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Super Massive Enhanced Gameplay mod Discussion

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SMEG mod Proposed change log, relative to RtR


Financial: +1 commerce on tiles that produce 3 commerce. +100% production of Bank.

Expansive: +2 health per city. +35% production of Worker, Work Boat. +100% production of Market, Aqueduct, Grocer, Harbor.

Charismatic: +2 happy in all cities. +1 happy from Broadcast Towers. -25% XP required for promotions. +35% production of Library. +100% production of Colosseum, Quay.

Creative: +2 culture per city. +35% production of Library. +100% production of Theatre, Observatory.

Protective: Free City Garrison 1, Drill 1 promo for archery and gunpowder units. +100 production of Granary, Walls.

Imperialistic: +100% Great General emergence. +50% production of Settler. +100% production of Custom House, Castle.

Aggressive: Free C1 promo for melee and gunpowder units. -25% city maintenance [Not shown in trait description. Bonus not shown in interface. Bonus is multiplicative with other maintenance modifiers. Final displayed city maintenance value is correct and includes this bonus.] +100% production of Barracks, Stable, Drydock.

Philosophical: +670% Great Person production, +100% production of University. 1 settled great person per naturally produced great person

Organized, Industrious, Spiritual: No change from BtS

Civs: Note all civs recieve one trait, one UB, and one UU. Starting techs no longer exist.

America: Trait: Aggressive. Unique Building: Armoury, Barracks replacement. +1 happy from Copper, Iron. Cost 60 hammers. Unique Unit: Minuteman, Rifleman replacement. Starts with Woodsman 1, Guerilla 1. Cost 110 hammers, requries Rifling.

Arabia: Trait: Creative. Unique Building: Madrassa, Library replacement. +25% beakers, +2 scientist slots, +2 priest slots, +4 culture. Cost 70 hammers. Requires Writing. Unique Unit: Camel Archer, Knight replacement. Strength 10, 20% withdraw chance. Requires Guilds, Horseback Riding.

Aztecs: Trait: Organized. Unique Building: Sacrifical Alter, Courthouse replacement. -50% city maintenance, -50% length of unhappiness from slavery, +2 Espionage Points. Cost 90 hammers. Requires Code of Laws. +100% production with Organized. Unique unit: Jaguar warrior, swordsman replacement. Strength 5. Starts with Woodsman 2. +50% city attack. Cost 40 hammers. Requries Ironworking.

Babylon: Trait: Charismatic. Unique Building: Garden, Colosseum replacement. +1 happy, +2 health, +25% unit production, +1 happy per 20% culture slider. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Construction. +100% production with Charismatic. Unique Unit: Bowman, archer replacement. +50% against melee, +50% city defense, +50% hill defence, +30% against Swords, +1 free strike. Cost 25 hammers, requires Archery.

Byzantine: Trait: Spiritual. Unique Building: Hippodrome, Theatre replacement. +3 culture, +2 artist slots, +1 happiness from horse, dye, incense, +2 happy per 10% culture slider. +100% production with Creative. Cost 30 hammers, requires Aesthetics. Unique Unit: Cataphract, knight replacement. Strength 11. Cost 90 hammers. Requires Guilds, Horseback Riding, horse, iron.

Carthage: Trait: Imperialistic. Unique Building: Cothon, Harbour replacement. +10% hammers, +1 health from crab, clam, fish, +1 trade route. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Compass. +100% production with Imperialistic. Unique Unit: Numidian Mercenary, Horse Archer Replacement. Strength 6. Starts with Combat 1. Cost 50 hammers. Requires Horseback Riding, Archery, horses.

Celts: Trait: Protective. Unique Building: Dun, wall replacement. Gives Guerilla 2 promotion to units built in this city. +100% production with Protective, +100% production with stone. Cost 50 hammers. Requires Masonry. Unique Unit: Gallic Sword, starts with Guerilla 1. Strength 6. Requries copper or iron, Iron Working. Cost 40 hammers.

