November 30th, 2009, 20:34
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Well, even if they have copper or horses, if we have a few archers in a holy city on a hill, they're not going to be doing much other than hurting both of us. Hopefully we can convince them of the folly of trying for it.
November 30th, 2009, 21:26
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regoarrarr Wrote:Well, even if they have copper or horses, if we have a few archers in a holy city on a hill, they're not going to be doing much other than hurting both of us. Hopefully we can convince them of the folly of trying for it.
Right. Biggest risk if we have archery is that they cut roads and try for our capital, or that they just pillage us and keep us from every getting metal online.
December 1st, 2009, 03:29
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darrelljs Wrote:I just logged in and they do have a Warrior near the Gold. I think we should move the Worker to the Gold and cover with our healed Warrior. The Deer is right on their border, if they are going to attack an exposed Worker is a great way to start. Until we can get an Axe on that Deer I think we should ignore it.
(who is now paranoid and wishing the Copper was a bit closer!)
It is a bit late now to notice, but if you can't / don't want to take the risk to improve the deer and are wishing the copper was closer, MAYBE settling just 1E (or even 2E) of it would have been the correct play
December 1st, 2009, 05:02
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darrelljs Wrote:I haven't run both paths to conclusion yet, will do so tomorrow. I just wasted a bunch of time trying to figure out how to speed up the Copper without losing The Oracle only to realize that the limiting factor is the culture . That concerns me greatly, we are 20 turns away from fielding a "real" unit. Of course, a faster way to get copper online would be to settle another city. But that would require a settler instead of an Oracle.
December 1st, 2009, 05:11
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Jabah Wrote:It is a bit late now to notice, but if you can't / don't want to take the risk to improve the deer and are wishing the copper was closer, MAYBE settling just 1E (or even 2E) of it would have been the correct play  Yeah, I told you so!
novice Wrote:How many turns till meditation when the settler has reached its spot? How big a gamble is it at that point to count on founding buddhism? It seems to me that if the city is holy the copper can be third ring and you can grab the deer. You might even (god forbid) delay the founding until meditation is 1 turn away. Oh wait, I didn't... 
December 1st, 2009, 07:35
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Well, you can't please everyone! The deciding factor for me on the Deer site was it avoided the need for 3 Farms. The city really looks like a commerce city, it needed a food resource. True it has Sugar as well but that's got Jungle on it and won't be great even after Calendar/Iron Working.
BTW, when borders pop work the Deer until size 2, then add the Gold. That is a nice 3/1 tile even without the camp. I won't be able to do any sims today but I think we know what actions to take in the near term.
December 1st, 2009, 08:28
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Not only is their thread active, but they have been logging in and out of the game quite a bit lately:
Question to the lurkers: Is looking at civstats and post counts in an attempt to divine intentions ethical?
December 1st, 2009, 08:30
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Diplomacy coming in from both Jowy and Kalin and it's time to play another round of.....
[SIZE="5"] Good News, Bad News!!!!!  [/SIZE]
First, the Good News, from Jowy. Sorry that the formatting is all weird - he replies quoting my emails, so it can be hard to paste in here because he talks about things that I said, but if I paste what I said in here then it can be confusing which paragraphs are from who.
Quote:First city founded, second city total. (This is referring to which city they are sending in another direction)
Thank you, I really appreciate your huge concession It's really good to know you are willing to negotiate with us in good faith. In turn we will right away make it even and give you a concession in this river case! We agree that you are allowed to settle a city 4 tiles west of your capitol (3 tiles between the two cities). Hope you enjoy our token of gratitude 
[Ed: That's the spot we wanted to settle, on the bank of the mini river, 2E of the deer, grabbing deer and crab. Hopefully we can also turn this into some concessions to get a good spot up river]
Sorry to hear of your possibly aggressive neighbours! Atleast you can sleep in peace now that you know one front is secured for many turns to come. Keep me in the loop of what's happening on the other side, maybe it will help you one day.
Thanks for forwarding them here, we have met them now. I will return the favour if we meet someone new over here.
And now, from Kalin, the BAD news....
Quote:I was out of town last week with little internet access. It was a good trip though So sorry for the late response but both Athlete and I have been crazy busy today.
Regarding your 2nd city, I have to say that it is in a place that we would have liked ourselves. We were quite unhappy about it, but we would like to play a peaceful game so if you offer us compensation we hope we can come to some agreement. Once we can agree on that we can discuss other things.
Kalin of the Ottomans
Just kidding - no bad news!  I don't know why it gives me such pleasure to mess with everyone like that
Okay. So I think we talk about ceding all lands to the southeast to them - that we will not settle any further towards their lands. Also, offer a few Buddhist missionaries if they dont' get any peaceful spread.
Any other thoughts? I will try to feel them out for what they want and give up as little as possible.
What are our possible worker moves depending on how things go for diplomacy? We are last to play this next turn (again), so we can get in 2 turns when we play
December 1st, 2009, 08:38
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I logged in to take a look at the game but was greeted by a build-complete popup message. I wasn't sure what we were building next, so I just selected worker and didn't make any other changes.
A screenshot for the lurkers:
As far as the diplo situation goes, I think we're good offering them concessions. After looking at the map, they get a good copper city of their own right south of us anyways, so they shouldn't be TOO mad.
December 1st, 2009, 08:45
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sunrise089 Wrote:As far as the diplo situation goes, I think we're good offering them concessions. After looking at the map, they get a good copper city of their own right south of us anyways, so they shouldn't be TOO mad.
Sure but WHAT kind of concessions?