Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Imperium 40 - Closing Announcement and Results

(Sorry I'm a few hours late posting this thread; I should prolly have done it when I was able to on my Sunday, since it was Monday in Europe and Asia by then at least!)

Please post your reports in the Tournament Reports and Discussion forum. I look forward to seeing how everyone approached this game!

[EDIT: Note that reports should be due by the end of Tuesday, your local time, but if you were planning to have posted a report already, but missed the window in which you could, due to the sponsor's question about an extension on the deadline and my lateness posting this thread, just say so in your report, and we'll count it even if it's a day "late."]

One other important note: One of the forum's spam-blocking protocols is to restrict members from posting new threads until they've replied to existing threads ten times (or let one of the admins know you're human). If anyone is running into that restriction, you can send a PM to BRickAstley to get the restriction taken off and/or reply to this thread to get a new thread created for you.

I'll get on it and should have it posted by tomorrow evening smile Won't look at any reports until then!

Sorry guys, real life interfered heavily so that I was unable to play...

Go ahead and post it as soon as you can Nad smile

I will have to throw the towel in the ring and sadly declare that I can't finish this on time. It's been a blast to play, and definitely one of the most violent games I've played. There have been many decisions to make, and I found myself rushing turns in order to finish the game tonight. That definitely impacted my economic and military progress, stalling me significantly in my expansion plans. Nothing really bad has happened yet after 100 years, but I also haven't made as much headway as hoped for.

I will finish this sometime soon and post a shadow report, now I'm going to enjoy seeing what other players made of it.

Haha, Catwalk wasn't this your idea in the first place?!

Imperium 40 Results:

(Note: I'm following the convention that the interturn belongs to the turn that will follow it, not the turn that leads up to it. The game often claims the opposite, but not consistently: The ships-built screen indicates the later date even though ship construction completes before any other interturn events, though this is presumably since the screen itself is displayed afterward.)

Victories over the Guardian of Orion:

- timmy827 in 2486
- Ianus in 2550

Defeats at the hands of runaway Psilons:

- toddestan by extermination in 2528
- Zieman by spy-incited rebellion around 2560
- Zygot by spy-incited rebellion in the 2590s

(Shadow Reports will be added as they're posted, perhaps including Catwalk's, and eventually maybe even mine....)

Congratulations to Timmy for his decisive and beautifully-reported victory, to Ianus for bursting onto the scene with a great report of the only other win, and to everyone who played this one to the finish! (Errr ... you know ... unlike me....)

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