As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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[SPOILERS] This Land is Your Land, This Land is My Land. But Mostly Mine.

Rival land and population are rounded down in victory conditions.

I can sub if given explicit instructions.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

(November 15th, 2014, 05:15)Commodore Wrote: I can sub if given explicit instructions.

Very specific may not be possible, but I'll fill up the build queues and station troops where they ought to go. There are a lot of workers making improvements. I can't quite bring myself to automate them just yet. I think I have just shy of 40 workers now. I may deploy a few as non-threatening sentries for OH/Fin-land. I asked Xenu if he thought he'd be dead by the time I leave town and he seemed to think not, then I saw this:

[Image: T161%20-%20xenu%20vs.%20plako.JPG]

There's no question who is winning that war, but Plako is having to chew some nasty gristle as he digests that angry, angry corpse. lol This turn it looks like Plako made better gains. Xenu's score dropped sharply so it had to be a key city, but Plako didn't get much out of it, so a size 1 or 2 city. bash I'm glad my conquest was less painful.


An hour of domestic stuff and units moving around gets me to this:

Johns had whipped on his half of the timer and I didn't want to face more longbows, so I decided to plunge in, reasoning that even if I lose a few fights that I should at least damage the surviving defenders enough that my damaged reserves can finish the job without too many extra losses. So, I fought and lost my combat 4 knight. cry

Things were brighter after that death. The boys rallied to avenge their fallen leader.

England down to the last man, and a promotion for the conqueror.


A lighthouse! And a forge!!!! jive We'll be up and running in no time here.

I haven't totaled up wins and losses from the wars and I doubt I will since I haven't kept track at all except for screenshots here and there, but both wars feel like they went very well without much in the way of material losses. The golden ages to get a fast (once I started building them) army of knights (and that awesome Heroic Epic/Statue of Zeus city for swarms of triple promoted knights) has been very, very effective against my opponents, and especially so against the highly unmotivated England.

I have 6 cities in resistance and will plant 4 new cities in next 2 turns. Crop yield, etc should pick up soon. Here's one bit of information I pulled out from earlier in this thread:

City count from the doom and gloom days - T136:

OH/Fin - 29
me - 16
dtay - 28

Current city count, T162:

OH/Fin - 42 (+13)
me - 37 (+21!)
dtay - 35 (+7)

Mackoti was (is always) right. nod

Edit: I meant to add a link above for some context for the mack is always right statement. Quoted here instead:

(September 23rd, 2014, 10:10)mackoti Wrote: Whhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaat post is that?Me dont like it.Spy your neighbours, seewhos weak( i am not spoiled), build an huge army and get conquering, what kind of lamentations is this?Froma what i remeber you have weak neighbours so get an army and start conquering(again i have no clue are those doing),but you have production land and you are thinking to start turtle...this is not good game.Is true if was instead you i would had atacked with Ha and cats but even now is not to late.Just focus and forget about economy some 20 turns an se just land before your civ4 eyes.
He would have done it in 20 turns. Took me 26. shades


Not much new for today.

Haha. Sure! It would be rude to deny a dying man his last wish. I'm not sure what he's up to, unless he just wants his city walls to be really pretty.

If Nakor leaves his stack sitting right there then I can amphibiously capture 4653 with galleons and unload units in the city and then attack his stack. I counted up 11 knights, 10 cats, and a couple other outdated units. Realistically, I'm not going to build enough galleons to kill all that off, but 4-5 galleons full of triple promoted (formation!) cuirs ought to be able to flank away all of Nakor's collateral while crippling his mounted stack. That would make absorbing his empire that much easier because he wouldn't have much at all to hit with and would be forced to just turtle in his cities. I'm still mulling over the likelihood/feasibility of an alpha strike where I hit most of his port cities on the same turn, but it's going to be difficult to sneak that many boats around to the north. Probably this comes to nothing but it's fun to ponder. A combat3 cuir vs. a combat2 knight will get 77% odds. That's the most likely scenario, assuming Nakor has built stables. A combat3 cav vs. combat2 knight is 96%, and c2/formation slightly better still at 98.9%. On a stack the size of what Nakor has right now I don't start killing cats with flanks until the 12th attacker wins. Interesting...

A couple of new cities. Two more next turn. I also renamed England to be other national parks. I'm having to start looking up Yellowstone themed locations so it's a nice time to change gears. If YOU have a favorite national park, let me know and I'll work it into the mix. #shamelesslurkerinput

Go-go-gadget Crop Yield!

Pictured, teching Compass with overflow from Printing Press at 0%. I'm waffling on whether I want to go ahead and tech Military Tradition or wait for Oxford. Dtay has already teched MT and will almost certainly take Rifling next for cavalry then go pound someone. I want MT for West Point, which would put my HE city up to 17xp for a fourth promotion on mounted right out of the gate. Combat4 cavalry? Say it with me: Tasty!

(November 17th, 2014, 23:09)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: #shamelesslurkerinput

Olympic NP is my personal fav

You may end up with lots of annexed cities. National forests would give you lots more options.

You could always use actual English National Parks for ex-England:

(November 18th, 2014, 10:21)Dreylin Wrote: You could always use actual English National Parks for ex-England:
I was going to do this Wednesday if you didn't. wink

(November 17th, 2014, 23:09)Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote: Combat4 cavalry? Say it with me: Tasty!
How about instead we say Combat IV Cossacks?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Ceil: I do love the national forests! These would be a welcome addition. I can think of several that I've visited and enjoyed without referring to a list. Which gets me to English national parks. I have not yet had the opportunity of visiting any of these so I lack familiarity and would need to consult a list. If anyone has a special preference, speak up! We have two new cities going up in old Englamd next turn. I can rename former Caledorn cities in the same way. Maybe I'll make those national forests. At this point with so many cities there can be something for every lurker (because let's face it, I only have three of you). wink

Commodore, feel free to rename the English to appropriate English parks if you want to. If you have any pictures of any of the parks, plaster those up too so I'll know what I've been missing.

Well I've always been fond of North York Moors - childhood memories of driving through it to visit my Gran in Whitby - and the New Forest - which was right near where I grew up. So there's my 2 suggestions!

You'll have more lurkers soon, players are dropping left and right! Down to 24 now including lurk civ

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