January 15th, 2014, 00:42
(This post was last modified: January 15th, 2014, 00:44 by NobleHelium.)
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Turn 29, Turn 30
Started generating beakers on Bronze Working. We'll need to do a turn of 50% in the near future when we generate an even number of beakers.
We'll hopefully pillage that hill cottage in the future. I'm planning to continue southeast, these random lakes afford good visibility as we pass them.
Seven finishes Bronze Working. I wish we could meet these people with BW and get free beakers...
Second ring land points for yuris.
yuris: Mining t13, Bronze Working t27
SevenSpirits: Animal Husbandry t10, Mining t16, Bronze Working t28
dtay: Animal Husbandry t10, Bronze Working t23
Ichabod: Animal Husbandry t11, Mining t17
January 16th, 2014, 01:38
(This post was last modified: January 16th, 2014, 01:55 by NobleHelium.)
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Turn 31, Turn 32
Ichabod finished Bronze Working last turn so we are getting an extra beaker now, reducing the tech time by one turn. This means we'll have enough gold for the entire run and will not need a turn of 50%, so that's good.
Settler completed this turn and will settle in 2t. The current plan is to start another warrior while growing to size 5, mainly so that we can work the riverside plains cottage and a bit later the overlapped dry grass cottage that will be started next turn. We can do a settler at size 5 and 2-whip it to completion a couple turns after we get BW. Obviously we'll need a turn of revolt for that. Revealing copper may change things.
Regarding the scout, the current plan is to go east onto the hill and then southeast along the hill line. We wouldn't want to miss possible forested luxuries on the other side of the hills even though it looks exceedingly unlikely at this point. One thing though is that since Ichabod and dtay both took CHA leaders they're less likely to go for early religion. I hope. Heh.
Ichabod grew to 5.
Bronze Working for Ichabod. I'm going to guess dtay's tech is Wheel because there is another 4k power unaccounted for. It could be uh, Mysticism or Masonry and two people built warriors, but I'll go with Occam's razor.
yuris: Mining t13, Bronze Working t27
NobleSerdoa: Animal Husbandry t12, Pottery t22, Mining t28
SevenSpirits: Animal Husbandry t10, Mining t16, Bronze Working t28
dtay: Animal Husbandry t10, Bronze Working t23, The Wheel t31
Ichabod: Animal Husbandry t11, Mining t17, Bronze Working t31
January 17th, 2014, 02:08
(This post was last modified: January 17th, 2014, 02:19 by NobleHelium.)
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Turn 33, Turn 34
Founded the city. We are second to a second city.
Another interesting thing is finding horse in the south there. It could mean that we're close to someone else's start, which is hopefully not Ichabod's. We've explored about half the map vertically. I am planning to move southwest next even though the east is interesting since it looks like those may not be islands after all. It's possible that we may find someone in that area, but I feel that moving away from the capital is the best bet to finding other people.
I was also incorrect earlier and we are in fact not on course to finish BW a turn early, so we will need to do 50% on the last turn still (which is an even beaker turn). Originally I was planning to do it this turn, but there's a chance that we'll meet someone else (who would have BW) imminently which may push us over the threshold for a quicker BW.
Yes, that is in fact yuris beating everyone else to a second city.  Although Krill will surely use this as proof that it was a good idea to run around like a headless chicken, it's only because yuris is Joao Charlemagne. His capital is still size 2. His new city is landlocked and does not share its inner ring with his capital (9 new land tiles claimed), which is typical behavior for yuris.
January 19th, 2014, 13:13
(This post was last modified: January 19th, 2014, 14:00 by NobleHelium.)
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Turn 35, Turn 36
I had been planning to say that I was quite pleased with the new turn pace with us getting two turns a day, only for dtay to hold the turn for like 20 hours and Ichabod about 10, so yeah...
We did get graphs on Ichabod but there's nothing to see really. Bronze Working in three turns.
