Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoilers] BaII listens to Kpop while playing

Turn 75

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2014-02-2107-12-42-415_zps1020adcd.jpg]

He has a settler in the area, and probably has it locked down, hopefully i can catch him by surprise when I hit him with Chariots though that's still a ways away. IW coming in 2 turns making up and hopefully i have copper. I have the old settler going for a city down in the Tundra area with 2 food resources and another settler is to be whipped at eridu. - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Turn 85

Azza has offered peace and I denied it. Since IW is incoming next turn I will hopefully have iron in range, I will also have chariots before the ten turn time period is over so war is still going on. - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Turn 77

My capital is going to whip out it's Lighthouse. I have found Iron in Eridu on the hill already mined so now I just need to put a road down and my start getting metal units. Chariots will be available in 3 more turns so soon I can take the city that azza has in the area.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2014-02-2207-43-00-112_zps33fb0471.jpg] - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Turn 78

Oh good grief, I hope he stays peaceful. I have two archers in place to prevent that from happening. So if he does declare war I can always double team him just in case. Capital will be unhappy for 1 turn but nothing that big of a deal. Iron will be hooked up next turn so what I can do is have two vultures que'd up and 2 pop whip them so that they can overflow into 2 chariots that will allow me to clear out Azza.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2014-02-2222-26-47-869_zps53079b7c.jpg] - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Turn 79

Well Azza just gave me two free workers, I demanded peace for the Run Out he has 2 axes and 1 warrior on the site, what he should do is just place 2 axes and 1 warrior into the city and protect it.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2014-02-2407-05-03-051_zps48247cbf.jpg] - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Turn 80

I was gunna whip out 3 chariots next turn so that I can possibly take Azza's city that took my copper spot. However I decided that this was probably against the best idea since I'm starting to fall behind on expansion and those whips would be much more effective for settlers. Regardless I already stole 2 workers from Azza and that's enough of a prize since settlers are easy to get with IMP and workers will be needed as I expand into the jungle area once i get calender.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2014-02-2514-57-49-458_zps1a877150.jpg] - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Turn 82

Building 2 more settlers which should simultaneously finish. I have 2 chariots that will be running about and scouting out the general area and hopefully establish more TR'S. Currency due in 6 turns. - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Turn 83

Yep, food is looking pretty lowly right now. It's going to go up though as my 2 new cities grow up in size and I have 2 more settlers finishing in 5 turns. I'm going to crash my economy but I cheaper than normal courthouses so I can possibly get some up and running once I get a city up to 6 maintenance. Currently I have my highest at 3.45.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2014-02-2711-17-18-459_zpsa0f64725.jpg]

Also looks like I'm not the only one at a hostile relationship right now. So I still do have a chance to go up further as it seems that some people are fighting Ancient Age wars. Letting get some more city sites that I should not have been able to get. This will also slow them down greatly and making them more technologically behind and easier to swallow later on. Also thanks to the early IW I can get an earlier start onto the jungle area and cut it all down and grab it before other cotenders can get it to become valuable.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2014-02-2711-16-44-717_zps84327e25.jpg] - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Turn 85

I declared war on Yuri so I could kill his warrior for another EXP point for my archer. Now he is only 1 exp from becoming 10 exp opening up the Heroic Epic. If I could have declared war on Azza to kill Yuris's warrior on a forest. I believe would have gotton me to 10 exp since I will be attacking at lower odds. However me and Azza are still locked up in a peace treaty.

[Image: Civ4BeyondSword2014-03-0116-39-11-428_zpsaa3d0753.jpg]

Look at the demo's. Doing pretty poorly tbh. I need to be further ahead of the game as there have been several wars already happening from, which means I should be ahead in expansion but in reality I'm not. After currency it's probably going to be Calender and then limp towards Priesthood. I want to get MOM, and with maintenance per city quite manageable I will won't be needing courhouses for a little bit. - Crediting the artist who made my profile pic.

Fortunately for you, Priesthood is a cheap tech to limp toward.

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

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