Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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CIV Praise Thread

Hmm, where to start...

- I love the fact that there is no one 'correct' tech path to take.

- I like the fact that the 'feel' of the game is slower and yet sped up in that the first few millenia seem to take forever to do/build something but there are always multiple other things to plan, think about or do, to keep you busy in the mean time.

- I like the changed diplomacy. No more abusing the AI, or at least no more abusing it as much.

- I love the new religions! If for nothing else than trying to get all the different missionaries out and sneak them into a place with Theocracy, or closed borders is a fun game to play in the middle of playing the game too.

- I like the unit variety, not just in promotions but the whole difference between gunpowder, armor and siege categories and how they all balance out.

- I like how the AI's seem to have their own distinct personalities and they aren't all the same with a different GUI.

- I LOVE the music. The intro reminds me of the intro to the Lion King, and I am ever so glad I managed to find a pre-order copy of the game a few days after it launched so that I have the music CD now. smile

- I like the new terrain variations. A hill isn't necessarily a hill, or a hill, they can all vary. That, plus the improved and enhanced terrain improvements even makes what was 'routine' and dull fun again with trying to figure out what best goes where.

- I like the graphics. Game play always should trump graphics if one had to be concentrated on, but the world looks so rich and alive it's hard to imagine going back and playing even a half dozen turns on Civ3, much less SMAC or one of the earlier versions of the game.

It has been said before, but bears repeating:

-the combat system is SOOO much improved: 1) catapults etc. to counter SoDs 2) no single superior unit in a given age (offense and defense) 3.AI combat strategy overall, but especially amphibous operations -those galleons showing up out of nowhere with 20 units WOW rant , like something I would do wink ... 4)The promotions add a type of realistic depth that was lacking in Civ3- archers are a prime example, they can be offensive in some cases and excellent defenders in other -unit type, unit function, and terrain are accounted for in Civ4.

-lack of a clear tech path to follow ie. the philosophy sling shot (or nationalism), maybe religious techs are the way, worker techs..maybe, military techs...Well I am just not sure huh , and that is how it should be

-religion-varies play in so many ways and thus improves play 1) a method for infuencing the AI/opponents 2) a way of earning $$$ outside of markets/banks 3. method of attaining culture 4)its interaction with civics/happiness/military. these are all improvments that add depth

-map improvements

-startup screen options -always war, always peace (not sure if the AI understands that it does not need to build as many units or modernize those they did build), OCC and others



Thanks to all those that contributed


Ozymandous Wrote:[...] I am ever so glad I managed to find a pre-order copy of the game a few days after it launched so that I have the music CD now. smile
Grrr, I'm envious... wink

There are two kinds of fools. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better." - John Brunner, The Shockwave Rider

I will admit I am less impressed then many seem. I still have a "where's the beef" feeling with the game. Still there are a few things I am happy with.

1 ) No more late game random chaos with pollution cleanup.
2 ) Don't have to reset all cities for happiness during anarchy.
3 ) The city upkeep method eliminates the need for debating if the city is worth having a certain building.
4 ) While I miss them, science farms were game abuse, and no longer exist.
5 ) Many other game abuses were eliminated. Now if I can figure out where the human advantage is outside of longer term planning...

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