December 29th, 2009, 23:41
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My reply back to sullla
Quote:No problem at all covering the workers - we don't mind. I don't think barb animals ever can come in your territory but I could be wrong about that.
As for these "open borders" or whatever you call them, don't they require that "newfangled" technology called Writing? We don't know nothin' about that :-D
Seriously though we will accept your OB offers and will propose it in-game once it comes up (or feel free to do so if you log in first). If you have any good directions through your land to meet other folks that would be appreciated.
December 30th, 2009, 08:48
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Okay T77 played. For some reason we are 2 hammers short on the whip overflow - it might be because I believe one of the Ottoman chariots moved after we played, on to our 0/2/0 hammer tile once they saw that we were working it. I'm not sure what tile we used instead.
I have moved from the 2/1/0 tile to the 0/2/0 tile in an attempt to make up the hammers, but I would suspect if that is indeed what happened, that they will move another chariot to that tile this turn and block it too.
Kind of frustrating that we essentially "lose our turn" at least in the sense of us being able to choose what tiles we work, if on their half of the turn they move their units on to the tiles that we choose during our half of the turn.
But I don't know how I'd complain since I don't know what we could even do as a solution - doesn't seem like we can prevent them from moving their units during their half....
If we are not able to make up the 2 hammers in the next 3 turns (which we will be able to do if we can work any of our 3 2-hammer tiles and can't if they choke all of them, which they can), we will delay Operation Shilling one turn, to a settle date of T84.
Any thoughts on if/how we should camoflage the galley, which will be born next turn?
December 30th, 2009, 09:25
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Email to sullla
Quote:Hi guys,
A few things:
* I have proposed OB ingame. I plan to move Spiros south on the road past Chancellorsville unless you have better ideas
* If it looks dim for us to survive, would you be willing / interested in Spiros' services? A bit dicey since I wouldn't want to gift unless we were SURE to be eliminated, since otherwise it'd be hard for you to gift it back
* Jowy settled Thebes, I believe on the same tile where they were standing. I'm sure you've seen it if you logged in already this turn. It's guarded by just one phalanx, which you could probably take with your 2 axes and chariot in the area.
* Another thought which came to me just now (in the shower of course), was that if you could hook up your empire to Jowy's, you might be able to connect our empires for resource trading purposes, in which case you could loan us a metal to whip spears / axes. I see that you guys have open borders, so you could move Dreyden and Eslau to road the tile 1W of Thebes, which shoudl connect you and him, and perhaps connect us up through the river? Obviously that would be appreciated on our end
Also, we won't be able to make up the turn, since after this turn, the 2/1/0 tile beats the 0/2/0 tile since we'd be building a settler. It only makes a difference this turn since we're nominally on the galley.
Actually check that - I swapped from the 4/0/2 crabs to the 2/1/0 grass forest across the channel. We're stagnant in food and get the 4 hammers that we need to overflow to keep on pace.
But I bet they move chariots to block our 0/2/0 plains hill
December 30th, 2009, 09:51
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Tile assignments are fair game up until the end of turn, so we could always log in then. But I would suspect if we select maximize hammers and food then the governor will do what we would do. It isn't a complicated situation  .
I don't see any way to disguise the Galley. The best bet might be to leave it in the city. If they are getting cocky and not checking what we are doing, then maybe they won't notice it until there is a Settler on board and out the door.
December 30th, 2009, 10:08
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darrelljs Wrote:Tile assignments are fair game up until the end of turn, so we could always log in then. But I would suspect if we select maximize hammers and food then the governor will do what we would do. It isn't a complicated situation 
Unless it's been fixed since the Poly demogame, there's a bug with the gov in MP, and he'll whip stuff on the interturn if switched on (granary during Operation: HG)
December 30th, 2009, 11:51
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darrelljs Wrote:Tile assignments are fair game up until the end of turn, so we could always log in then. But I would suspect if we select maximize hammers and food then the governor will do what we would do. It isn't a complicated situation .
I don't see any way to disguise the Galley. The best bet might be to leave it in the city. If they are getting cocky and not checking what we are doing, then maybe they won't notice it until there is a Settler on board and out the door.
But then to play optimally, we have to log in after they do, to check our tile assignments. And what if they're the last to play and end turn before we can check it?
I'm not saying that there's anything that we can do, but it's frustrating.
December 30th, 2009, 20:06
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T78 played. Overflow went into settler, which should be at 48/100 after this turn, making 6hpt.
For some reason the workers would not offload the galley. My understanding of the rules was that if units load a galley in a city, that did not use their movement and they could unload that turn.
So either I messed something up or that is not the case, which could delay us even further (to T85).
Ottomans power went up again last turn, so I'm counting on 2-3 more units heading our way. Good news is that they moved one of their chariots to the east, but he could easily make it back in time if they are planning an attack in a few turns
December 31st, 2009, 06:00
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regoarrarr Wrote:For some reason the workers would not offload the galley. My understanding of the rules was that if units load a galley in a city, that did not use their movement and they could unload that turn.
Afaik it only works the other way around, i.e. offloading inside a city won't spend the movement turns but loading will.
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Sandover Wrote:Afaik it only works the other way around, i.e. offloading inside a city won't spend the movement turns but loading will.
Right. Back in Civ 3, you could load a unit inside a city and then move it later, but in Civ 4 any loading consumes the unit's movement.
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T-hawk Wrote:Right. Back in Civ 3, you could load a unit inside a city and then move it later, but in Civ 4 any loading consumes the unit's movement.
Well that stinks. That drops our settling time to T85 I believe.
I played T79. Ottoman power continues to climb, and they brought their 4th chariot back to within range. Not looking great for us.