Auf längere Auseinandersetzungen Forckenbecks über das Bewilligungsrecht und den Art. 99 der Verfassung und über den Wunsch des Volkes nach der verkürzten Dienstzeit erwidert Bismarck:
Excerpt from Bismarck's Blood and Iron" Speech (1862) Wrote:Er wolle gern auf den Etat für 1862 eingehen, ohne jedoch eine präjudizierliche Erklärung abzugeben. Ein Mißbrauch von Verfassungsrechten könne von allen Seiten getrieben werden; das führe dann zur Gegenwirkung von der anderen Seite. Die Krone z. B. könne zwölfmal hintereinander auflösen, das sei gewiß nach dem Buchstaben der Verfassung erlaubt, würde aber doch Mißbrauch sein. Ebenso könne sie Streichungen des Budgets zurückweisen, ohne Maß; da sei die Grenze schwer zu ziehen; sei sie schon bei 6 Millionen? bei 16? oder bei 60? – Es gebe Mitglieder des Nationalvereins, eines wegen der Gerechtigkeit seiner Forderungen zu Ansehen gelangten Vereins – hochachtbare Mitglieder, die alle stehenden Heere für überflüssig erklärten. Ja, wenn nun eine Volksvertretung diese Ansicht hätte! Müsse nicht eine Regierung das zurückweisen?! – Von der „Nüchternheit“ des preußischen Volkes sei die Rede gewesen. Ja, die große Selbständigkeit des einzelnen mache es schwierig in Preußen, mit der Verfassung zu regieren (oder die Verfassung zu konsolidieren?); in Frankreich sei das anders, da fehle diese individuelle Selbständigkeit. Eine Verfassungskrisis sei keine Schande, sondern eine Ehre. – Wir sind ferner vielleicht zu „gebildet“, um eine Verfassung zu tragen; wir sind zu kritisch; die Befähigung, Regierungsmaßregeln, Akte der Volksvertretung zu beurteilen, ist zu allgemein; im Lande gibt es eine Menge katilinarischer Existenzen, die ein großes Interesse an Umwälzungen haben. Das mag paradox klingen, beweist aber doch alles, wie schwer in Preußen verfassungsmäßiges Leben ist. – Man ist ferner zu empfindlich gegen Fehler der Regierung; als wenn es genug wäre, zu sagen, der und der Minister hat Fehler gemacht, als wenn man nicht selbst mitlitte? – Die öffentliche Meinung wechsle, die Presse sei nicht die öffentliche Meinung; man wisse, wie die Presse entstände; die Abgeordneten hätten die höhere Aufgabe, die Stimmung zu leiten, über ihr zu stehen. Wir haben zu heißes Blut, wir haben die Vorliebe, eine zu große Rüstung für unsern schmalen Leib zu tragen; nur sollen wir sie auch utilisieren. Nicht auf Preußens Liberalismus sieht Deutschland, sondern auf seine Macht; Bayern, Württemberg, Baden mögen dem Liberalismus indulgieren, darum wird ihnen doch keiner Preußens Rolle anweisen; Preußen muß seine Kraft zusammenfassen und zusammenhalten auf den günstigen Augenblick, der schon einige Male verpaßt ist; Preußens Grenzen nach den Wiener Verträgen sind zu einem gesunden Staatsleben nicht günstig; nicht durch Reden und Majoritätsbeschlüsse werden die großen Fragen der Zeit entschieden – das ist der große Fehler von 1848 und 1849 gewesen – sondern durch Eisen und Blut. Die vorjährige Bewilligung sei erfolgt; aus welchen Gründen, sei gleichgültig; er suche aufrichtig den Weg der Verständigung: ob er ihn finde, hänge nicht allein von ihm ab. Man hätte lieber kein fait accompli machen sollen seitens des Abgeordnetenhauses. – Wenn kein Budget zustande komme, dann sei tabula rasa; die Verfassung biete keinen Ausweg, denn da stehe Interpretation gegen Interpretation; summum ius, summa iniuria; der Buchstabe tötet. Er freue sich, daß die Außerung des Referenten, wegen Möglichkeit eines anderen Beschlusses des Hauses infolge einer etwaigen Gesetzesvorlage, die Aussicht auf Verständigung lasse; er suche diese Brücke auch; wann sie gefunden werde, stehe dahin. – Das Zustandekommen eines Budgets in diesem Jahre sei der Zeit nach kaum möglich; wir seien ja in exzeptionellen Zuständen; das Prinzip der schleunigen Vorlegung des Budgets sei ja auch von der Regierung anerkannt; aber man sage, das sei schon oft versprochen und nicht gehalten; nun „Sie können doch uns als ehrlichen Leuten trauen.“ Die Interpellation, es sei verfassungswidrig, verweigerte Ausgaben zu machen, teile er nicht; zu jeder Interpretation sei Übereinstimmung der drei Faktoren nötig.
