Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[PB29 Spoiler] In which Joey, then mackoti, swing happy go lucky

Fair enough, fair enough...

Current turn report: 4/9 players (Haram, Fennbandit, Dreylin, and Us) are currently in a Golden Age! yikes

Given pop/city count differentials, doesn't that more mean the other guys are just in dark ages?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Well TBS would need to be in one too.

(December 16th, 2015, 09:51)BRickAstley Wrote: Well TBS would need to be in one too.
Any day TBS isn't clearly winning is a dark one for him.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

I think Commodore is right here! Consider:

According to the victory screen, our population share of the world is 16.44% this turn (exactly 100 pop! booya!), and Haram, at second place, is at 14.00%, for a total of 30.44% between us. Let's also assume TBS has about 14% population. Thus the other 6 players share 55.56% population, for an average of 9.26% population each. However, I'd guesstimate that 6-city Scipio has, at most, something like 40 pop, and Tsargon something like 50, given the small size of his cities on average. That would give them 14.8% pop together. Thus, Fennbandit, Dreylin, Jowy, and Borsche share 40.76% of world population. Based on their city counts, Fennbandit and Dreylin surely must be on the upper half of these four, and thus would have at least 10.19% pop a piece on average. So, that means at least 50.82% of the world is in a golden age!!!!! Thus, it's truly more apt to say the rest of the world is in a dark age!! lol

That's hilarious, I wonder if that's ever happened before in a big pitboss game? lol

It's like the scene in the first Fasrt and the Furious where everyone hits the NOx at the same time.

Then everyones engines exploded IIRC, which is going to be interesting to watch here.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

hahaha, hell yeah


A 6-turn potpourri update, of sorts. Or, in other words, 6 turns worth of shitty half-assed updates crammed into one post, because every day I don't have time to finish the report and then another turn rolls... and now T109 is about to roll and I'm still not done with this damn thing. lol

First, news of the world:
Event log:

As I mentioned before, 4 civs are now in a Golden Age! (Fennbandit T102->T109, Haram T102->T113, Ourselves T104->T111, and Dreylin T104->T111) Dreylin actually popped his while I was logged in, which was actually a relief as that explained the heavy whipping that I saw in the tracker from him that turn. (see the counts section below) However, TBS has been the main man on the front page as of late. First, he did indeed get The Great Library (and way faster than I had anticipated!! on T103 already, cripes!), and I think that new Great Scientist is also him. Then, he wardecced Scipio on T106, whipped away 12 pop (!), and then wardecced on Borsche T107! Whipped 9 more pop T108! His soldier count is now 375k, as of T108! Dude is goin' HAM! More recently, Fennbandit popped another GS (likely for an Academy - Fin, natch) and a mysterious Great Merchant showed up as well. (TBS again?)

I also discovered some drama to our northeast:

Looks like Haram settled up on Fennbandit! Great news, seriously. Haram's city there looks very marginal, but I'm sure its just there to deny the English land and another pair of shipyards. It'd be a great way to keep an eye on them too, ensuring he has vision of any possible naval invasion even if they close borders. Speaking of, I'm sure this pair of English ships are for Haram and not us, but I will be sure to keep a close eye on where that galley wanders, at any rate.

Speaking of galleys, Dreylin double-moved ANOTHER galley into our borders again, goddamit!!!!! rant I remember when Parkin did something like this to SevenSpirits in PB20, except with a much less threatening scout instead of a fucking potentially-praetorian-loaded galley, and so Seven immediately wardecced him and killed the scout. I'm seriously tempted to do the same but... I need the routes. shakehead It's funny, my Export-Import is like insanely negative in the demos, but I feel like our routes are actually quite brittly filled due to having so many cities.

Finally, I accidentally found out what's going on with Borsche in this game, while talking to him about our just recently started Badgame Pitboss 5 (which uses RtR smoke
Quote:German Joey: but yeah you cant just slam the whip here if the game is rtr mod
German Joey: whip is just so fast but not so much here
Borsche: oh fuck
Borsche: i
Borsche: i forgot its 60h 2pop whips
Borsche: in 29
Borsche: i just realized
Borsche: lmfao
German Joey: lol, yup...
Borsche: welp

He whipped like 11 pop off the next turn, lol... rolf

Our Golden Age:

So we popped our GA on T104! Before/after demos are in the next spoiler section.

The first highlight so far is that our Moai is operational, hooray:

Popping borders with Moai, what is this, PB27??!?? wink

I debated quite heavily with myself about popping the GA it T104 or T105, and in the end chose T104 because I thought it would be best to get into Bureaucracy ASAP, which is worth roughly 60 goldbeakers and 10 hammers per turn in the capital during the GA. This is quite an insane amount when you consider that this is roughly half of our pre-GA income per turn FOR THE ENTIRE EMPIRE. T104 may have been a mistake, however, as I just realized on T106 that my GPP calculations were slightly off.