China: Trait: Industrious. Unique Building: Pavilion, Theatre replacement. +3 culture, +2 Artist slots. +100% production with Creative. Cost 30 hammers. Requires Aesthetics. Unique Unit: Cho-Ko-Nu, Crossbow replacement. Strength 6, +50% against melee. Can collateral. Cost 60 hammers. Requires Machinery, iron.

England: Trait: Financial. Unique Building: Stock Exchange, Bank replacement. +65% gold, +100% prodcution with Financial. Cost 200 hammers, requires Banking. Unique Unit: Redcoat, Rifleman replacement. Strength 14, +25% against mounted units, +25% against gunpowder units. Draftable. Cost 110 hammers. Requires Rifling, Gunpowder.

Ethiopia: Trait: Philosophical. Unique Building: Stele, Monument replacement. +2 Merchant slots, +1 culture. Cost 30 hammers, requires Mysticism. Unique Unit: Oromo Warrior, musketman replacement. Starts with Drill 1, 2. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Gunpowder.

Egypt: Trait: Philosophical. Unique Building: Obelisk, Monument replacement. +2 priest slots, +1 culture. Cost 30 hammers, requires Mysticism. Unique Unit: War Chariot, chariot replacement. Strength 5. -25% against archery units. Cost 30 hammers. Requires Wheel, horse.

France: Trait: Creative. Unique Building: Salon, Observatory replacement. +1 free specialist, +25% beakers, +1 scientist slot. Cost 150 hammers, requires Astronomy, +100% production with Creative. Unique Unit: Musketeer, musketman replacement. Strength 9, 2 movement points. Draftable. Cost 80 hammers, requires Gunpowder.

Germany: Trait: Industrious. Unique Building: Assembly Plant, Forge replacement. +25% production, +25% with Power, +1 engineer slot. Cost 120 hammers. Requires Iron Working. +100% production with Industrious. Unique Unit: Kanone, Cannon replacement, Strength 14. Cost: 100 hammers. Requires Steel, iron.

Greece: Trait: Charismatic. Unique Building: Odeon, Colosseum replacement. +1 happy, +3 culture, +1XP to land units, +25% military unit production. +100% production with Charismatic. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Writing. Unique Unit: Phalanx, axeman replacement. +50% against mounted, melee units. Cost 35 hammers. Requires Bronzeworking, copper.

HRE: Trait: Organized. Unique Building: Rathaus, Courthouse replacement. -75% city maintenance, +2 Espionage Points. +100% production with Organized. Cost 120 hammers. Requires Code of Laws. Unique Unit: Landsneckt, Pikeman replacement. Strength 6, +100% against Mounted, Melee units. Cost 60 hammers. Requires Engineering, iron.

Inca: Trait: Protective. Unique Building: Terrace, Granary replacement. +1 culture, save 50% of food after growth. Cost 60 hammers. Requires Pottery. +100% production with Protective. Unique unit: Quechua, warrior replacement. +100% against archery units. Cost 15 hammers.

India: Trait: Financial. Unique Building: Mausoleum, Bank replacement. +50% Gold, +1 trade route, cost 200 hammers, requires Banking. Unique unit: Poleman. Spearman replacement. Strength 5 +25% against melee. Requires Hunting, Bronze Working, copper.

Mali: Trait: Industrious. Unique Building: Mint, Forge replacement. +25% production. +25% unit production. Cost 120 hammers. Requires Metal Casting. +100% production with Industrious. Unique unit: Skirmisher, archer replacement. Strength 4. +1 free strike, +1 free strike chance. Cost 30. Requires Archery.

Maya: Trait: Charismatic. Unique Building: Ball Court, Colosseum replacement. +3 happy. +25% military unit production, +1 happy per 20% culture slider. +100% prodcution with Charismatic. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Construction. Unique Unit: Holkan. Spear replacement. +100% against Mounted units. Cost 35 hammers. Requires Hunting, Bronzeworking.