Bismarck responds to [Max von] Forckenbeck's lengthy arguments about appropriation rights and Art. 99 of the constitution and the people's wish for a shortened military service:
Quote:He would like to go into the budget for 1862, though without making a prejudicial statement. An abuse of constitutional rights could be undertaken by any side; this would then lead to a reaction from the other side. The Crown, e.g., could dissolve [parliament] twelve times in a row – that would certainly be permitted according to the letter of the constitution – but it would be an abuse. It could just as easily reject cuts in the budget, immoderately; it would be hard to tell where to draw the line there; would it be at 6 million? At 16? Or at 60? – There are members of the National Association [Nationalverein] – of this association that has achieved a reputation owing to the justness of its demands – highly esteemed members who have stated that all standing armies are superfluous. Well, what if a public assembly had this view! Would not a government have to reject this?! – There was talk about the "sobriety" of the Prussian people. Yes, the great independence of the individual makes it difficult in Prussia to govern with the constitution (or to consolidate the constitution?); in France things are different, there this individual independence is lacking. A constitutional crisis would not be disgraceful, but honorable instead. – Furthermore, we are perhaps too "well-educated" to support a constitution; we are too critical; the ability to assess government measures and records of the public assembly is too common; in the country there are a lot of catiline [conspiratorial] characters who have a great interest in upheavals. This may sound paradoxical, but everything proves how hard constitutional life is in Prussia. – Furthermore, one is too sensitive about the government's mistakes; as if it were enough to say "this and that [cabinet] minister made mistakes,["] as if one wasn't adversely affected oneself. Public opinion changes, the press is not [the same as] public opinion; one knows how the press is written; members of parliament have a higher duty, to lead opinion, to stand above it. We are too hot-blooded, we have a preference for putting on armor that is too big for our small body; and now we're actually supposed to utilize it. Germany is not looking to Prussia's liberalism, but to its power; Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden may indulge liberalism, and yet no one will assign them Prussia's role; Prussia has to coalesce and concentrate its power for the opportune moment, which has already been missed several times; Prussia's borders according to the Vienna Treaties [of 1814-15] are not favorable for a healthy, vital state; it is not by speeches and majority resolutions that the great questions of the time are decided – that was the big mistake of 1848 and 1849 – but by iron and blood. Last year's appropriation has been carried out; for whatever reasons, it is a matter of indifference; he is sincerely seeking the path of agreement: whether he finds it does not depend on him alone. It would have been better if one had not made a fait accompli on the part of the Chamber of Deputies. – If no budget comes about, then there is a tabula rasa; the constitution offers no way out, for then it is one interpretation against another interpretation; summum ius, summa iniuria; the letter killeth. He is pleased that the speaker's remark about the possibility of another resolution of the House on account of a possible bill allows for the prospect of agreement; he, too, is looking for this bridge; when it might be found is uncertain. – Bringing about a budget this year is hardly possible given the time; we are in exceptional circumstances; the principle of promptly presenting the budget is also recognized by the government; but it is said that this was already promised and not kept; [and] now [it's] "You can certainly trust us as honest people." He does not agree with the interpellation that it is unconstitutional to make expenditures [whose authorization had been] refused; for every interpretation, it is necessary to agree on the three factors.
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
A Translation, from The Founding Wrote:The stone slipped from Scout’s fingers and tumbled to rest in the pool of collecting blood. It poured in waves from the breach of the old chieftain’s broken skull where the stone had done its work. Scout hadn’t wanted to do it, but there was no other way. The old chieftain had held sway over the band and there was no arguing his words. His words were law. The only way was to make a new law, with new words, and that meant there was nothing for it, the old chieftain would have to die and Scout would have to take his place. In this place, among these people, it was the only way.
