Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Gandhi of Korea (Broker33 & plako)

Draft message for DMOC/Nakor.

Quote:Hello Nakor and DMOC,

I'm pleased to notice your friendly attitude towards us. I'll be glad to discuss about settling with you. Since our scouting is a bit lacking can you give us information about the area between us and what are your ideas concerning settling it?

Are you intrested in to form a Non agression pact between our nations?


I gave this some thought. In my opinion it is better to look out less hostile. Meanwhile we'll had to closely follow his power and try to build sufficient defense force until we hopefully can get to better position than the current one. After Archery I think we should go for Sailing-Writing-Maths-Contruction and after that see where we're assuming he hasn't attacked us by then.

I edited the message. Comments are welcome:

Quote:Dear Galactic Emperor Whosit

It saddens us that you wish to initiate a period of unease by canceling a valued and long standing NAP. This will certainly cause need to strentghen defenses on both sides of the border. These hammers would definately have better uses.

Nevertheless there doesn't seem to be much we can do about this. As a starting point of reviving our relationship we accept your resource trade although we would prefer to do trades with the comfort created by a NAP.

We hope that your words will turn out to be true and wish you all the luck in your peaceful endevors and hope that this rift can be healed.


Broker and Plako

I was wrong about the form of this map. Our WB found probably Jowy (no official contact yet). We need to be in a hurry to settle the Copper.

[Image: thciv4screenshot0612.jpg]

Big news from Athlete+Kalin:

Quote:Hello to the Korean Team,

As you may have seen in game we have declared war on Byzantium. The reason for this is that they settled their second city in a place where we planned to settle our second city. It is so close to our capital that our 3rd ring borders their 2nd ring.

We did have peaceful intentions going into this game. We feel however that we were cornered by a strong team and a civilization with one of the best unique units which left us with practically no choice.

We would do our best to keep you updated. If you have questions please let us know.

Kalin for Team A/K of the Ottomans

Is this map toroidial? Has it been said somewhere or can it be found from the settings? Then this map could still be Ring with some islands mixed in. Would it make sense to avoid contact with Jowy so that they can't know how close we're and therefore make him less likely to settle the island in a haste.

It can be found on the settings tab of the victory screen/advisor (F8?). Good Luck!
I'd tell you what it says, but I'm not entirely sure what it will say.

ZPVCSPLFUIFDPEF Wrote:It can be found on the settings tab of the victory screen/advisor (F8?). Good Luck!
I'd tell you what it says, but I'm not entirely sure what it will say.

Thanks. I checked and it doesn't read there, but toroidial+ring seems pretty certain to me based on what I can see and have heard from other nations.

We'll get Pasture ready next turn so I switch settler to Chariot. Settler whip should still be 2 turns and provide almost max overflow. I'm not sure we've enough "spare hammers" to put on Granary at this point.

Archery comes in 4. I think we want Chariot+2*Archers to settle the Crab hill towards Rome and we should've prechopped a forest to get Monument up as soon as possible. City will be very vulnerable until we get its borders pop and that will take relatively long time. What do you think. Should we settle something else instead of the crab hill?

I sent the message to DMOC/Nakor. Whosit message isn't yet sent.

I'm sorry for making big desicions on my own. After reconsideration I decided to log in and whip the settler now. We want that crab city now and we can reinforce it with 2-3 Archers and Chariot in time. This is fastest way to force cultural borders on to Romes territory. The more we delay it the worse the city will be. There is still several turns before he can declare war. It is probably wise to put overflow to Chariot, but our next build after that should probably be WB.

Our next city should collect the copper so it is probably quite far away

plako Wrote:I'm sorry for making big desicions on my own. After reconsideration I decided to log in and whip the settler now. We want that crab city now and we can reinforce it with 2-3 Archers and Chariot in time. This is fastest way to force cultural borders on to Romes territory. The more we delay it the worse the city will be. There is still several turns before he can declare war. It is probably wise to put overflow to Chariot, but our next build after that should probably be WB.

Our next city should collect the copper so it is probably quite far away

Dont worry about it with the impending move I dont have alot of time. I agree with your decisions. Crab city is a better defensive position than capital.

I agree a galley and settler to copper for next city.

Message from DMOC/Nakor:

Quote:Plako and Broker33,

We have explored the area between us and it seems to be composed of very fertile land - but not overpowering in any way (i.e. no floodplains).

We are planning on settling our third city very soon, which will be placed near our capital, so it won't be anywhere near you currently. However, once we get to our 6th and 7th cities, we may end up in contact.

Right now, Nakor and I have designated a city to the east of our capital that will have 4 tiles in between that city center and our capital. Despite the short distance, the city will actually be close to your cities (your capital, probably, judging from the cultural borders that we have scouted thus far). Do you see a 2 tile lake that is to the west of your capital or second city? If so, our city center will be to the "7" (NW) and then the "4" (W) of the top lake tile. It will contain deer and rice. I just wanted to make sure you're okay with this. Judging from the scouting so far there doesn't seem to be any food between this planned city and your cities and the land is average at best so I'm not sure if you had plans to put a city there anyway.

We are interested in a NAP. How long would you guys wish a NAP would last? I would suggest somewhere between 50 to 75 turns.

Lastly, I am just wondering what your diplomatic stances are to the various civs, as there seems to be a war in game already between some other civs. Right now, we are friendly with you guys and with Dantski/ JC of Mali who is our other close neighbor. The others, we haven't had enough contact/emails yet.



DMOC of the DMOC/Nakor team for Holy Roman Empire

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