December 28th, 2009, 12:45
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Whosit is going Galleys to fight the Indians.  This is exactly why you want to be 2nd place the whole game so you can orchestrate something like this against #1, set everyone behind, and win the game. They are working the diplo beatifully.
Also @ the ideas for PB3, I remember a few succession games with master + a few newbies and they ended up being somewhat mixed bag. I remember on with Sullla where people got a little ticked at him for critiquing their moves negatively while not offering any positive feedback and that kinda killed the mood for a while so I guess the arrangement of the teams would need alot of consideration.
December 28th, 2009, 13:23
I would be very interested in participating in a newb only game, but would prefer that it be PBEM for the slower pace. Uh, and also Warlords because I don't have BTS :D (just think, no disagreements over what sort of spy actions are allowed! None of those interesting civ/leader combos to argue over!). Maybe I could pair up with someone.
Regarding this game, I wish Ploker would update their thread some more- did they ever settle their copper? I'm sort of rooting for them by this point, since they've never really done anything to deserve Whosit's aggression and it would be astounding for them to hold off aggressive praets with only 3(?) mainland cities.
December 28th, 2009, 13:33
(This post was last modified: December 28th, 2009, 14:51 by antisocialmunky.)
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Ploker is in the running to be Spullla's sole ally unless IKZ starts playing again. It would be fun to see a surprise attack when all the Praets are away.
Also, is Dantski trying to tip Sullla off to an impending attack?
Quote:Hi Xmas Angels
My cities have certainly been feeling the whip the past few turns and in keeping with the Xmas spirit I may lay off the lashings for a short time. I'm quite interested after the game is finished to see how you played your first 50 or so turns, it seems a single warrior rush may have given you some problems!
Also suggest building an extra chariot or two for barbs, your lands are a bit lightly defended don't you think? Can't rely on everyones scouts fog busting.
Wishing you both an enjoyable xmas
Unless he thinks that a unit that doesn't get defense bonuses helps him...
December 28th, 2009, 15:57
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Sullla Wrote:We really need to be on good terms with Dantski, especially because of the way Jowy's acting. Unfortunately, I don't trust him either; I think we may have an attack coming from the south down the road too.
 Yet another attack sniffed out well ahead of time.
December 28th, 2009, 18:11
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Speaker Wrote:It all sounds good Sullla.
I think we should discuss our goals for the next "chunk" of time. I agree with you 100% that we cannot trust either of our neighbors.
The more I think about it, and as much as it pains me to wage war so early, I am thinking that we should strongly consider attacking Greece with Horse Archers in the next 25 turns. If we strike fast at Sparta, we will sever his Iron resource, leaving him with just Archers and Chariots (and whatever Phalanx he has built) for defense.
Cleaning our Greece will allow us to trade metal to Byzantine and maybe they can actually clean out their lands and become some sort of defent ally? I fear that they will be a total non-factor, however, since they are still in the stone age at this point. Securing the northern border will also allow us to fortify the south against Dantski and Nakor, who seem rather chummy at the moment, despite (or perhaps due to) their close proximity.
So....we could plant Black dot and then Grab Horseback Riding and pop out 10 HA and steamroll Greece? It's not an optimal "Ironman" strategy, but with two neighbors who seem intent on fighting us, I think it could be our best play.
Now this could get interesting....or fatal! Timing is now critical and whichever attack gets in first will be huge! However, if Spulla are attacked first - training attacking troops with no defensive bonuses would be a glaring error!
What do you guys reckon?
December 28th, 2009, 19:20
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Twinkletoes89 Wrote:Now this could get interesting....or fatal! Timing is now critical and whichever attack gets in first will be huge! However, if Spulla are attacked first - training attacking troops with no defensive bonuses would be a glaring error!
What do you guys reckon?
Training horse archers would be fine. Assuming they go strentgh 1 --> Shock, they will get good odds on everything the others send.
December 28th, 2009, 20:58
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They'll be unupgraded before the war so if they get attacked, they can quickly adapt. Plus Greece is slated to attack first with Dantski joining in when his NAP runs out.
December 29th, 2009, 04:20
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antisocialmunky Wrote:They'll be unupgraded before the war so if they get attacked, they can quickly adapt. Plus Greece is slated to attack first with Dantski joining in when his NAP runs out.
Although I think Kathlete are (sensibly) proposing everyone attacks on T100, which should be more effective?
December 29th, 2009, 05:55
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If the plan is to declare and attack en masse at T100, Jowy should have sought a NAP extension already, and Dantski needs to start offering one soon. Spulla will probably be happy to secure their southern border, but I can't really see them agreeing to much with Jowy anymore, beyond maybe the turns it will take them to raise an army.
It also seems unlikely that the coordinated strike will take India by surprise, especially once every of the CoW civs starts building military and rejecting post-T100 NAPs. Then again, the potential number of units headed to India could easily turn the move into a sledge rather than a dagger.
On a different note, the Jedi/Padawan teams for a future game suggested earlier sounds very interesting indeed. Thumbs up for that one!
We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing. - George Bernard Shaw
December 29th, 2009, 08:03
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kalin Wrote:I am going to suggest to Jowy to declare war on Byzantium to try to deceive India about his troops build up.
Now this is a bit mystifying, as surely Spulla will see Jowy build up troops and respond in kind, regardless of who they declare on! Also, it could encourage Spulla to attack them and give them a de-facto 2 front war (even if Byzantium don't/can't attack!)
I am getting more and more apprehensive about this CoW attack on Spulla, I think it may be too disorganised and poorly thought through to be decisive or even successful