Seven techs the Wheel. dtay founds his second city.
dtay whips his capital from 2 to 1 pop?! I guess it has to be a work boat? I don't see anything else making sense. Edit: except he doesn't have Fishing, so that definitely doesn't make sense. I guess it must be a worker. Unless he finishes Fishing in a turn or two of course.
yuris: Agriculture, The Wheel, Mining t13, Bronze Working t27
NobleSerdoa: Agriculture, The Wheel, Animal Husbandry t12, Pottery t22, Mining t28
SevenSpirits: Agriculture, Hunting, Animal Husbandry t10, Mining t16, Bronze Working t28, The Wheel t34
dtay: Agriculture, Mining, Animal Husbandry t10, Bronze Working t23, The Wheel t31
Ichabod: Agriculture, The Wheel, Animal Husbandry t11, Mining t17, Bronze Working t31
January 21st, 2014, 16:55
(This post was last modified: January 22nd, 2014, 01:22 by NobleHelium.)
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Sorry I haven't been reporting properly, will do so tonight. We found yuris in the south with some forested gems on his border. He didn't start there of course.
Also, we have no visible copper. I'm assuming it's in the unexplored north.
January 22nd, 2014, 03:13
(This post was last modified: January 23rd, 2014, 02:36 by NobleHelium.)
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Turn 37, Turn 38, Turn 39
So, things that have happened recently.
1) We've grown to sizes 5 and 2, working strong tiles except for a forest which will be exchanged for a dry cottage next turn.
2) We've started on our second settler, for the site east of the capital. A warrior will lead the way and hopefully explore a bit as well.
3) We finished Bronze Working, did not find copper, and can revolt to Slavery next turn. We'll need to do that so that we can whip the settler for two pop in a bit.
4) We're basically dominating the demos at the moment as to be expected given our traits, but the lack of happiness is an extreme cause for concern and it is likely that we'll need to go for religion shortly.
5) We've found yuris in the south and will defog his capital next turn. I had thought that it would be Seven because the colors are so similar. I see no obvious locations in our explored areas that indicate his original spot, and it can't be anywhere near the random improvements we've found in the area. Possibly he moved laterally or from the south. The latter is an interesting idea but rather unlikely since it would mean even more space between us, and the map just isn't that large.
That's a dry rice. Presumably he didn't move halfway around the map just to settle next to that.
Some random observations on yuris:
1) He tends not to build enough cottages as pointed out by Sulla recently.
2) He likes building the Oracle but not as much recently after people have repeatedly talked about how he always builds the Oracle. Or at least not as quickly.
3) He is very, very bad at getting culture into his cities, particularly his border cities. He often waits for a library to get culture into a border city which is way too late.
4) His dotmapping is rather suspect and is often aggravated by the lateness in getting culture in his cities.
5) He's rather passive in general and I don't think I've ever seen him really attack anyone. He does sometimes settle up on people without thinking much of it and then runs into trouble defending those cities due to lack of culture.
6) He has war chariots, but he's also really far away. We haven't found copper yet.
No changes. dtay has still not regrown his capital.
Ichabod whips his capital from 5 to 3 resulting in a loss of 17250 average rival pop (down to 19500), and Seven founded his second city (up to 19750). yuris's second city grows to 2, increasing average rival pop by 1250 to 21k. Most likely Ichabod whipped a settler because he revolted to Slavery right before this.
dtay grows his capital back to 2 and Ichabod got a tech, which is Fishing as determined by known tech bonus and the lack of power increase.
Size 1 = 1k pop, Size 2 = 6k, Size 3 = 21k, Size 4 = 48k, Size 5 = 90k
yuris (2, 2): Agriculture, The Wheel, Mining t13, Bronze Working t27
NobleSerdoa (5, 2): Agriculture, The Wheel, Animal Husbandry t12, Pottery t22, Mining t28
SevenSpirits (4, 1): Agriculture, Hunting, Animal Husbandry t10, Mining t16, Bronze Working t28, The Wheel t34
dtay (2, 1): Agriculture, Mining, Animal Husbandry t10, Bronze Working t23, The Wheel t31
Ichabod (3): Agriculture, The Wheel, Animal Husbandry t11, Mining t17, Bronze Working t31, Fishing t38
January 23rd, 2014, 14:14
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(January 22nd, 2014, 03:13)NobleHelium Wrote: Some random observations on yuris:
1) He tends not to build enough cottages as pointed out by Sulla recently.
