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RB Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Gandhi of Korea (Broker33 & plako)

plako Wrote:We could really use few Axes. I recaptured the worker and we got research visibility on Whosit and it shows 2 turns to IW. I settled the crab-horse city and started Monument that will be ready after the chop in 3 turns. After that I'm thinking Work Boat while Seoul builds Archers for its protection. Praetorians will really be painful. Even if we would have walls in the hill city they have decent odds against Archers.

Copper is top priority to us now. We might want to settle above copper since that is really good spot. I'll do rough estimations later, but I think we can time things so that we can found copper city at the earliest in ~12 turns, if we really want. Naturally this city will become quite costly since we need 150 hammers that could also be 6 Archers.
Could you give us a screenshot of the proposed copper city site?

Here it is. Settling above Copper is very strong spot. 3 hammers from the settled position +3 food resources+wine and there are still fogged tiles. We want it and fast.

[Image: civ4screenshot0314a.jpg]

[Image: civ4screenshot0315.jpg]

plako Wrote:Here it is. Settling above Copper is very strong spot. 3 hammers from the settled position +3 food resources+wine and there are still fogged tiles. We want it and fast.
Thank you. That IS a strong spot!

Checking the possibilities to trade for axes/copper. i.e message to Nakor/DMOC:

Quote:Dear DMOC and Nakor,

I suggest 10 turns of NAP cool down time.

Concerning Whosit we see that he'll have Iron Working and possibility for Praetorians in 2 turns. We'll have 10 turns of enforced peace ahead of us, but after that no pact will be hindrance to him. This will be problematic, since we don't have currently access to metal to build axes. We have plans to overcome this, but meanwhile we're seeking other solutions to the problem.

What is your intrest level to sell us Axes to be available within next 10 turns? We could produce at least Workers/Archers/Chariots for you. Depending on the terms e.g. timing and promotions we can naturally pay hammerwise more than the real value of Axes is.

What about selling the copper? We'll have sailing soonish so I guess we could trade it e.g. in ~6-7 turns from now so that we could produce few axes of our own. Again we could pay with troops/workers or maybe moving our settling position in the south couple of tiles to east so that our borders wouldn't be that close to each other.

Please let us know, if you're intrested in some of these options.


Good work and I agree copper spot is a must have. Worst case it could allow us to survive and harrass Rome. Just island settle.

Hopefully dmoc will trade us either copper or some axes.

Archery ready and started Sailing that comes in 6 at 100%, but we need 1-2 0% turn so 7-8 turns is more realistic time schedule.

Workers are chopping/roading (We need more of them, but I doubt we've time to build them now). Pyongang is building Granary that I'll whip next turn (food bin is then half filled that I suspect is the optimum time to whip Granary) and put overflow to Archer. Seoul will build 2-3 Archers and depending on how things look it will start Settler after that. I think I'll turn around our WB scout to improve the crab so that we can build Archer in the Wonsan instead.

edit. Jowy came with a scout from the NW. We should have good shot at settling the copper island.

Sigh Naturally Whosit has Iron on his doorstep. LiPing really moved on excellent spot in the beginning. DMOC and Nakor are willing to trade axes, but I'm not sure they arrive on time.

[Image: thciv4screenshot0631.jpg]

[Image: thciv4screenshot0632.jpg]

Discussion with DMOC and Nakor:

Quote:Nakor and I have agreed that we can produce axes for you and broker33. We will have copper conncted to all of our cities by turn 65 and will be able to get several axes quite easily. If both of us build roads towards each other, then our axes might reach your borders before the 10 turns is up.

Nakor and I were thinking about a worker in exchange for axes, since our worker situation is quite poor. How many axes do you think making a worker for us is worth?

Quote:Thank you for your kind offer. Unfortunately I just realised that your axes won't be on time available (we don't have a road towards you) and actally I'm not sure, if units/resources can be gifted without Open borders. We'll probably have Writing in ~15 turns, but around same time we hope to have our metal also hooked up. What are your plans concerning Writing?

Quote:We should have Writing researched by turn 64 (1440 BC I think). If we're going to road to our cities, then you should try and road to our third city (which is to the north of where our city that will conflict with your future city will be) if possible and we can road towards you as well, to lessen the burden of the task.

Curious how do you know there is iron there? Just a learning thing for me.

Of course that is some lousy luck for us. No copper and agressive rome has iron.

We probably have Iron close since the copper was so far away but think settling copper city fast is better choice now than running to IW

Broker33 Wrote:Curious how do you know there is iron there? Just a learning thing for me.

I guess because the grasslandtile yields 1 hammer wink

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