Update time!
The most important news of recent times is GJ declaring war on Haram, which is pretty surprising. It seems unlikely it can be a serious war with me still lurking in the background. They're both still well below in me power but their graphs have started to uptick recently. It seems too late for a small skirmish though, their borders are pretty well set.
It's great news for me obviously, even just in the trade routes they lost with each other. I'd be their other biggest market, and I just switched into Merc.
The war needs to be at some level where the benefit is worth the lost trade but small enough that it won't blow up into a full-scale conflict. The only two options I can think of: one of them trying to surprise the other with a play on their shared island(possibly pre-emptive war dec) and GJ trying to use his Astro advantage to blockade Haram's coast. Neither seem very likely though.
It certainly has had an effect on Dreylin anyway:
These guys were probably meant for Tsargon originally, it's a bit unfortunate for me that he's not going that way but a war with Haram would be almost as good. I wonder if Dreylin has more scouts in Haram's land and info about the GJ war than me. I think you'd want to ensure that war was hot before you committed to this attack.
Meanwhile the last Scipio mainland city fell recently(costing me 2 catapults, again rather lucky) and I sent a chariot scouting into Tsargon's other side:
He's wide open here, only a spear and a Phalanx in the front city. In comparison his front with Dreylin has a bunch of longbows behind walls. I have about 15 HAs and 5 Knights in Metal land that would be free for attack. But I don't know if I want to be the first one to declare. Tsargon just threw a golden age, he's about to get Guilds and Engineering and he could whip away a bunch of population. In comparison I have only 2 cities on military duty these days and they need to beef up the defenses on my southern island. I'm afraid I'll stall out too quickly.
Why do I need to beef up the defenses on my south island? Because Jowy has what is probably the most well-fortified city in the world there:
Fenn also put a bunch of EPs on me and whipped ~7 times last turn. Hopefully he's just dealing with Scipio's last city though, where there's actually a quite decent garrison:
Still, you wouldn't think it requires such effort to break, I should figure out who else they might look to attack.
In my own lands, I swapped to Mercantilism, which never does as much for my tech rate as I hope. I just can't resist those engineers. Maybe I could have stuck with slavery but caste's value will continue to increase and I won't have another revolt for a while. Anyway, I've already decided that the immediate techs don't look that tempting while I'm overloaded with things I need to build. I'm trying to get all my land working, put up key infrastructure, upgrade my defences and prepare for a Tsargon invasion at the same time.
I picked up Engineering at the end of the GA and I'll now head for Astro before Chemistry I think. The jump to galleons/frigates is a lot bigger than the one to Grens. If Scipio isn't dead by then I'll ferry some units over to put him out of his misery. The WW is under relative control, it shouldn't get any worse now and I'll be connecting up sugar, wines and whale in the net few turns.
Complicating matters, I rolled another great engineer this turn. This time it was at really low odds and I'm not sure what to do with him. The next two things in the future that I think might be worth rushing are the Statue of Liberty and Mining Inc. But we're probably talking 40+ turns away. Alternating I could bulb ~1500b up the Gunpowder/Chem line. I'm not sure tech is really snowballing at the minute though.