A Dedlurker's Guide to PBEM62 Opponents
Public Enemy #3 - DazedRoyalty
![[Image: jughead.jpg]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183296643/Random%20Stuff/jughead.jpg)
Playing as...
Frederick of Egypt (Philosophical, Organized, Agriculture, The Wheel, War Chariot, Obelisk)

What, you were expecting an obelisk?
Known Knowns:
I feel like I know Dazed as a player pretty well and yet when I stop and think about it, I don't know that I've really ever lurked one of his games - that's mostly because he doesn't report well - but most of my memories of Dazed's games are from other people's threads - PBEM7, His duel series with scooter, the first RB mod game, that game with Seven on the waterways map - and also long ago. What I remember is that he's a competent player who doesn't pay enough attention to be anything more than that. He's not particularly predisposed to anything, specifically that I can recall other than starting out okay and losing and not playing his turn fast.
Frederick of Egypt is an interesting choice. It was one of the typical picks - good trait + bad trait + very good civ. Org is probably very good rather than just good, but not on what we know of this map (fewer cities means fewer buildings for cheap, less water means the best of those buildings won't get built much, and the passive savings won't be as high on these settings.) Phi goes from awful to decent on smaller maps and there's certainly an expectation whenever you see Phi + Egypt that you'll see an early religion and early shrine. The downside is that all of the really good early game things here comes from the Civ. That prophet is possible because of the Obelisk; Ag/Wheel is 2nd best start tech bunch; War Chariots are really scary. Basically, for this to work Dazed has to have a shrined religion and have used his War Chariots to either gain land or, ideally, scare others away so he gets a better share without war. In a game that doesn't have two FIN leaders and Isabella, its a combination that can win. In this game, I don't buy it.
Known Unknowns:
A lot here for me but it really boils down to: has Dazed improved since the last time I paid attention? I don't think that's likely, since improvement is down to a combination of desire and time and I don't think he's got a lot of either. He's another likeable fellow following Ichabod though, so that's a good thing.
DazedRoyalty Profile
Peace Weight: 7/10
Unit probability: 5/10
Wonders: 5/10
Flavors: PYFT, Being a part of good games
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Good
Final Fantasy Character:
![[Image: cid9.jpg]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183296643/Random%20Stuff/cid9.jpg)
I couldn't resist here.
Final Fantasy Tactics Job:
![[Image: FFT_Time_mage.jpg]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183296643/Random%20Stuff/FFT_Time_mage.jpg)
PYFT, seriously.
Twitch Emoticon:
![[Image: omgscoots.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183296643/Random%20Stuff/omgscoots.png)
Likeliness to Succeed:
Quality of Selection:
Exploitable Weakness: Gets bored, leaves civ to random newbie, take all their land.
Biggest Fear: Random newbie is the second coming of mackoti. (Yes, I just did repeat that for two players in a row.)
Pregame Prediction: 5th
Public Enemy #3 - DazedRoyalty
![[Image: jughead.jpg]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183296643/Random%20Stuff/jughead.jpg)
Playing as...
Frederick of Egypt (Philosophical, Organized, Agriculture, The Wheel, War Chariot, Obelisk)

What, you were expecting an obelisk?
Known Knowns:
I feel like I know Dazed as a player pretty well and yet when I stop and think about it, I don't know that I've really ever lurked one of his games - that's mostly because he doesn't report well - but most of my memories of Dazed's games are from other people's threads - PBEM7, His duel series with scooter, the first RB mod game, that game with Seven on the waterways map - and also long ago. What I remember is that he's a competent player who doesn't pay enough attention to be anything more than that. He's not particularly predisposed to anything, specifically that I can recall other than starting out okay and losing and not playing his turn fast.
Frederick of Egypt is an interesting choice. It was one of the typical picks - good trait + bad trait + very good civ. Org is probably very good rather than just good, but not on what we know of this map (fewer cities means fewer buildings for cheap, less water means the best of those buildings won't get built much, and the passive savings won't be as high on these settings.) Phi goes from awful to decent on smaller maps and there's certainly an expectation whenever you see Phi + Egypt that you'll see an early religion and early shrine. The downside is that all of the really good early game things here comes from the Civ. That prophet is possible because of the Obelisk; Ag/Wheel is 2nd best start tech bunch; War Chariots are really scary. Basically, for this to work Dazed has to have a shrined religion and have used his War Chariots to either gain land or, ideally, scare others away so he gets a better share without war. In a game that doesn't have two FIN leaders and Isabella, its a combination that can win. In this game, I don't buy it.
Known Unknowns:
A lot here for me but it really boils down to: has Dazed improved since the last time I paid attention? I don't think that's likely, since improvement is down to a combination of desire and time and I don't think he's got a lot of either. He's another likeable fellow following Ichabod though, so that's a good thing.
DazedRoyalty Profile
Peace Weight: 7/10
Unit probability: 5/10
Wonders: 5/10
Flavors: PYFT, Being a part of good games
D&D Alignment: Chaotic Good
Final Fantasy Character:
![[Image: cid9.jpg]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183296643/Random%20Stuff/cid9.jpg)
I couldn't resist here.
Final Fantasy Tactics Job:
![[Image: FFT_Time_mage.jpg]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183296643/Random%20Stuff/FFT_Time_mage.jpg)
PYFT, seriously.
Twitch Emoticon:
![[Image: omgscoots.png]](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/183296643/Random%20Stuff/omgscoots.png)
Likeliness to Succeed:
Exploitable Weakness: Gets bored, leaves civ to random newbie, take all their land.
Biggest Fear: Random newbie is the second coming of mackoti. (Yes, I just did repeat that for two players in a row.)
Pregame Prediction: 5th
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?