Maniac Marshall Wrote:Well, apparently I won't get to lurk your thread for 3 either. I was interested in playing one of these, but was going to wait for 4 or 5 when I'd have more time. However, I've been asked to be third player on a team, which I could probably manage.
Please don't feel any obligation to add me to your lurker thread in that game for a long time though, especially since Cyneherd has so graciously "volunteered" for such duty. =P
Thanks for the support, Maniac.

But remember:
"T'dr'duzk b'hazg t't!"
Translation: "Today Is A Good Day For Someone Else To Die!"
-- Cheri Longbottom, Feet of Clay (Terry Pratchett).
I vote that "Someone Else" shall henceforth refer to the barbarian horde. And their furry pets.