Scout stood, looking down at the wreck of the old chieftain and then up at the faces around him. They were angry, he could feel it just as plainly as he could feel the hot sun burning upon his back or the wind swirling upon this high hill. But what of it? He had killed the old chieftain, that made him Chief now. That was the law, or was it? That had been the law, the law of the old chieftain, but when Scout slew him did the old law, pronounced upon a time in its old words, go away with their speaker? He did not know and did not care to guess, for fear that he would be wrong. Scout knew he had this moment to decide, to get it right, or the tribe would turn on him.
Scout spoke to the tribe, calmly, slowly, deliberately. “Walking Chief would not hear my counsel, you all know it. There was no other way. What I’ve done, I’ve done for us all.”
An aged warrior was first to respond to Scout. He spit before he spoke. “You killed him, you’ve taken our father. Who will lead us now? Who will lead the hunt? How will we survive? He made us one, he made us strong. Now what are we?”
Another warrior, younger and sharper of temperament, holding a wooden club, answered before Scout could reply. “You know what we are. We’re lost now. Walking Chief knew the way, he led us through these hills and the lower valleys many, many times. We know the ways he walked, yea, but he kept us together. He was one we could all follow. He was father to us all, we could trust in our father and follow him where he’d go. But I’ll not follow you, chief killer. You’re not fit to be Chief.”
With that, lacking any subtlety, the young warrior broke from the ring of distraught onlookers and charged headlong toward Scout. His approach from ten paces passed quickly, in four great strides he covered the distance, club raised and poised to strike, and was on Scout almost before he could react. But he did, turning, wheeling, and diving away just in time. Scout stumbled over Walking Chief’s corpse, fell toward the earthy hilltop, and sprawled in the blood and mud. The warrior turned and made to grab for Scout’s flailing leg as it neared his reach. It was just a moment too slow, for he grasped, missed, grasped again, and then he reeled. Scout had connected a driving kick into the warrior’s mouth and he spat blood. Scout writhed from where he laid on the ground, grasping and reaching for the stone, the stone that had served to end Walking Chief. The warrior came again, cursing and full of rage, one hand wiping away blood from his cracked mouth, the other again holding his wooden club. He stood over Scout, cursed him again for killing the tribe’s father, and let sail a savage blow that would have cracked the skull of a wild bear. As the club made contact with the earth, though, Scout swept aside the warrior’s standing leg and toppled him. He had the stone now within his grasp, and before the warrior could regain his feet and reply again Scout ended the brawl with a resounding blow behind the warrior’s left ear. The light was gone from his eyes before his head plopped down into the mud, gushing blood and bone and brain. His body collapsed in a heap, coming to a rest beside Walking Chief, their lives pouring out upon the hilltop now in one dark pool.
Scout rolled over and pushed himself up by his hands, still clutching the stone, reddened and dripping from its play. He had to be ready before the next warrior came to avenge their father. But no one came. They all just stood there, looking at Walking Chief, Scout, and their brother. Scout spoke, in a tired voice, but in a tone that brooked no argument. “I am your chief now. You will obey me. My word is law here, in this place. And I say again, now that you will listen, in this place we will stay. In the days of your fathers we walked these lands and hunted as we would to care for the needs of this tribe. But I say to you all here, now, on this hill, in this holy place. This shall be our home, and we shall walk no more. Yea, we will hunt, and we will sustain ourselves in the old ways, whether we hunt boar down along the river, or aught else. But there is more to living than this. We can do more, we can be more than what we are. We can have plenty, in times of good hunt or ill. We can have more than we have had. And I will show you how. We will do it in this place. This will be our home.”
Scout commanded and the tribe followed his words, his laws. This was the founding of the German empire.
Eine Übersetzung, von der Gründung Wrote:Der Stein rutschte von Scout Finger und getrommelt, um Ruhe in den Pool der Entnahme von Blut . Es goss in Wellen aus der Verletzung von gebrochenen Schädel des alten Häuptlings , wo der Stein hatte seine Arbeit getan . Scout wollte nicht , es zu tun , aber es gab keinen anderen Weg. Der alte Häuptling hatte Macht über die Band gehalten und es war kein Argument, seine Worte. Seine Worte waren Gesetz . Die einzige Möglichkeit war , ein neues Gesetz zu machen, mit neuen Worten, und das bedeutete, es war nichts für sie, würde der alte Häuptling sterben müssen und Scout müsste um seinen Platz einzunehmen . In diesem Ort , unter diesen Menschen , es war der einzige Weg.
