February 8th, 2010, 16:37
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Kylearan Wrote:Me too. 
February 9th, 2010, 10:10
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Nakor/DMOC declared on Speaker/Sullla this turn.
Monarchy coming in 2-3 turns depending on how much I had to lower slider next turn. Picture tells the rest. On demographics we're 8th in most relevant categories excpet GNP where we're 4th:
February 11th, 2010, 19:27
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Monarchy ready and I started Maths. I'm also thinking I'll take a shot at Great Lighthouse, even if going for it might cost us too much.
I'm annoyed at the diplo situation. The 4 way alliance with symphatizers isn't working for us. Below is my last effort to discuss with Nakor/DMOC. We've a NAP until turn 135. btw. they are militarily suprisingly weak to join the war (they don't have that much more power than us).
Quote:How are things going for you? I see that you've joined to war against Speaker/Sullla. I hope it is going well. We're gradually building up, but naturally we'll be behind the rest of the pack.
Would you be intrested in discussing about co-operation in the military unit front? At some point you mentioned that you would be going towards Feudalism. Is this still the case and would you be intrested in trading Longbows for Hwacha's or something else? What about time frame of the trades?
Quote:Thanks for the message.
Things are going ok for us. We felt it was a good thing to join the war and get some pillage money to finance our research.
Regarding military cooperation, I'm sure you can understand that we'll be preoccupied for quite some time.
We changed our research plans a bit and feudalism is a bit more down the list now, so that trade would be far away as well.
Then again, that gives us time to finish our current affairs and build up again.
February 12th, 2010, 01:56
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I had a discussion with Whosit, but it didn't bring any concrete results. I've feeling my diplomatic efforts are currently doing more harm than good to us.
February 12th, 2010, 09:01
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 Whosit also declares on Spulla. So 5 out of 8 are part of the "Rebels". I think I can shut down my diplo center for now and wait for them to pay a visit.
Seriously there might come up something later when Spulla has been weakened enough or killed, but currently diplo atmosphere probably concentrates only around this war. That is pretty bad since I don't want to be part of it.
February 12th, 2010, 11:25
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That could be a good news for you, that means everyone is busy so you can try to catch up a bit, also they won't try to grab and contest too many island cities while warring. Also, you could easily tell them that you would like to help the anti-Spulla alliance, but can't really do anything but close border or send a token troop.
February 13th, 2010, 17:21
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Finally the stagnation in diplo front ends. Dantski has signed peace treaty wit Spulla that has apparently done well on their war. Dantski is probably now working with Spulla since he sent me this after a very long silence between us:
Quote:Long time since we contacted each other and wondered how you were doing post war.
I would also like to tell you I have Iron available for trade if you still lack metal, I'd be interested in anything you have to offer.
I started to warm up our relationship with Whosit some time ago and here are the latest messages between us.
Quote:You've probably noticed the latest change in diplomatic landscape. Considering the talk we had last night, I hope you will forgive me for being less than forthcoming regarding my roll in things. Not that it turns out to matter anyway, since my *ahem*generals*cough* are idiots. However, the core of what I said was true, in that this Coalition exists for the sole purpose of taking down the Killer Angels. Depending on how long the fighting goes, perhaps it would be to your advantage to participate in one form or another, if you so wish.
My answer:
Quote:We're wandering in the dark . Can you tell us more about this coalition. So far this is 1st time we even hear that such a colaition exists although we've had our suspicions after the number of nations participating started to raise. Is there a leader and what is the goal? Do you suspect there is an inner circle and then left overs like us .
We probably can't do much to assist militarily. What kind of participation you would suggest?
And Whosit's latest message:
Quote:I am afraid that I cannot say much at the moment; this letter is meant to acknowledge the one you sent me. I may have a mutually beneficial proposal or two for you later today or tomorrow, however.
My message to Spullla that I sent before I did know about Dantski's situation:
Quote:It seems that the whole world has decided to join the attack against you. So far we've tried to stay neutral, but it is getting harder especially now that Whosit has joined the dogpilers and all of our neighbours are participating the attack.
I'm considering our options. I could try to stay neutral, but doing so might end up bad for us after the war against you is over. Brothers in arms have bonded and we would be pretty much only one not involved their common effort. Other alternative is to somehow join their cause. This probably wouldn't affect you much since we're too far and too weak to assist militarily, but it might be we would had to close borders. There is also wild card alternative to openly support you .
Now I would appriciate, if you could reveal your opinon on the situation. Can you still manage?
Their answer:
Quote:Hi guys! You were probably worried about us, and not without good reason given the events of the past few turns. I am happy to tell you that we have turned the tables on this gangbang alliance that developed. During this current turn, we saw:
* Whosit horribly bungle his declaration of war, and leave his Praetorian naval invasion far out of position.
* Dantski cut a deal with our team and signed peace. Now he'll be on our side for the forseeable future.
* The removal of Dantski's units allowed us to crush the forces of Kathlete, Jowy, and Nakor. We lost 1 unit (at 90% odds!), they lost EIGHT.
Our territory is virtually clear of units, and we are no longer in danger of being eliminated. Pretty nice reversal! With Nakor's army horribly dead and Whosit's Praetorians a million miles away from home, you shouldn't feel under any obligation to cave into their arrogant demands. In fact, if Dantski goes to war with Nakor, you might even have the chance to join in and take some spoils for yourself. We'll be busy killing Whosit's Praetorians (there are a full 8 of them near our borders), so you won't need to worry about them for a while.
It looks like you've done a nice job of rebounding and researching up to Monarchy tech. Great work! We hope that we can give you some measure of revenge by killing the Praetorians that attacked you earlier. Stay in touch and keep us informed on how you're doing. 
Our current status and stunningly we're not last in MFG:
and I'm now takins serious effort to get Great Lighthouse built. I'll probably use excessive 2 pop whips for axes/spears to hurry it up.
February 13th, 2010, 18:21
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At this point I would like to settle the other spot on that island also. If they all lost thier stacks fighting sulla they cant argue much. I think our long term effectivness in this game will be to throw in with the Sulla group. We wont win but I think we will do better.
Great Lighthouse seems a great idea considering our island faring ways.
February 14th, 2010, 13:46
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Message from Whosit. All of a sudden he is very willing to start trading with us  .
Quote:I apologize for the delay. Although I am still awaiting news from the front, here is what I was thinking:
First: I would like you to close borders with the Killer Angels to deny them revenue from foreign trade routes. In exchange, I will Open Borders with you, if you still desire it. I am willing to make an extension on our current NAP as an added incentive, as well.
Second: If you wish to participate in the fighting without drawing attention to yourselves, you might speak to Nakor about gifting him troops to be used on the front. I'm sure that he would appreciate it, but you'd have to speak to him about terms.
Third: As I mentioned before, I myself would be interested in purchasing soldiers and Great People from you if you are interested in making any sort of deal. Since I do not know your exact position on this, I have no specific deals in mind at the moment.
The first item is what I feel is most critical. None of us will be in a better position if the Killer Angels are able to continue teching at their current pace, so every way that we can injure them counts. I hope that you agree.
February 14th, 2010, 15:17
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I was wondering what your thoughts were on that Whosit message?
Seoul is looking nice there!