2) He likes building the Oracle but not as much recently after people have repeatedly talked about how he always builds the Oracle. Or at least not as quickly.
3) He is very, very bad at getting culture into his cities, particularly his border cities. He often waits for a library to get culture into a border city which is way too late.
4) His dotmapping is rather suspect and is often aggravated by the lateness in getting culture in his cities.
5) He's rather passive in general and I don't think I've ever seen him really attack anyone. He does sometimes settle up on people without thinking much of it and then runs into trouble defending those cities due to lack of culture.
January 25th, 2014, 04:53
(This post was last modified: January 25th, 2014, 05:01 by NobleHelium.)
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Turn 40, Turn 41, Turn 42
Still trudging along. I realized that we wouldn't make it to the end of Mysticism without more gold, so we saved it this turn. Next turn the settler gets whipped.
I also noticed a yuris settler appearing in his capital, so he'll get a third city soon.
Ichabod settles his second city. yuris techs Animal Husbandry. dtay's second city grows to 2.
Seven whips his capital for two pop, grew his second city to 2 and also got a tech. dtay got a tech. Neither tech provided soldier points. dtay took ten turns so it is likely Pottery for him. Seven only took seven turns but that is probably Pottery as well, which is only 11.7% more expensive than Wheel which he teched in 6 turns. Note that dtay took 8 turns on Wheel and 10 turns on Pottery. Anyway it's either that or Seven teched Mysticism which I'm hoping he didn't do.
yuris (2, 2): Agriculture, The Wheel, Mining t13, Bronze Working t27, Animal Husbandry t40
NobleSerdoa (5, 3): Agriculture, The Wheel, Animal Husbandry t12, Pottery t22, Mining t28
SevenSpirits (2, 2): Agriculture, Hunting, Animal Husbandry t10, Mining t16, Bronze Working t28, The Wheel t34, Pottery or Mysticism t41
dtay (2, 2): Agriculture, Mining, Animal Husbandry t10, Bronze Working t23, The Wheel t31, Pottery t41
Ichabod (3, 1): Agriculture, The Wheel, Animal Husbandry t11, Mining t17, Bronze Working t31, Fishing t38
January 25th, 2014, 17:15
(This post was last modified: January 25th, 2014, 18:17 by NobleHelium.)
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Turn 43
Two pictures of interest this turn.
yuris founded his third city, catching the grass cow and soon getting the gems to work in about ten turns.
Ichabod's scout has turned around, which is super interesting because it implies that this piece of land is probably a dead end. No immediate neighbor to the east is good for us, but Ichabod's scout will soon get stuck as he will undoubtedly head south, not realizing that we've blocked him off. I assume he'll declare war at some point and then we'll have to kill the scout.  Although if he treads carefully it may not be a necessity, but maybe we'll want to do it anyway. I don't know, we'll see.
We'll overflow to finish a warrior which will scout the north to find copper and hopefully some other things too.
Ichabod's capital regrows to 4. It seems yuris whipped his second city from 2 to 1? Presumably for a worker. That seems quite odd to me but what do I know...
yuris (2, 1, 1): Agriculture, The Wheel, Mining t13, Bronze Working t27, Animal Husbandry t40
NobleSerdoa (5, 3): Agriculture, The Wheel, Animal Husbandry t12, Pottery t22, Mining t28
SevenSpirits (2, 2): Agriculture, Hunting, Animal Husbandry t10, Mining t16, Bronze Working t28, The Wheel t34, Pottery or Mysticism t41
dtay (2, 2): Agriculture, Mining, Animal Husbandry t10, Bronze Working t23, The Wheel t31, Pottery t41
Ichabod (4, 1): Agriculture, The Wheel, Animal Husbandry t11, Mining t17, Bronze Working t31, Fishing t38
February 11th, 2014, 16:40
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Don't worry Ilios, I'll post an update soon!