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(March 17th, 2014, 09:08)SevenSpirits Wrote: Mixed bag of a turn. We got MoM, but something happened to decrease our gold or increase our costs before the turn was processed, so our slider was bumped down and we didn't get literature. So now an entire city and quite a few workers just sit there for a turn doing nothing. I'm not sure what could cause that. Maybe in a pitboss, inflation goes up before your turn runs? I'd believe that kind of crap.
This type of thing seems to be going around lately. Sorry, that sucks.
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Same thing happened with me and suttree in PB14, delaying rep revolt by an annoying five turns.
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Well, it worked out OK after all, I just build wealth there for a turn and store the chops, and have to work an extra mine over a farm next turn, I think. Thankfully I'd gone with a plan that has surplus food.
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In game looking around, Goreripper just declared on Hashoosh.
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March 19th, 2014, 18:40
(This post was last modified: March 19th, 2014, 18:40 by Krill.)
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Numbers for lurkers:
Number of cities: 27
Number of pop points: 136
Total Crop Yield: 454
Excess food per turn: 182
Average city size excluding capital: 4.6
Average number of pop points grown per turn: 12ish (2 cities without granaries)
Max bpt: 603bpt, -356gpt
Max tax: 1bpt, 175gpt
Breakeven bpt: c.200bpt, 0gpt
Seven, question about Night Watch: Temple after NE? Oh wait. We don't have Priesthood. Need that...
Current games (All): RtR: PB83
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Logged in to look around, Hashoosh offered Horse and Copper to us for nothing. I declined it, if you want me to reoffer it I can do, but Hashoosh can't play his tunr until after Goreripper has finished anyway.
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FFS, Hashoosh also offered Pig for Incense. I think we have to decline that one?
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Yeah, those are declines. I think he's saying Gore is attacking him and he wants some charity happiness. Unfortunately we are such nice guys that we've already given all our spare happiness away. We are still giving him iron, gpt and trade routes, of course.
Luckily for him, when you whip cities they become happier. And when your cities get captured it's even less of a problem!
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You know I think since this game has started you really have gone off the deep end...
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* We completed NE last turn and revolted to caste/pac this turn. Pac is 30gpt cheaper than OR, and hiring merchants is also good for GNP, so we are now making 220ish gpt. (As bpt it's obviously higher, didn't check the exact number.) We can save gold for 3t and then get Nationalism is 3t. That gives us the tech 13t behind Yuri. Remember I said I expected his Taj time to be at least 14t? So I think if we get an engineer we have at least a coinflip. If he went oxford first we actually could beat him to it if we whip and he doesn't, but at this point I am pretty convinced he went for Taj first. And I don't think he spent enough time building units for his war - if he did that at all in the capital - that we could possibly beat his Taj time without an engineer. So I think the plan is save gold for 3t, 100% nat for 2t, hope for engineer? Maybe it's 100% nat for 1t, then archery at 100% for a turn instead. Or archery + priesthood. But then we will probably have to build a lot of wealth/research. Given that we want Nat quite soon anyway, I don't feel too bad about putting beakers into it. Although just getting paper/machinery/PP first is appealing. If we don't get an engineer, it will almost certainly be a merchant (there's a low chance of artist), and I think we'll actually want to use it for a trade mission. We're still growing really fast, and don't need civic-switching powers, so the GA is better saved for a bit later.
* Goreripper declared war on Hashoosh at the end of last turn, and this turn captured two cities (which I assume were some of the better-defended ones) AND moved a pristine 14 knight 1 HA stack to within range of Hashoosh's capital, which is defended by a warrior and a chariot. So yeah... RIP Hashoosh.
* We whipped a bunch of buildings before swapping out of slavery/OR, for the lovely undiminished overflow. These include 3 courthouses and an ikhanda, and another one of each of those is finishing in 3t/this turn respectively, so gpt is definitely going to keep climbing here. Not to mention 5t of growing pop without access to slavery...
* Gaspar declared war on Gavagai last turn (?) or the turn before, and then they made peace the turn after. I didn't hasten to mention it because I thought it would be phony.
* Our impi/chariot combo (I kept them together for safety, and for a possible later split-up if we reach a fork where we have to gamble) looks to be 3t of movement from circumnavigating. We really shouldn't get this. I'm still pretty bummed we didn't know it was available sooner.