December 3rd, 2009, 15:47
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Thanks. edited. I'm in trouble with west and east always mixing them up.
December 4th, 2009, 10:00
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Message sent to Nakor+DMOC
December 4th, 2009, 10:02
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Message from Athlete+Kalin
Quote:Greetings Koreans,
Thank you for the information on the HRE. Is there any chance you might be able to guide our warrior Ellorrs Madak towards theirs so we may meet?
I gather you view yourselves as water loving people eh? I am as well intrigued about the possibilities that would open once being able to successfully navigate the seas, however we have not had enough time to have our citizens consider building anything than our flimsy fishing boats. Perhaps one day.
I'm glad we can begin building trust between our two great nations from the get go and look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with Korea.
December 4th, 2009, 10:06
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I sent this to Athlete+Kalin:
Quote:Greetings Ottomans,
HRE warrior is very close to from the city where your warrior is standing. I'm sure you'll meet if you continue either to W or SW.
December 4th, 2009, 20:32
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Recieved this big surprise. War it is
Quote:Dear plako and Broker33,
I am writing to inform you that I intend to allow our current NAP to expire at the end of Turn 66. Please rest assured that this neither constitutes a declaration of war, nor indicates hostility. As we have both stated before, war between our peoples would be mutually destructive and I recognize the necessity to remain at peace.
With that in mind, I would like to discuss the possibility of resource trades. As you may know, my people have recently learned how to build roads. If you know the art of Sailing the waters, then all that should be necessary is for my workers to build a road to the Border River. Otherwise, I think that an overland road network will be necessary. As for the trade itself, the Imperial people do not have many excess resources at this time, but perhaps you would accept our Rice in exchange for your Wheat? It may not be much, but it seems like a good start towards building greater trust between our empires. Please let me know what you think.
Also, you may have noticed that my empire has a new designation. Please understand that this does not reflect a change in my foreign policy. The name change was, more or less, an inevitable result of there being a Rebel Alliance in the game. I am, if nothing else, a fan, you see. You both are invited to my coronation, of course.
Whosit, Galactic Emperor
December 5th, 2009, 00:22
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We were last so I played the turn.
Move 1 worker to forest to chop by northern city.
Started pasture on horses with other worker
Moved the workboat and ended turn.
On new turn I set research to 100% archery in 5 and moved workboat. and I found copper on the island. I think we may want to do sailing next and settle the island. Could allow us to escape the praet rush and at least survive.
Island looks resource rich.
I didnt move the workers or end the 2nd turn. Wanted you to have a look
December 5th, 2009, 00:32
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Here is a draft response to Whosit. It may not be a tact that we want to take and I am not married to the stance but it is an option.
Basically I want to call him out and put him on notice that we will not be lulled into a false sense of security and if he wishes to continue on this path it will be just as destructive for his civ as ours. Also the resource trades request was a transparent attempt to road to us for an attack.
Quote:Dear Galactic Emperor Whosit
It saddens us that you wish to initiate a period of unease and disharmony by canceling a valued and long standing NAP. It leaves us little choice but to stregthen our borders with the specter of hostilities on the horizon.
As for your offer of resource trades we do not believe it is possible without the comfort created by a NAP. We would feel that any roads built towards our peaceful cities would be used to facilitate an armies movements and would prefer that you do not build them until we become more comfortable again.
While your words speak of peace the canceling of the treaty and your perchance for renegotiating agreements at the last moment and an unwillingness to compromise have contridicted your words.
We hope that your words will turn out to be true but we must react to your actions.
We wish you all the luck in your peaceful endevors and hope that this rift can be healed.
Broker and Plako
December 5th, 2009, 01:36
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I'll think about message, please wait before sending. The contents of it resemble my view of things, but it should be considered, if we want to look a bit more friendly.
I played and moved our warrior towards home. I think we're not in a hurry to meet everyone. We need all soldiers at home.
What about switching capital to Granary to keep the option to slave the Settler with 2 pop. We don't have proper military support for the settler currently so it comes too early.
Copper is very good news. I hope we're fast enough settling there.
December 5th, 2009, 09:45
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Switching to grainary seems a good idea since we may need to whip military soon.
December 5th, 2009, 16:22
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