Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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One Night WW #2

(February 8th, 2014, 11:41)Cyneheard Wrote: No, he wouldn't - he never saw the new card.

I think we hace a misunderstanding here. You claim troublemaker and that you switche me with Meiz right? So I have now Meiz role so Meiz knows what I'm now (and I know what he now is).

Caveat: The above is only valid as long the robber didn't rob one of meiz and myself.

Yes, I was lying. As we know, wolves have to make up claims or they will be caught by process of elimination. I wanted to be sure that I'd make it as hard for wolves to fake claim as possible. I believe seer, troublemaker and tanner are the roles that wolves are most likely to reveal. The first instinct for a villager role is to counter claim, so it also gives some idea which of the claims might be true. Therefore I currently believe you over Lewwyn. I'd guess Rowain is probably the real seer, but I'd like him to confirm this instead of being mysterious for no reason. And also reveal what action he did.

My real role is Hunter, which is why I wasn't that worried making this play.

I'm not really sure what to think of Goreripper's claim. While it's possible that he's telling the truth, claiming he copied tanner doesn't make much sense. IMO it's more likely that he copied minon (Lewwyn?) or is possibly a lone wolf who took a look at the reserve.

At the moment I'd be inclined to vote Ryan to call his bluff.

Rowain, well now you know what I am, but you didn't know it before my reveal above. So what's up with that, are you saying you received confirmation of your new role?

Hm Bacchus hasn't even logged in and Lewwyn has chosen to not reveal whom he has changed.

@Goreripper you have copied tanner? Why did you claim that? And I think it is in your interest to say from whom you have copied so we know whom not to lynch.

(February 8th, 2014, 11:46)Rowain Wrote:
(February 8th, 2014, 11:41)Cyneheard Wrote: No, he wouldn't - he never saw the new card.

I think we hace a misunderstanding here. You claim troublemaker and that you switche me with Meiz right? So I have now Meiz role so Meiz knows what I'm now (and I know what he now is).

I follow - I interpreted it as "he knows what you WERE" smoke

And Goreripper's First Post Claiming Tanner doesn't make sense this time, either.

I'm here now. I have to say, making sense of the above is difficult. I can see why Meiz would claim seer as a test, I seriously don't see why he would claim a seer who looked at the reserve. For a break from the above-erupted chaos, I'm going to claim just once and truthfully. I'll first re-read and make some sense of what's been said so far.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

Ok, let's start with a simple one — who is the villager? (it's not me)
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

(February 8th, 2014, 12:29)Bacchus Wrote: Ok, let's start with a simple one — who is the villager? (it's not me)

My gut says that's in the reserve since it's not you.

Might be Goreripper, his claim doesn't make much sense; might be Ryan, his doesn't either — and both could be some elaborate ploy that we have a few too many of going on. I guess we also need to wait for Lewwyn.
DL: PB12 | Playing: PB13

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