I'm not familiar with the personas of this forum, what is horrid about bordering Commodore?
[PB22 Spoiler] Joey and Borsche puke on the funny pages
(March 4th, 2015, 08:22)agent427 Wrote: I'm not familiar with the personas of this forum, what is horrid about bordering Commodore? I think his old avatar text sums him up best... "Narrative Winner, War Winner, Game Loser." To break it down:
I've read a lot of his threads (he's a really good reporter, fun to read), and IMHO the best way to see Commodore in action is PBEM62: http://realmsbeyond.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=213 First of all, he lobbied for a tight, cramped map. (be super cautious about letting Commdore choose your map settings!) Next, when given the option to pick from some top-tier combos (the pick setup was that the mapmaker rolled 20 leaders+civs, then picked the 10 best to offer to the players to pick) he instead picked Charlemagne of India, a ridiculous pick considering that the game was BTS. For reference, other players had like Viccy of China or Isabella of England, fantastic leaders with perfect starting techs, while he had one of the game's worst leaders with no starting techs and double-AH food. Next, he pink-dotted his neighbor, Pindicator, with his second city, founding Hinduism on the turn he settled so that its instant BFC overlapped with Pind's capital's third-ring. Next, he rushed with chariots, razing Pind's second plant, the Buddhist holy city. He then got a mobility axe with his first Imp GG, and was able to choke Pind almost to death, all while complaining, "Ah, its too bad Pind is going on tilt and I have to keep fighting this duel" as if this were such an unreasonable reaction to all his aggression. Finally, the game ended in a concession to another player, Ichabod, who had fought no early wars of insanity, expanded massively, and built lots of great wonders (mids, GLH, and TGL iirc), when it was clear that Commodore had no chance to catch up. Commodore's thoughts about why he lost? His terrible leader pick? His slow start? His pink dot and early rush from which he gained no cities? His continued harassment of dying France despite Ichabod being just as close to him? No, he thought it was because he didn't whip the GLH to completion a turn before Ichabod finished it naturally. Narrative winner, War winner, Game loser indeed! Be very very afraid if you're near him in PB25!
Not sure about Commodore, but this Ichabod dude does sound amazing.
![]() And to be fair with Commodore, the game didn't actually end in a concession. It was just called off due to the fact that it wouldn't have ended in the players lifetime. He still had a chance to win, even though my personal opinion is that it was a very long shot. And another of Commodore's traits is that he's pretty resilient when playing from unwinnable positions (which is pretty rare around here), so I bet he'd have given me a run for my money if the game continued. (March 4th, 2015, 17:12)Ichabod Wrote: And another of Commodore's traits is that he's pretty resilient when playing from unwinnable positions (which is pretty rare around here), so I bet he'd have given me a run for my money if the game continued. Hes also come from behind to win a couple times, notably against scooter is a duel after he lost his 2nd city (circa duel M?) And another tight pbem where he commandoed the leader's cap to win the morale victory condition. His builder mechanics are just a bit behind the really good guys, so he often ends up playing from behind... and when he finds himself in the role of game leader (pb8) he doesnt even seem to like it. he just really ENJOYS active wars and tense borders! (March 4th, 2015, 17:30)Ceiliazul Wrote: Hes also come from behind to win a couple times, notably against scooter is a duel after he lost his 2nd city (circa duel M?) And another tight pbem where he commandoed the leader's cap to win the morale victory condition. that other tight PBEM, the leader he commandoed was also scooter. Poor scooter...
And then there was PB8...yeah, that's why scooter doesn't play here anymore.
That said, I think if Commodore had whipped hte GLH as he said, he would have then also gotten MoM and he might have gotten the win there. Doesn't excuse the psychotic axe wielding.
T200. Big Domestic Update, as promised!
Borsche may be gone, but we still be gold-poppas, and it couldn't have happened at a better spot. ![]() She ain't no Zoo, but she'll do: ![]() You might be wondering why I'm working that junk ocean tile - I grew this city up to 20 (and now up to 21, where I'll stop and remove the ocean) in order to increase the trade route multiplier, bringing my routes from 9 cpt to 11. I get almost half - HALF! - of my commerce income in this city from trade routes. Some more cities: Empire shots Finances and Techs War status Demos and Graphs edit: finances in
SUCCESS!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() Man, what a great feeling! Almost 150 turns after we first harassed this city with a lone axeman, it is finally ours. The seige even went better than expected! Only 2 cannons lost for 28 units killed! ![]() ![]() I didn't think about this before, but if you've got a big stack of Knights and a big stack of Pikes in a hilltop city, the pikes will actually be top-defender against rifles due to the +25% against mounted that rifles naturally get plus the +20% defense from the hill. Thus, my rifles were able to clear out most pikes before my Knights ever had to fight, and therefore I was actually able to use my Knights. After the first two cannons, every fight over like 85%+ odds - the vast majority being 95%+. Many of my rifles are actually still near full health and have promotions available, so I could be taking the Korean capital in maybe 3 turns from now. ![]() Check out that beautiful Hindu Shrine with market, grocer, and bank installed! ![]() ![]() I of course settled those two spots straight-away, hell yeah. Jack will open borders with a caste artist first, while Star Power won't need to pop borders at all as its two food resources, an already-improved deer and sheep, are already in my culture. With my success at MCG, I now feel more emboldened at tackling Furungy without taking significant losses. I upgraded three catapults->cannons and another musketman->rifle. He had 33 units in the cap this turn, more than MCG but I think I can attrition him down even more easily considering that he has so few quality defenders. |