Many people fill up their bookshelf with a wide range of stories, everything from fantasy to biography to children's stories to action, and so on. But not many people think about the consequences of bringing such a wide array of literature into one place....
The Owner's bookshelf was one of these varied bookshelves; he tended to prefer sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery, but there were a few interesting outliers mixed in there. So at night, when no one was around, the character gatherings got pretty raucous.
It wasn't long after The Owner started collecting books that some of the characters started coming to life. The more he read and savored his stories, the more lively the characters became.
Sadly, that was not enough for all of the characters. A handful got together in secret and decided that they could gain in power by finding ways to eliminate the other characters. Plus they thought it'd be fun to do out of the box things like burning the books that the others lived in. So:
Gandalf's book was burned. He was an Innocent Powerful Wizard.
This game will be Pick your Characters 3, in the same vein as the first 2 (WW10 and WW20), with thanks to and shameless stealing from uberfish. I'll take any number of players and create a setup based on the characters you pick. This is how it works.
- You can be any character you want, as long as they are primarily or substantially from a book, work of literature, short story, etc, etc. I won't be too picky but I do ask a few things if you can, say don't pick Spongebob because someone actually wrote a Spongebob book somewhere, and try to have someone who is distinctive enough that I can infer something about them to work with (No Bella Swan).
- Also please pick a character that should be easy enough to google and find basic info about them.
Standard RB Werewolf Rules:
Night Result / Reveal Policy
If your action doesn't need to return information you won't receive a PM telling you whether it was successful or not.
If your action returns information but fails for any reason (negative result or interference of other rules) you will just receive a "no result".
Dead players will flip with their alignment, character name and role title. There are no vanilla roles in this game.
If there is a tie:
If there are 2 players left and no Day powers apply, the day result will automatically be a no lynch and tiebreak mechanisms will not come into play
Otherwise, if there are no game mechanics in play which would break the tie, the following rule applies: Everyone has a randomly generated and publicly known influence score of 1d6 and the tied player with the highest influence total against them is lynched
If there's still a tie it will be broken by random dice roll
Influence Scores:
Players: (5 alive)
The village name is Innocents, the wolf name is Schemers.
Innocents : You win when all threats to the Innocents are eliminated and at least one Innocents-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).
Schemers: You win when all players without an Schemers wincon are eliminated and at least one Schemers-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).
There are no vanilla role PMs to show you.
Result Posts:
End of Day 1
End of Night 1
Middle of Day 2
Middle of Day 2 (again)
End of Day 2
End of Night 2
End of Day 3
End of Night 3
End of Day 4
End of Night 4
End of Day 5
End of Night 5
The Owner's bookshelf was one of these varied bookshelves; he tended to prefer sci-fi, fantasy, and mystery, but there were a few interesting outliers mixed in there. So at night, when no one was around, the character gatherings got pretty raucous.
It wasn't long after The Owner started collecting books that some of the characters started coming to life. The more he read and savored his stories, the more lively the characters became.
Sadly, that was not enough for all of the characters. A handful got together in secret and decided that they could gain in power by finding ways to eliminate the other characters. Plus they thought it'd be fun to do out of the box things like burning the books that the others lived in. So:
Gandalf's book was burned. He was an Innocent Powerful Wizard.
This game will be Pick your Characters 3, in the same vein as the first 2 (WW10 and WW20), with thanks to and shameless stealing from uberfish. I'll take any number of players and create a setup based on the characters you pick. This is how it works.
- You can be any character you want, as long as they are primarily or substantially from a book, work of literature, short story, etc, etc. I won't be too picky but I do ask a few things if you can, say don't pick Spongebob because someone actually wrote a Spongebob book somewhere, and try to have someone who is distinctive enough that I can infer something about them to work with (No Bella Swan).
- Also please pick a character that should be easy enough to google and find basic info about them.
Standard RB Werewolf Rules:
- Days are 48 hours long. Nights are 24 hours long.
- Days and nights end at 1100 CDT/1600 UTC. The forum clock is used as the official clock. Votes and actions posted at xx:59 count, votes and actions posted at xx:00 do not.
