if the unit is still in the city, just to get an accurate number of how many cities have the religion.

Verena-rifle btw was not moved out because I thought it is the one to move with the settler. Though seems you intended the Nicole-one for that - what makes sense as it would have given more movement towards the south.

lol Couldn't resist, sorry smile

And after you wrote that I quickly checked religious stats: Buddhism has 30% influence. Gavagai must have an extremely wealthy shrine. Which is boatable from the fog with a Galleon...

Not sure where BaIIs stack is. I checked with our Sentry, but can't find it. Most likely it is on the corn and he tries to get Engineering to hit directly against Billie. He doesn't have it still, but I don't put it past him to not finish it researching it till the last turn of our peace treaty just so we have a higher chance to be unprepared.

I moved the GA and the GM to Ana Paula. We are going to pop another Golden Age when the civic timer is cooled down, no? Our other GP is another GM so we have to use the Artist.

Not much we can do about potential counterattack at Billie I think. He can take it back but not for long, and if we have knights at 1E of Kristen we'd be able to retaliate.

Should have moved Delta 89 last turn after loading up the longbow, because we could have loaded up the settler from that position this turn with Engineering and then we'd have enough movement to unload on the island next turn. Oh well.

Don't think it makes much difference either way Noble. The decision to get Engineering was done on short term, so it makes sense that not all our plans have taken that into account.

Will Billie be back to the cultural expansion it had before we took it? (IIRC 60%) Because that would be annoying. Else I guess you are right that we can just retaliate with the Knights.

He'll get his culture back, yes. But I'm saying we would be able to attack the units southwest of the city that just attacked the units inside the city.

Oh true, we could upgrade a few units in there as well actually. Probably worth spending 500 gold or whatever for that, though that would mean saving gold I think.

edit: 980 gold for 4 rifles. I'll gonna save gold this turn and we can decide what to do. we would need to save gold sometimes in the near future in any case. That will delay the build at Sabine I guess but after he can move into our borders he still needs 6 turns before his trireme actually can pillage any seafood. So I think we are fine there.

edit2: Run 10% instead, finishing Compass this turn.

edit: Changed back to 0%. That way we get enough gold to update the vultures and the spear (1225 gold) for a total of 6 rifles down there (1 on the way, 5 upgraded). Not sure we want to do that, but we can and probably can save the city + we can use those to take the capital after we took Rageinald and Cat.

I don't know, delaying Astronomy by two turns by spending that gold seems pretty risky. I'd prefer to finish Optics next turn as well so we can get our whale hooked up for happiness in the drafted and to be drafted cities. We'd need to run more than 10% science to get enough overflow to finish Optics next turn most likely, would have to calculate it.

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