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[LURKERS] Setting Up Tents for a Ren Faire

Map is done and attached.

I'll get it hosted and running.... hopefully tonight if I get time?

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(August 25th, 2016, 05:01)Mardoc Wrote: And, Joey, thanks again for both your map tool and the technical support. It's amazing how much tedium that removes from mapmaking. Almost makes me regret that civ 6 is

np man, I'm glad it helped!

So where would y'all settle? IMHO, SIP is a no-brainer for settler #1. As for Settler #2, I think that, based only on what they can see in their starting screenshots, they're left with choosing right on the banana or 1N of the pig. The banana spot nets that sweet 3f tile and shares the strongest tile in the capital's BFC, the wet corn, doesn't need a border pop, and also shares quite a few nice cottage tiles. OTOH, 1N of the pig can be settled a turn earlier, shares the capital's second-strongest tile (the pig), and grabs the iron, a deer, and a dry rice, and still a few cottage spots on top of that. Overall, the pig spot is a lot stronger I think, as it's overall more productive and also opens up the north, where most of the players next cities will go. (although city 3 might be to the SE, where it can grab 3 new food resources in the first ring) But, that's not something players will understand on T0...

It's a really difficult decision IMO, not even sure about SIP. 1W or 1NW both have a lot going for them in terms of long term capital locations, which should be important when you start in Bureau and aren't so far from Levees. With the extra hammers from the iron it's start is not that much slower than the PH too, while 1NW has an extra forest to Bureau chop.

I sort of need to Sim to think about the second city, since I don't have a feel for how fast the first settler will come out. If it's slow, then I don't like the idea of grabbing dry rice as the only extra resource in your 2nd city. If it's fast then I'd probably focus the second city on sharing as many good tiles as possible.

I think IMP players settle for a cottage capital (1SW, 1W, 1 NW) with an indeterminate second city, and SPI players settle 1N of Pig and 1S of Pig. 1N of pig needs to reach size 9 with the pig and either the rice or game, plus the mined hills plus horse, to reach 5 turn settlers. With the irrigated rice and game, 1N of pigs reaches 12fpt at size 4 and I think it can reach size 9 around T23-ish (28 base hpt at size 9, 1fpt = 49hpt +1fpt = 5 turn settlers with [Bureau or IMP] and forge). IMP players can also use that setup and use 1S of SIP as the capital, because the IMP bonus lets them hammer out as many settlers as they need at Pigs without Bureau in that city, without relying too much on slavery (or using the food to drafted units).

The advantage of settling the capital 1S of SIP and second city 1N of pigs for IMP, is you don't lose anything due to civic revolt. But 1SW gets more river tiles so if you accept turning pigs into a hammer city, you probably just settle 1SW to maximise commerce from there and accept it as the capital (IMP with Bureau cap at Pigs reaches 63hpt +1fpt, so 4 turn settlers. The extra turn justs isn't that important IMO). I think I'd send the settler to the pig tile, look around, then decide to send the second settle 13 to look down there, revolt and send the explorer to either 77 or 99. Worker I think has to go to the pig? The micro I posted earlier works for Serfdom for SPI, for IMP players players it's just slower. If the capital is going to be the southern city though, it makes more sense to move the worker to a forest and chop that for more workers from the cap ASAP.
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

Heh, I couldn't resist simming, these starts are pretty fun.

*There are 2 workers on the iron.

The second city pretty much fends for itself. I think that's ok, even if it were sharing some resources I'm not sure we would want to put early worker turns into it instead of going immediately through the Bureaucracy bonus.

I went with Serfdom over Slavery. I didn't want to whip the capital off the 1/3 Iron tile when it takes so long to grow back without a half full foodbox. The second city would benefit from Slavery but again I went for Capital > everything else. If you want Slavery long term, you probably want another revolt for HR/religion column sometime anyway.

I think this early settler is correct. The first thing I wanted was the capital working all improved tiles. After that, what do you do with the workers? You have the time to chop the forests before the cap grows onto more. And if we're going to chop the forests, I think a settler is the only thing expensive enough that makes sense. You don't want too many workers.

So for dotmapping purposes, I think the first settler will come out pretty quickly, but after that they'll be pretty expensive. I like grabbing as much resources as possible with the cities. The above setup was my gut feel but I didn't test the others.

We could delay that first settler by 1 turn, and be ready to grow the cap with the corn improved immediately after. I'm not sure which is better, I made an exception to my Capital centric approach here because a new city with 2 pop plus infra seems pretty good. Follow up to the picture would be 3t a worker while pigs and corn get improved.

That's a pretty quick settler. How many workers in that set up?
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

There are 3 workers, 2 on the iron. I realised that wasn't clear and edited in. This was using Scooter's sim btw, so the quick settler is using IMP.

3 workers, IMP and in Serfdom looks interesting, but without the ability to whip those settlers and no great hammer city I wonder how the snowball would keep on moving.

These starts are so different just because of the traits. IMP focuses on commerce, SPI needs to get enough hammers to keep up on expansion...

You thinking of simming out a SPI start?
Current games (All): RtR: PB80 Civ 6: PBEM23

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 Games ded lurked: PB18

I might try a Spi one later, there are already so many options without it. crazyeye A micro potluck on a later era start could be pretty fun ...

How important do you think commerce is for the IMP civ? I was thinking to just ignore it with the first tech so far away and eventually recover with the Bureau city.

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