Scout stand , Blick auf das Wrack der alte Häuptling und dann in die Gesichter um ihn herum nach unten. Sie waren wütend, er konnte es einfach so deutlich spüren, als er spürte, wie die heiße Sonne brennt auf den Rücken oder den Wind wirbelnden auf diesem hohen Hügel. Aber was ist es ? Er hatte den alten Häuptling , der ihn nun Chef getötet. Das war das Gesetz , oder war es ? Das hatte war das Gesetz, das Gesetz des alten Häuptling , aber als Scout tötete ihn hat das alte Gesetz , sprich eine Zeit, in der alten Worte , geh weg mit ihren Lautsprecher ? Er wusste es nicht und kümmerte sich nicht darum , zu erraten , aus Angst , er wäre falsch. Scout wusste, dass er diesen Moment , um zu entscheiden , es richtig zu machen , oder der Stamm würde auf ihn zu wenden hatte .
Scout sprach mit dem Stamm , ruhig , langsam , bedächtig. "Walking Chef wollten meinen Rat nicht hören , Sie alle wissen es . Es gab keinen anderen Weg. Was ich getan habe , habe ich für uns alle gemacht. "
Ein alter Krieger war Erste, der Scout reagieren. Er spuckte , bevor er sprach. "Sie haben ihn umgebracht , du unser Vater genommen habe. Wer wird uns jetzt führen ? Wer wird die Jagd zu führen? Wie werden wir überleben? Er hat uns ein , er machte uns stark. Nun, was sind wir? "
Ein weiterer Krieger , jünger und schärfer Temperament , mit einem Holzknüppel , beantwortet werden, bevor Scout antworten konnte . "Sie wissen, was wir sind. Wir sind jetzt verloren. Gehen Chef kannte den Weg , führte er uns durch diese Hügel und Täler der unteren viele, viele Male . Wir kennen die Wege, die er ging , ja, aber er hielt uns zusammen . Er war einer wir alle folgen konnten . Er war Vater für uns alle , die wir in unserem Vater vertrauen konnte und ihm zu folgen , wo er gehen würde . Aber ich werde dir nicht folgen , Chef- Killer. Du bist nicht fit Chef sein. "
Damit fehlt jede Subtilität , brach der junge Krieger aus dem Ring der verzweifelten Zuschauer und kopfüber in Richtung Scout belastet. Sein Ansatz von zehn Schritte schnell vergangen , in vier große Fortschritte er den Abstand , Club angehoben und bereit zu streiken , und war auf fast Scout , bevor er reagieren konnte . Aber er tat , drehen, drehen, und Tauchen weg, nur in der Zeit. Scout stolperte über Wandern Chef Leiche fiel in Richtung der erdigen Hügel , und im Blut und Schlamm ausgestreckt . Der Krieger gedreht und gemacht, um für Scout flailing Bein packen, wie es seiner Reichweite näherte . Es war nur ein Moment zu langsam , denn er begriffen , verpasste , ergriff wieder, und dann taumelte er. Scout hatte einen Antriebs Kick in den Mund des Kriegers verbunden und er spuckte Blut. Scout wand sich aus , wo er auf den Boden gelegt , Greifen und griff nach dem Stein, der Stein, der gedient hatte, zu Ende gehende Chef . Der Krieger kam wieder , Fluchen und voller Wut , eine Hand wischte sich Blut aus dem Mund gebrochen , der andere wieder , der seine Holzkeule . Er stand über Scout , verfluchte ihn wieder zum Vater des Stammes zu töten , und lassen Sie segeln eine wilde Schlag, der den Schädel eines wilden Bären geknackt hätte. Wie der Verein Kontakt mit der Erde , wenn auch , fegte Scout zur Seite des Kriegers Standbein und kippte ihn . Er hatte den Stein nun in seinem Griff , und bevor der Krieger könnte seinen Füßen zurückzugewinnen und wieder antworten Scout beendete die Schlägerei mit einem schallenden Schlag hinter dem linken Ohr des Kriegers. Das Licht war aus seinen Augen verschwunden , bevor sein Kopf ließ sich in den Schlamm , rauschende Blut-und Knochen und Gehirn. Sein Körper brach in einem Haufen , kommen zur Ruhe neben Wandern Leiter, die ihr Leben auf dem Hügel gießt nun in einem dunklen Pool.
