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That wasn't intended as an insult. I meant that the wider community was well aware of it - and by wider community, more the CFC community than the RB one (it's one of the main ways to win in difficult situations, as nukes/alpha strikes are the great equalizers) - and that it was accepted as being part of the game.
Maybe 3-4 games where nukes were built, maybe less? But you have to remember, we banned nukes pretty early on, so that's a relevant factor.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
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PB1, PBEM8, maybe PBEM1? And then nukes got banned.
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They basically moved the "Science Win" victory forward an era.
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Used to be that getting ICBM one turn ahead of everyone was instant win due to ability to disconnect all uranium on the map and have a complete monopoly on nukes then for the cheap price of about 4 MA you could destroy any stack on the map.
Its why future era games never lasted more than 40 turns and usually averaged 20 turns.
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Quote:... disconnect all uranium on the map ...
How can you disconnect multiple sources of a resource with one nuke? Or is this a semantic issue?
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
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No, you could essentially treat each nuke as wonder prebuild, finish them the turn they become available, and use them the turn after. You don't do it with one nuke, but you are only limited by the ability to prebuild and rush buy them. In fact, in vanilla CIV, forest used to add hammers to a build immediately, so an ICBM would go from 0/500 to 30/500, lower the rush buy penalty and enable you to essentially double the number of nukes you had on that first turn alphastrike.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83
Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6: PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18
August 6th, 2015, 17:52
(This post was last modified: August 6th, 2015, 17:56 by GermanJoey.)
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Gavagai accepted the NAP, no other incident. Strangely, he did not move his units out; they're all still sitting right there. I had expected that he'd want to go after TBS but I guess not. I am going to use this treaty to try very very hard to neutralize Portugal within 7 turns, including spending ICBMs. TBS did not respond to my offer to buy him into the war, and he played before Gav did. Well, I guess I can't count on him and gotta keep building up.
Also, for god's sake dtay, scout your damn ice already! This is the 6th city he's lost to this kinda secret transport shit! And look how deep this one is!
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Fun turn last night. Looks like 2metra pulled out everything to make a last stand, so his entire east coast was clear. I took 5 cities, razing 4, including the Portugeuse capital, the Christian and Islamic holy city, The Church of the Navitiy, The Colossus, and The Spiral Minaret. Kinda sucks to raze them all but it's better than allowing 2metra to retreat and drag this out longer.
A symphony of destruction:
here's the two megastacks:
dtay's stack took a pretty heavy beating, so I assume 2metra used the tacts and ICBM on it and then nailed some of the top defenders with tanks. I hit the stack with a pair of ICBMs myself... that only damaged 28 units, but hopefully that'll be enough to give dtay a solid edge and wipe the stack when he plays this turn.
At any rate, this is really wonderful (assuming dtay succeeds this turn) because now I can move all of shit back to defend myself from Gavagai without needing to keep one arm permanently tied behind my back.
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Checked after dtay played... he wiped the stack! 2metra's power went from 6.6M last turn to like 1.8M this turn, almost all of which is in his naval stack. I have 2-3 turns to try chasing that down (although it would not surprise me if he tries to suicide it on me this turn) but otherwise it'll just be faster to eliminate his cities.
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MMmm, well this saves me some effort of needing to hunt them down:
The losses were at 4% and 9% odds, heh. Well, so it goes, with that many battles that's in about the range of odds. I also picked off another stray at 50% odds (!) to claim my, I don't know, 8th or 9th great general or something, and left just a single mostly dead defending infantry in Cinder Spires to allow dtay to claim it. 2metra also did me another favor be retaking Lisbdis from me, which lets dtay get that one too. So, no fear of my routes getting nuked.
2metra is down to 426k power, and AFAIK his only remaining advanced military are a pair of fighers, a great general transport, and a pair of half-dead infantries. His other few remaining defenders are like spearmen and archers and crap like that. With any luck, dtay will finish him off completely within 2 turns. I guess it sort of depends on what he has in range of Lisbdis. I'm going to heal and head back, as it seems TBS will be finishing his spaceship within the next 3-4 turns and I may need to join in that attack, considering that Gavagai still has not moved all his shit away from Maracana. Does he think he can still launch his ship first? He's down Medicine and Genetics, while TBS just needs 1 more turn of Medicine.
So, Gavagai is like, at least 4 turns from finishing the tech tree, TBS gets it next turn, plako is 5T ahead of me (he just stole fusion this turn and also has sattelites) but doesn't have composites I think. Why won't Gavagai just close his goddamn borders with this guy already, jesus. Anyways, I won't be able to launch for about 12T I think, which puts me at least 9T-10T behind. This is mostly due to the conflict with Gav; I've spent about 40k hammers on military in the last 20 turns, first from when Gav started building up before our conflict and then to rebuild after it. I think that's only about 6T, maybe 7T worth of tech though, because you have to subtract the hammers of spaceship parts that I can't actually build yet. So, I'd still be behind. Well, I got this TOTALLY SICK ISLAND now that I'm plopping settlers down onto, maybe it'll push me up to 3rd place in land and then I'll truly have this game in the bag...