December 15th, 2009, 07:37
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What about Jowy? We could ask for a 5-10 turn Copper loan.
I'd take HBR at this point. We know we have Horse, we just need a bit of help to get it connected and then we're in business.
@sunrise - I don't see what else we can do at this point but turtle. Do we want to whip the Oracle?
December 15th, 2009, 07:39
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Yeah I will send Jowy a note, though if you've been following along, his tone has gone real frosty lately.
Also, do we have the ability to trade resources with him yet? We may need to get sailing anyways.
Also, are we willing to cede any territory to them in exchange for copper? My opinion would be that if we are, we should offer it right away, and I would lean towards yes.
December 15th, 2009, 08:48
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Pending email I want to send to Jowy
Quote:Hi Jowy,
How are things going? We know (or at least some of us on our team have speculated) that you have cooled in your attitude towards us. I am not sure if that is true for sure or if so, why that is, but I thought that I would drop you a note here.
The war with the Ottomans isn't going great, which is somewhat to be expected. It may be that they finish us off before too long, or it may be that we manage to survive, in a weakened state where we just limp around for awhile until somebody puts us out of our misery.
We took a vote and decided that if we were to be eliminated or hamstrung, that, of all our direct neighbors, we wanted you and your civ to benefit. Although relations between us seem to have cooled a bit lately, you were the only one that really expressed interest in working with us, and the only one that signed a NAP / border agreement.
So if we are to go down in flames, we will do our best to ensure that you are the one to profit. How effective we will be in that remains to be seen, but we will try our best.
So having said that, we did think of an arrangement that you might be interested in. We could really use a 5-10t loan of metal (copper / iron). I don't know if you have any hooked up, but if you would be willing to send it our way for a few turns, we are prepared and willing to cede you additional lands between us, above and beyond the areas we divided in our original agreement.
Now, you might be thinking that if we just die, then you will get those lands anyways, and that is likely true. But if we are able to survive, then with this new agreement, you will get the vast majority of them anyways, and having us around to act as a thorn in the Ottoman's side (either openly to aid you or if you prefer, without recognizing your tacit approval) can only help you, right?
If this is something that is even possible or you are interested in discussing, we're happy to talk more details, such as how to get trade routes if we don't have them already (we can research Sailing if you don't have it), or timing of the metal gift, or exact land borders, etc.
Hope to hear from you soon
@Sunrise, Darrell - please give feedback so we can send this out
@lurkers - what do you guys think? Despite what was said earlier, now you should all be rooting for us, right? Since we're the underdogs and all?
December 15th, 2009, 09:02
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The question is: Can they get anything from you that they couldn't get from your cold dead corpse?
December 15th, 2009, 09:11
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Based on our experiences in the Poly demogame, any resource deal will have to be for 10 min turns.
Not sure whether the deal would be appealing to Jowy, as by supporting you he'd make an enemy of the Ottomans for no guaranteed net gain.
December 15th, 2009, 09:17
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Swiss Pauli Wrote:Based on our experiences in the Poly demogame, any resource deal will have to be for 10 min turns.
Not sure whether the deal would be appealing to Jowy, as by supporting you he'd make an enemy of the Ottomans for no guaranteed net gain. Reading Regoarrars reasoning, it could hold some appeal for Jowy. A resource deal can be terminated prematurely by pillaging the resource, I think (but that might be a bit drastic).
You mention Iron, is it possible to trade for Iron without knowing Iron Working?
December 15th, 2009, 09:38
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Well they can get it sooner, that's an advantage.
Send it out, our new game objective doesn't require anything but metal  .
December 15th, 2009, 09:43
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antisocialmunky Wrote:The question is: Can they get anything from you that they couldn't get from your cold dead corpse? 
That is a factor for sure, and probably the most important one. I did attempt to address that in my email, though it remains to be seen whether they think it's worth it
I will send it out.
December 15th, 2009, 09:46
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Also - reply back to sulllla
Don't worry about it - we knew it was a longshot. I'm sure that you have lots of MP needs what with ALL YOUR CITIES!!! :-P
We have sent some feelers out to Jowy, as well as IKZ - still waiting on a response (though we just sent Jowy's this morning). If you could send anything to Jowy encouraging him to work with us (we have offered land / other concessions in exchange for a few turns of metal), that would be great. Anything to convince him that working with us / propping us up is in his best interests. That is, if you think that it IS in his best interests. I'm sure it's in OUR best interests :-)
Also, have you seen any iron near our lands (we do not yet have IW and are not sure if you do or not)
December 15th, 2009, 11:53
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Okay we got the Ottoman demographics.
First score
And power