Scout rollte und schob sich durch seinen Händen, noch umklammert den Stein , gerötet und tropft von seinem Spiel . Er hatte , bereit zu sein , bevor der nächste Krieger zu ihrem Vater zu rächen. Aber es kam niemand . Sie standen alle nur da und schaute Gehen Chief Scout und ihr Bruder. Scout sprach mit müder Stimme , aber in einem Ton, der keinen Widerspruch duldete . "Ich bin jetzt Ihren Chef. Du wirst mir gehorchen. Mein Wort ist hier Gesetz , an diesem Ort. Und ich sage es noch einmal , jetzt, dass Sie hören zu, an diesem Ort werden wir bleiben. In den Tagen eurer Väter gingen wir dieses Land und gejagt , wie wir es für die Bedürfnisse dieses Stammes kümmern. Aber ich Euch allen sagen, hier , jetzt , auf diesem Hügel , an diesem heiligen Ort . Dies gilt unser Zuhause sein , und wir werden nicht mehr gehen. Ja, wir jagen , und wir werden uns in den alten Wegen irgendetwas sonst zu erhalten, ob wir jagen Wildschweine entlang des Flusses, oder . Aber es gibt mehr zu leben als diese. Wir können mehr tun, werden wir mehr als das, was wir sind sein kann. Wir können viel haben , in Zeiten der Jagd gut oder schlecht . Wir können mehr, als wir gehabt haben müssen . Und ich werde Ihnen zeigen, wie . Wir werden es in diesem Ort zu tun. Das wird unser zu Hause sein. "
Scout geboten und der Stamm folgte seinen Worten, seine Gesetze . Dies war die Gründung des Deutschen Reiches.
Currently leading poll options: blood, tears, and misery.
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
I know, the German language parts will be terrible, they'll be courtesy of Google translate except where I find original source material like Bismarck's quote above. My German isn't good enough to write for myself, I took one course in college years ago and that's it for training. I guess trying to read it would be a painful and annoying experience. But to the untrained eye it looks German, right?!
In general my reports in this thread will be told through stories if I can make time to write them. I'll blame the lack of turns for the lack of posts here so far. Also, I'll try to work lurkers, posters, and poll voters into the story as I go. And at some point the poll will change when I need new information for where to go with the story. It may turn out that I have more ideas for what to do with this thread then time to actually do it, or my writing may be completely boring and awful, but there's only one way to find out right?
Finally, there's no such thing as a bad suggestion from the audience. Interactive storytelling! If you don't like a character... kill him!
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
Apologies for the terrible thread so far. I've been busier than I expected I would be lately, and can't carve out time to sit and write. And thus no reporting either. Maybe soon.
I'll be out of town this weekend and will probably have access to play (though it's not guaranteed). Just in case I need to call in a favor, here's the current plan:
Not THE plan, but A plan Wrote:T23 worker 56/60 + 29 = worker finished, 25 overflow
T24 settler 25/100 + 9 = 34 / worker A to forest, worker B to forest2
T25 settler 34/100 + 9 = 43 / workers A & B chop 1/3 / capital borders pop / The Wheel in, start Fishing
T26 settler 43/100 + 9 = 52 / workers A & B chop 2/3
T27 settler 52/100 + 9 = 61 / workers A & B chop 3/3 --> settler finshes 101/100 1 overflow
T28 REVOLT / worker A move to plains hill 21 of capital, worker B road 1SW of capital, settler to PH
T29 warrior 1/15 + 9 = 10 / worker A road1 PH 21 of cap, worker B road2 1S of capital. settler to C2
T30 warrior 10/15 + 9 = 19 / worker A finish PH road, settle C2 with warrior in garrison
T32 Fishing in
It'll all make sense to whoever logs in, if anyone. I'm a whore for signs all over the map.
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon
T0 Scout founds the empire, names the German settlement Schweinberg.
T1 Scout leaves the city, searching for new lands to settle. Finds double pigs.
