November 25th, 2009, 08:21
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Another email from athlete
Quote:Did you want to secure that immediate 10 - 11 turn NAP say till turn 50? And when Kalin is back (early next week) we can confirm our intention to align more closely and sign a longer term NAP at that time? Or shall we go about our business as usual until we can formally assure you of a long term agreement?
Personally my initial thoughts are that you would make a great long-term ally so hopefully our UU's would not have to run into each other in any type of forceful manner (perhaps even work together) but as the game is young I feel it only fair to allow my teammate to have a say in the general direction of our civ.
I'm not sure of your definition of shortly but as mentioned above Kalin is away till early next week I believe so no formal confirmation will be put together until then. Just so you know so you're not wondering what's going on and what not.
Seems like a no-brainer, since that will allow us to settle there without any (short-term) negative consequences
November 25th, 2009, 09:12
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I would take the NAP with Athlete and I would move Paris to pick up the Copper. Losing the Deer sucks but the Copper is more important. IF we pick up the religion then we get our third border pop in 20 turns, do we really want to wait that long, and bank on being the first to Meditation? I guess if you and sunrise both think it is okay then I am willing to gamble and pull in the Deer.
Also, with the Copper location we do indeed want to speed Meditation up by one turn since we will be founding one turn early. We can do that at the very end though since we are I think only two beakers off (basically swap the Mine to a Coast tile the turn we found).
Nice work on the demographics, hopefully they already have founded their second city  . I think we have an excellent shot of landing it. I'll also note that we might be middle to late on our second city, but we'll probably be early on our third city.
November 25th, 2009, 09:25
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Replied back to Athlete
Quote:Okay - let's say real short term NAP to turn 50, and use that as a springboard to hopefully more fruitful discussions.
Look forward to hearing from you early next week
Action items
* Still need to decide on a reply to Jowy about the NAP to T100. I guess I'll send them soemthing agreeing in principle and talking about a border agreement.
* Worker move. Move out to the incense and road if there is no danger? Or does the new city location mean we go to the grass 1W of the incense?
* Garrison warrior. Also move to the incense? If there's a barb do we risk the worker on the warrior winning (probably not)?
* Eastern warrior. He hasn't moved this turn and can get to the copper (or 1S) by T43.
November 25th, 2009, 09:46
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Okay - email to Jowy
Quote:Hey Jowy,
We actually intended a 100 turn from now NAP (i.e. till T139 at this point) but if you are only willing to sign one till T100, that would be acceptable. Obviously there are variations to how the NAP can end. We can either just have a firm end date of T100, or a rolling 10 turn extension until someone cancels it, or an automatic extension. What are your thoughts on that? We were kind of thinking of something like, after we get to the end (whether it's T100 or 100 turns from now), either civ can cancel it with a 10 turn notice. That gives us both time to make defensive plans if needed. It will be interesting to see how alliances shape up in this game, as there is no tech trading.
As for the settling plan, I think that makes sense. That is why I prefer to think of a NAP as a "Non-Aggression Pact" rather than just a "No Attacking Pact". So while I think that we would like to accept the NAP in principle (depending on what we agree about length / terms) but it also makes sense to at least start talking about border agreements. As you mentioned, it makes no sense to agree to a NAP only to find that your "friend" has settled right on your doorstep.
I don't know how much you were able to scout in our direction before your warrior / scout died. We have a bit of map knowledge in the area between us but it is not complete. And obviously we're a bit hampered by not being able to share screenshots. Still, in the near future we should be able to figure something out. I don't know if we need to have a formal settling agreement but at least a general idea might be good, so that we're at least on the same page.
I would just hate for us to agree to something like "no aggressive settling" and then we have a difference of opinion on what that means. You settle a city that we were going to settle, we think it's aggressive settling but you feel like it's closer to your capital than ours, etc. Or vice versa.
Thoughts on that?
November 25th, 2009, 09:49
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I'm going to be offline a bit but I think we want to road with the Worker if safe and move the Warrior to the Incense as well.
November 25th, 2009, 09:52
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darrelljs Wrote:I'm going to be offline a bit but I think we want to road with the Worker if safe and move the Warrior to the Incense as well.
No problem we have all day to play this turn.
I guess it depends on where we want to settle. It seems like if we're settling at the copper (1E of copper seems like the best place), we should road the tile west of the incense, which lets us make it to the plains hill tile on the turn the settler is born, the tile 1N of the copper the turn after that, and settle the turn after that.
November 25th, 2009, 10:54
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I am a bit surprised that you are almost set on a city location where a good third of it BFC is still completly unknown. Are you planning on having your (injured) warrior explore a bit (could do it while being in forrest/jungle for a few turns) or are you OK taking the risk to settle just 1or2 tiles away from a (possible) awesome place.
(As a general rule, I find it funny that you almost know your neighbours backgarden better than yours !! look at all this fog just a few tiles south of your city  )
November 25th, 2009, 10:56
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@Jabah - You're right - we are low on the scouting information. We made the decision to not scout with our only warrior, a decision that Mortius did not make which bit him.
None of our warriors are currently injured, though one is next to a lion this turn. We will be able to scout 1-2 turns of the potential copper city with our eastern warrior, should we choose to send him towards the copper.
November 25th, 2009, 11:07
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My bad, the injured unit (on the gold) on your last screenshot is in fact not yours
November 25th, 2009, 11:08
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Right - that's a quechua. But closer to where we want to scout!