- Posting is not allowed after the day and night deadlines until the GM has posted a phase resolution.
- In the event of extended forum downtime or downtime that occurs in close proximity of the deadline or some other event that disrupts the game, the day may be extended 24 hours at the GM's discretion.
- During the day each player may cast one vote for someone to be lynched. Players may also vote for "no lynch" and if "no lynch" receives a plurality there won't be a lynch.
- Votes must be posted in red text or they will not count. Votes with spelling errors of names do count so long as it's unambiguous in the GM's opinion whom is being voted for. Votes embedded in quotes do not count.
- The player with most lynch votes at the end of the day is lynched and eliminated from the game. Tiebreaks: see section below.
- Night actions have been preassigned a priority order.
- Anyone failing to vote for 2 consecutive game days or 3 days total will be mod killed and removed from the game with a loss.
- Dead players may make one posthumous post that doesn't contribute to discussion.
- Forum profile camping is not allowed.
- To prevent confusion that may arise in the case of cross posting, posts may not be edited for any reason.
- Players may not communicate with other players about the game outside the thread via PM, email, chat, quicktopics etc. unless told otherwise.
- Players must check their PMs and make sure they're alive each game day before posting.
- If all players are simultaneously eliminated, or the game reaches a stalemate situation, the game is a draw.
- Directly quoting role PMs or other communication from the GM isn't allowed unless otherwise specified.
- Breaking rules will result in penalties ranging from warnings to loss of abilities to being mod killed, depending on the severity of the infraction and the GM's discretion.
Night Result / Reveal Policy
If your action doesn't need to return information you won't receive a PM telling you whether it was successful or not.
If your action returns information but fails for any reason (negative result or interference of other rules) you will just receive a "no result".
Dead players will flip with their alignment, character name and role title. There are no vanilla roles in this game.
If there is a tie:
If there are 2 players left and no Day powers apply, the day result will automatically be a no lynch and tiebreak mechanisms will not come into play
Otherwise, if there are no game mechanics in play which would break the tie, the following rule applies: Everyone has a randomly generated and publicly known influence score of 1d6 and the tied player with the highest influence total against them is lynched
If there's still a tie it will be broken by random dice roll
Influence Scores:
Players: (5 alive)
- Bobchillingworth alias Baron Vladimir Harkonnen alias Vladimir Harkonnen alias Bob
- Ichabod alias Caulfield alias Holden Caulfield
- Gazglum alias Cugel the Clever alias Cugel was lynched day 1
- Novice alias Dirk Gently alias Dirk killed middle of day 2
- Pindicator alias Eeyore was killed night 5
- Lewwyn alias FitzChivalry Farseer alias FitzChivalry alias Farseer alias Fitz alias Lew was killed night 2
- Fenn alias George Smiley alias George
- Goreripper alias Grignr the Barbarian alias Grignr was killed night 5
- Rowain alias Harold Shea alias Harold
- Krill alias Havelock Vetinari alias Havelock alias Vetinari was killed night 3
- Mattimeo alias Hester Shaw alias Hester alias Matt was killed night 5
- Meiz alias Logen Ninefingers alias Logen was lynched day 4
- Molach alias Moses
- AdrienIer alias R. Daneel Olivaw alias Daneel alias Adrien
- Zakalwe alias Sherlock Holmes alias Sherlock alias Zak killed middle of day 2
- Shadeun alias Tyler Durden alias Tyler
- Jowy alias Väinämöinen killed end of day 2
The village name is Innocents, the wolf name is Schemers.
Innocents : You win when all threats to the Innocents are eliminated and at least one Innocents-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).
Schemers: You win when all players without an Schemers wincon are eliminated and at least one Schemers-aligned player is still alive (or nothing can prevent the same).
There are no vanilla role PMs to show you.

Result Posts:
End of Day 1
End of Night 1
Middle of Day 2
Middle of Day 2 (again)
End of Day 2
End of Night 2
End of Day 3
End of Night 3
End of Day 4
End of Night 4
End of Day 5
End of Night 5