T2 Discovers sheep and gold along a river valley.
T3 Climbs a hilly region finding a jungle with bananas and rice. In Schweinberg local explorers discover an ancient settlement nearby.
T4 Dispatched messengers track down Scout in the wilderness, telling him about the tribe near the settlement.
T5 Scout abandons further exploration to treat with the tribe.
T6 After tracking across known territory for a long time Scout arrives at the ancient tribe's site.
T7 The meeting is fruitful and some of the ancient tribe join Scout's troup. Scout divides the new group into two exploration teams.
T8 The new scouts survive an encounter with a menacing panther.
T9 Scout again traverses known lands to explore to the northeast of the German settlement. There is discontent with Scout's rule.
T10 Sheep, cows, crab, and fish are known in the west. Scout encounters men from another tribe in the wilderness, calling themselves Greek.
T11 Scout heads off in the direction the Greeks came from, and the Greeks likewise head toward the German settlement.
T12 The western explorers happen upon another ancient tribe, who surrender their maps to the western region. A labor crew begins work at home.
T13 Scout meets another ancient tribe in the east, who teach him the ways of advanced woodsman survival.
T14 Exploration continues apace, but both explorers are out of contact with the settlement.
T15 Scout locates the Greek settlement and sees the Greek scouting party surrounded by both wild wolves and lions.
T16 The western explorers find the lands of another major tribe, the French. The Greek explorers fight off the wild animals.
T17 Workers begin clearing forests around Schweinberg.
T18 Scout turns toward home along a northern route.
T19 Believing Scout lost, a new warrior arises in the settlement to take command. He is Kublai Khan. Meanwhile, Scout secures a NE regional map.
T20 Work crews continue clearing hilltop forests.
T21 Scout sights a lion pride from atop an eastern hill. The western explorers seek a way around the French domain to the north.
T22 Scout encounters the lions, prepares for attack. French and Greek explorers are near each other but do not make contact.
T23 Kublai surveys the laborers and encounters the French and Greek at the edge of claimed German territory.
T24 The western explorers were exploring a herd of elephants when they were trapped by lions. It is feared that no one survived.
T25 Later explorations show that four lions died, but the fifth killed the seventh and last explorer. Kublai also faces lions but slays them all himself.
T26 Kublai has ordered a settling party to prepare to leave Schweinberg. He wants to master the swine herds early exploration had revealed.
T27 Two work crews clear out two more forests in preparation of the settling party.
T28 The settlers leave Schweinberg with Kublai protecting the wagon train. Kublai introduces slavery as a punishment for the most severe crimes.
T29 Workers lay down the empire's first roads toward the site of the new settlement.
T30 Another track of road is completed and the new village is settled, Pfennigspeck, or Pennybacon as it is commonly known.
T31 Workers begin taming the wilds around Pennybacon, building pastures for sheep and mines for the copper.
T32 Germans learn to pull fish from rivers and streams. Kublai begins teaching wise men the ways of Archery.
T33 Following an incident of shame and dishonor, Kublai enslaves many men at Pig Mountain and spends their lives building work boats.
T34 Workers finished another pig pasture and set out to build a road to another.
T35 Pennybacon expands its territory and workers being a new pasture.
T36 A third pig pasture is completed, leading to a birth boom at Pennybacon.
T37 Scout rounds the southern coast finding fish, clams, and whales.
T38 Workers complete the copper mines and begin its operation.
T39 Workers disperse to clear more forested lands. Kublai begins training an elite warrior corps in the use of spears.
T40 Scout completes exploration along the southern coast and reports his findings to the German people. Mariners control another bed of clams.
T41 Kublai orders another settling party to begin preparations, for a site to the east where wild corn had been found.
T42 Kublai's spearmen finish training and take up a zone defense position. Workers begin roads toward the new settlement.
T43 Pennybacon sends forth a new work crew and Kublai orders another one.
T44 Word of French advances in Archery trouble the Germans. Preparations for the new settlement continue.
T45 The settlers leave Schweinberg for the new site in the east along roads completed just in time for the transit.
T46 Zuckermais (Sweetcorn) is founded, with workers immdeiately beginning to bring corn under cultivation.
T47 Kublai orders men to begin training as archers. Scout watches the progress of a French settling party in the west.
Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon