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RBP2 Lurker Discussion Thread - No Players!

Hey all,

Finally registered an account here after lurking for 3+ years! I burnt out of civ 4 sp about a year ago, but the pitboss and pbem games have piqued my interest yet again- I suspect that may be the case for at least a few of the posters here, given how many people this latest game inspired to delurk.

Actually, would there be any interest in starting yet another mp game, possibly a pbem between the multiplayer newbs? I know that I'd be game, although I happen to lack Beyond the Sword and don't have any plans to purchase it (but everybody totally loved Warlords... right?).

antisocialmunky Wrote:I don't think that an axeman and some hoplites are going to do much though :-(.

Jowy is extremely far away from Spullla at any rate. I forsee them holding off Jowy and eating Dantski alive. Then there's the issue of coordination and planning which I hope they don't but won't be surprised if they screw up on giving the distances involved.

Oh well, if Dantski signs open borders, then he'll be able to get a good look at all the workers he doesn't have lol.
Jowy's not that far away from Spullla, they are neighbours, after all. I don't see Spullla taking any malinese cities either, as they will be defended by skirmishers. They'll need catapults and I assume this war will happen before that.

Think Speaker/Sullla could be in for a rough ride if they go down Sulllas route of aggressive city/light military/rely on NAP...

Just hope nobody spoilers it, because this is a really interesting situation to observe.

Be curious to see phalanx in action - strikes me as a unit with no obvious counters, until it's advantage comes to a crashing stop if the opposition gets HAs?

BobRoberts Wrote:Be curious to see phalanx in action - strikes me as a unit with no obvious counters, until it's advantage comes to a crashing stop if the opposition gets HAs?

The problem with the phalanx is that its bonus is defensive so it won't help Jowy take any cities.

Swiss Pauli Wrote:The problem with the phalanx is that its bonus is defensive so it won't help Jowy take any cities.
I'm feeling chatty and lazy... What are the phalanx specs?

Heh - lazy here too - sat in the office twiddling my thumbs and nursing skiing injuries.

IIRC, it's exactly the same statline as a regular axe, but gets +100% bonus defending against chariots.

What are Byz planning to take with the oracle? If I were them i'd be seriously considering teching towrard sailing, whipping a galley and setter and investigating those islands! They might survive then and it would be a great move! It could be quite lucrative being and island based civ.

All hypothetical of course - maybe we will see Korea doing this?

It does look like Korea have set themselves up for that... not a bad idea in their position, I think! smile

Moving to the islands may feel like defeat though. Psychologically, it may be hard to do even if it is practically wise.

"Abandon the home lands? Nay! We fight to the last man for the land we have put our blood, sweat and tears into!"

Re: Phalanx: It's not a defensive ability, but rather a no-counterattacking ability. Against normal axes, Spullla could throw some chariots against the axes the moment they got in range. And the chariot bonus is when attacking only, so phalanxes and axemen can drop chariots that are left in the open.

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