You see, the plan was to a.) get a quick GS from BMG for an Academy in the capital via the 200GPP GP, which is still on track, b.) pump a GM from SRT for the 300GPP GP, and finally grab a mixed GS/GE/GSpy from MS via the 400GPP GP. And, the math seemed to work out just fine... however... even though MS hits 400 GPP after SRT hits 300, MS ends up hitting 300 GPP before SRT does! On top of this, MS does not yet have a market, and thus cannot work merchants without caste! :headsmack:

To try to work around this, we essentially have 3 options:

1.) delay Bureau switch by 2 turns to keep caste for a bit longer. Here, we pull in another worker to chop the market to completion before we switch out of caste, and possibly starve down the city the turn before that. We can delay the Academy 1T if we go this route I guess, minimizing the cost of the late switch into Bureau. Thus, we lose about 100g and 20h. On the up side, we gain 36-48 more GPP in SRT by the end of the GA, depending on if we starve the city down a point; GA timing becomes 3 turns slower if we do, 5 turns slower if we don't. (GA T134/T136)

2.) get a temple in SRT. First, tech priesthood, build a Buddhist missionary in capital, doublewhip SRT T109 for max hammers, get a temple in SRT using 1chop + max OF, work 2 merchants + priest for 9 GPPpt post-GA. We get the GM T126 here and thus the GS T133 in MS. So, only 2 turns slower. The cost of this is essentialy 120h and some serious growth stunting in SRT, which would be too bad with Compass coming around the corner. That city has some epic commerce potential and I'd hate to waste it.

3.) do nothing. essentially pause MS while we wait for SRT to finish its GP, which pushes our GA to +9 turns beyond option 1. That's really iffy, because that period should be about when Knights start showing their faces...

I've been thinking that option 2 was the best, but I've since gone back to option 1. Converting the hammers into wealth means that it's really about the same as as what we'd lose from Bureau in the first option, except it also ruins SRT in the long term, disappointing considering how good that city will be with a Wharf.

Some screens:

BMG: (200 GPP GP)

This guy ws getting out ASAP for an Academy in the capital right after the switch to Bureau. Nice and on schedule, with the idea that we'll only have to starve down 1 pop point for it. However, since we're now delaying the Bureau switch by 2T, we don't need to starve down. This is one of our potential NE spots, btw.

SRT: (300 GPP GP)
SRT, of course, is a clusterfuck, blegh. I wish we had 2-3 more trees on hand to fix this city's ills. Or, waited a turn or two to through the GA, so the food bin of this city could fill up before we starved it down. BLEGH.

MS: (400 GPP GP)

Up-to-date counts and Demos spam:


T104, pre-GA:

T104, immediately after GA:

T104, after revolts and micro: (working 17 specialists for 36 food); +110 gpt and +56hpt straight-up.

T105, Working 17 specialists (38 food)

T107, Working 16 specialists (38 food)


Long story short, Haram's MFG is terrifying but he doesn't seem to be working lots of specialists, considering his CY never took even a slight dip in his GA. Our MFG is slightly low right now because we're avoiding high-hammer tiles in favor of high food ones in order to grow into our happy cap; I bet we could hit 200MFG if we really wanted to.

City counts:
19: Us (T98)
16: Haram (T103), Fennbandit (T108)
15: Dreylin (T101)
14: TBS (T102)
12: Jowy (T103), Borsche (T108)
10: Tsargon (T96)
6: Scipio (T96)

Whip Counts:
TBS: 95 pop total; 7 triplepop whips, 31 doublepop whips, 12 singlepop whips [Image: xTXkjrY.gif]
The Blues Brothers: 74 pop total; 22 doublepop whips, 30 singlepop whips
Dreylin: 47 pop total; 1 quadruplepop whips, 2 triplepop whips, 8 doublepop whip, 21 singlepop whips
Fennbandit: 37 pop total; 4 triplepop whips, 7 doublepop whips, 11 singlepop whips
Haram: 36 pop total; 5 triplepop whips, 7 doublepop whips, 7 singlepop whips
Borsche: 34 pop total; 2 triplepop whips, 8 doublepop whips, 12 singlepop whips
Jowy: 32 pop total; 4 triplepop whips, 5 doublepop whip, 10 singlepop whips
Tsargon: 20 pop total; 1 quadruple pop whip, 6 doublepop whips, 4 singlepop whips
Scipio: 2 pop total (2 singlepop whips) [Image: xTXkjrY.gif]


T104 saw a 9 pop whip spree from Dreylin, but I wasn't too concerned about it because I saw him throw a GA and switch into caste - so these are his pre-caste whips my scout in the area didn't see anything immediately alarming either. On T105, Borsche whipped off 11 pop, for who knows what purpose, and on T106 TBS (!) whipped off 12 pop, after whipping off ~2 pop a turn for the few turns prior! And now he just whipped 9 more pop T108! He jumped from 68 pop whipped on T101 to 95 total by T108, which is a shade over 900 hammers if you figure that most of it was forge-amplified!! Yowza!

Starting back with work and having a baby around is dreadful for having civ reporting time huh?

Heh, yeah, a bit. The last set of reports was a bit tougher than ordinary b/c I'd been so stuck on the GPP problem, going back and forth with it in spreadsheets and such. Very very tricky shit.

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