I'm not that often checking my gmail account, but now I found Whosit message from it:
Quote:Dear Broker and plako,
Good to hear back from you. I am very glad to see that you are willing to accept my basic plan, albeit with some changes. Although I would like to say that it was not I who moved the capital, I know that I have inherited that responsibility from my predecessor. Still, I'm glad that you agree that sharing the border region is the best way to avoid either of us feeling crunched. At least, more crunched than we are now.
Therefore, I would be willing to accept this deal with a few further amendments of my own:
*Rather than a blanket extension on the NAP, I propose adding the following clause: The current NAP (set to expire on Turn 60) will automatically extend by 20 turns (to Turn 80) unless either party declares their intention to cancel the deal no less than 10 Turns prior to expiration (before or on Turn 50). The NAP will continue to renew automatically until one party cancels the deal.
*Regarding the two observers for Open Borders: I propose that both observers must be non-combat units, such as Scouts. I know that I would feel uncomfortable with a pair of Axemen wandering around my territory. I am sure that you would feel the same.
*"Excessive Military:" Although any attempt to rigidly define "excessive" would probably get nowhere, here is an attempt at clarification. "Any number of soldiers, standing directly adjacent to the other party's borders, in numbers large enough to cause concern for said party will be considered Excessive. The offended party may ask the offending party to remove the soldiers from the border, and the latter must do so on their next turn."
*I do not contest your suggestions for city placement and I agree in full.
Please let me know if you find these changes agreeable. I look forward to our future cooperation.
On one final note, I would also like to add that I very much appreciate your willingness to compromise on these issues. Diplomacy is all about give-and-take, and I imagine that there are many who do not understand this, so it gladdens me to find fellow rulers who are willing to come to the negotiating table in good faith. Until our next communication.
Best regards,
P.S.: I decided to go ahead and start using gmail for our diplomatic messages to avoid filling up our limited mailboxes on the RB forums.