wow, thats awful nice of him. Who's winning right now? runner up? First to die?
[SPOILERS] AlaePB1 - the ol' Nile blues
It actually makes sense, Gavagai is the leader, Furj must have understood we are deep into war preparations, so assistance to the weaker party is very rational.
Winning: Hum (has Railroad, decent land, strong GNP, reasonable geopolitics) Runner-up: Depends awfully on the next 5-10 turns, could be anyone of Zanth, Gavagai and me, in decreasing order of probability. First to die: I don't actually think we'll see outright eliminations anymore, albeit if anyone is getting eliminated, it's me. Basically, because Gavagai showed he won't let me tech Combustion in peace (quite sensible of him), I had to invest in military (top power as of this turn, with power made up of Cavalry, Cannon, Riflemen; Gav is second best, but his power is largely Cuirs, Grens and fleet). Because I'm so over-invested in military and will have by far the best one in the world once Artillery comes in, my only hope now is to apply it offensively. The only real target for that is Gav, as I don't have the security of supply lines to war against Zanth with China to my north. Everything here will depend on troop movements, as well as mine and Gav's ability to read each other's plans. If I land my 6 Arty, 11 Cav, 4 Rifles on his continent he is screwed, but his naval domination might just be sufficient enough to block the landing — but only if he smells a rat and calls off the offensive he is planning. If he blocks, I am screwed, as I won't have Combustion for about 10 turns after Gav gets it.
Meh, Gavagai's attack against Abydos went largely his way. Now this is going to be long, drawn out, and painful. I've also underestimated how much damage Airships deal even to units far stronger than themselves. Because of that at least three combats fell just on the wrong side of the strength balance for me (and Gavagai won them all).
Pff, looking at a combat log is just painful. The first Gren died receiving 4 hits and dealing none at 12/24. A bit lucky for me, but not even hugely so — 20% odds of this happening. The next one, with identical odds managed 6(!) hits. Then, a 12 against 20.25 beat the odds again, dealing 4 hits, as many as he received before expiring. This was only improved for Gavagai as 12 v 19.92 put in a full five, more than the clearly pathetic defending commanding officer managed to deal in return. We then ran the battle again with two similar units, and finally... no, I didn't get luck go my way, we just hit the expected outcome — 3 hits dealt to 4 hits received. The next combat, by comparison, was a breeze, at 14.4 versus 22.5 I managed to receive only two hits. But Bacchus you might say, you had 38.6% chance of getting that or better, that's not much to be happy about. Well, no, but put into perspective of the next combat, 13.2 versus 22.5, where the attacking Gren managed to deal 5 hits, it really was Christmas come early. So of 7 combats, Gavagai managed to beat the odds in 4 and I only in 2. Together with my underestimation of Airship strength, that spelt doom for Abydos, the defending units, 4 Airships, 2 Galleons and 4 Frigates. Ouch. I also was far too clever for my own good — I didn't move too many units into Abydos for the fear that he figures out my counter-attacking plan. I thought I moved enough in, to make him go after weaker spots. Fail.
Gavagai took Byblos, losing three Grenadiers and a Cuirassier. As is custom, his very first Gren, amphibiously attacking a Cavalry, dealt as many hits as he received, despite being 12 against 18.6. The cannon fared better, receiving just two hits, but that didn't stop it losing the second combat, which is fair enough. Then, four airship-damaged, but reinforced, rifles faced off against grens at nearly even odds, and 2 held, whilst 2 died. Luck favoured no-one here. Cleaning up the two damaged Rifles, Gavagai did manage to lose a Cuir, which is the total of luck that I have this war.
He kept Byblos for now, but can't hope to retain it, once I have Artillery. Sadly, I will have to suicide some Galleons for transportation, but I really need that city.
Gavagai blockaded my eastern seaboard, preventing a landing at Byblos. Good for him, as he has nothing to stand up to Artillery yet. I was researching steam power, excited to build ironclads and clear out, with the help of airships, the wooden junk sailing in my waters but.... I have no coal. No coal. None. Not on any of my far flung islands, not in the antarctic, nowhere. Nowhere even to prospectively settle for it, only to conquer, and the nearest one is in Gavagai's Etcheturia. Ow.
Railroads and ironclads are for losers, as are coal plants.
I have no idea how that occurred, but if it is the case, I am very, very sorry. That was not my intention at all
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
Gavagai's thorough demolition of Zanth scared Hum into accepting a draw. As I haven't really been playing this per se for a while now, I am only glad, even as a large part of me would liked to have seen the dramatic failure of Gavagai's attempt to claw back into first place. For me, the game was largely over back in the day when I misallocated units and lost my fleet to Gavagai's amphibious assault. Prior to that, I played ok, my biggest problem was not getting Theocracy, if my rifles were drafted with CG1, rather than promless, it would have made a big difference.