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[SPOILERS] Pindicator as Qin Shi of China - Boring Ol' Vanilla

Turn 084

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn084%20-%20east.JPG]

Two new civs found this turn and both are doing better than I.

Finharry is appropriately FIN this game and has grown to 11 cities.
Dtay is at 10 cities.

I'm guessing neither have been at war so far.

Barry's final act was to chop out his last forest and then delete his workers. Annoying; MYKI captured more workers this war than I did. But 4 archers and 1 axe should be close to the final count for him. And I'll be chopping CR swords out soon to take the city.

It's unclear how farther east of Barry's ex-capital I'm going to be able to claim. I'm more concerned about consolidating the gains I've already made. But in a map this cramped, if you're not expanding in one direction it's reasonable to expect someone else will. For example, my east and south.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

bummer about that barb spear in the far east. Will you kill Myki's axe?

(June 27th, 2014, 10:27)Ceiliazul Wrote: bummer about that barb spear in the far east. Will you kill Myki's axe?

I'm feeling a bit weak out east right now, due to losing so much in taking Barry's capital. And yeah, running into that spear isn't going to help any. So starting wars just to start wars doesn't seem too appealing. Now if I could take that worker back ... But no, it's gone. And there's no point in sniping a lone axe except to make enemies.

I probably won't have enough to take Barry out for another 20 turns. It isn't a priority; selling cities and building workers is the priority. And the war has accomplishedjust about everything it set it to do: I gained space and am no longer bring squeezed by both neighbors. Plus I have a religion and a holy city.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Btw, anybody else notice how Barry built ZERO cottages? shakehead

Edit:he could have pillaged them. That would be pretty petty, so I'm rooting for him not having built any
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

If Barry is burnt out and doesn't want to play his OCC anymore that's understandable. But he needs to let us know if he's done. We could potentially drop him to AI considering his entire empire consists of 1 city, 4 archers, and an axe. Could we?

Well, let's see what his reason for missing the turn was first. If it's a one-off and he wants to play it out then I'm okay with that.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

He at least should be publicly outed as a smurf so we know who is causing the problems. I don't think I'd want to play another game with this person if he's just going to walk away when things go bad.

Edit: PB19 immediately springs to mind ... maybe I should rethink that ultimatum
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Turns 085 & 086

Looks like with the forum issues we were having last night my reports got ate, so here's a quick recap

We settled our 9th city

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn085%20-%20south.JPG]

Here's the reasoning behind taking this instead of the marble/fish up north or going all the way south for the fur: I want to work riverside cottages, the more the merrier to get me out of this whole. This city is going to have a lot of them. It can also work a couple cottages for the capital as a sattelite. It probably would have been even better if I planted it 10 turns ago, but I'm already slower on my economic curve than I thought I would be.

The fastest way to get this city up and running is to have a forest outside of its borders chopped for a granary. I'm doing this at a few city locations, to get them up and running quicker at the expense of 10 hammers. I think that's a worthwhile investment.

Our city list on turn 86:

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn086%20-%20cities.JPG]

I'm definitely going to take Alphabet ahead of Currency, because I'm going to run out of money to tech at 100% after this turn. And just how much do I make at 0%?

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn086%20-%20zeropercent.jpg]

There is good news; we'll grow Tyr to size 3 next turn and be back to working that gold mine. At size 2 it was working Fish & Sheep to grow quicker, which stunted our GNP a bit. IN the long-term it'll pay off, but I think this is the nadir as far as our GNP goes.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Obviously Barry is really a smurf for Satya Nadella and this No-IP nonsense is his attempt to save face before being eliminated
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Tyr at size three? A metropolis!

Turn 087

Are we sure this is my thread? smile

[Image: pb18%20-%20turn087%20-%20tallow.JPG]

I got really excited when I saw an opponent had Open Borders - someone else went Alphabet! But then I noticed it was the only neighbor that I did not know the location of: Fintourist. He's playing a really solid game.

I've decided Barry can wait even longer. Until cats probably.

And we're up to +17gpt at 0%! Alphabet in 9
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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