Mongolia: Trait: Aggressive. Unique Building: Ger, stable replacement. +2 XP for mounted units, +2 XP for land units. +1 hammer from pastures. Cost 60 hammers. Requires Horseback Riding. Unique Unit: Keshik, Horse Archer replacement. Starts with mobility. +1 free strike. Cost 50 hammers. Requires Horseback Riding, Archery, Horse.

Native Americans: Trait: Spiritual. Unique Building: Totem Pole, Monument replacement. +2XP for Archery Units, +2XP for Gunpowder units, +1 XP for land units, +1 culture. Cost 30 hammers, requires Mysticism. Unique Unit: Dog Soldier, axeman replacement. Strength 4, +100% against melee units. Cost 35 hammers, requires Bronzeworking, Copper.

Netherlands: Trait: Financial. Unique Building: Levee. Dike replacement. Water tiles: +1 hammer, River tiles: +1 hammer. Requires Steampower. Cost 120 hammers.
Unique Unit: East India Man, Galleon replacement. Strength 6, transport capacity 3. Cost 80 hammers, requires Astronomy.

Japan: Trait: Creative. Unique Building: Pagoda, Observatory replacement. +10% hammers, +25% beakers. 4 Scientist slots. Cost 150 hammers. Requries Astronomy. Unique Unit: Samurai, Maceman replacement. Strength 8. +50% against melee units, Movement post: 2. Cost 70 hammers. Requires Feudalism, Machinery.

Khmer: Trait: Expansive. Unique Building: Baray, Aqueduct replacement. +1 food, +2 health. +100% production with Expansive. Cost 80 hammers, requires Math, Masonry. Unique Unit: Balista Elephant, war elephant replacement. Strength 7. +50% against Mounted units. Targets Mounted units first outside of cities. Cost 60 hammers. Requries Construction, Horseback Riding.

Korea: Unique Building: Seowon, university replacement. +35% beakers. +3 culture. +100% production with Philosophical. Cost 150 hammers. Requires Education, library. Unique Unit: H’wacha, catapult replacement. Strength 5. +50% against melee units. Can collateral. Cost 50 hammers. Requires Construction.

Ottomans: Trait: Expansive. Unique Building: Hammam, Aqueduct replacement. +2 happy, +2 health. Cost 100 hammers. Requires Math, Masonry. +100% production with Expansive. Unique ubnit: Janissary, musketman replacement. Strength 9, +25% against melee, archery, mounted. Cost 80 hammers, requires Gunpowder.

Persia: Trait: Expansive. Unique Building: Apothecary, Grocer replacement. +4 Merchant slots, +25% gold, +2 health. +100% production with Expansive. Cost 150 hammers. Requires Guilds. Unique Unit: Immortal, chariot replacement. Strength 4. +50% against Archery units. Cost 30 hammers, requires The Wheel, horse.

Portugal: Trait: Imperialistic. Unique Building. Feitoria, Custom House replacement. +1 commerce from water tiles. Cost 120 hammers. Requires Compass. +100% production with Imperialistic. Unique Unit: Carrick, Caravel replacement. Capacity: 2 units. Strength 3. Cost 60 hammers. Requires Optics.

Rome: Trait: Expansive. Unique Building: Forum, Market replacement. +25% gold, +50% great people points, +2 Merchant slots. +100% production with Expansive, +1 happy from Silk, ivory, fur and whales. Cost 150 hammers. Requires Currency. Unique Unit: Preatorian, Swordsman replacement. Strength 7, +50% city attack. Cost 45 hammers. Requires Iron Working.

Russia: Trait: Philosophical. Unique Building: Research Laboratory, University replacement. +25% beakers, +1 free scientist. +3 culture. +100% production with Philosophical. Cost 150 hammers, requires Education, Library. Unique Unit: Cossack, Cavalry replacement. Strength 15. +50% against Mounted units. +20% withdraw chance. Cost 120 hammers. Requires Military Tradition, Rifling, horse.

Spain: Trait: Imperialistic. Unique Building: Citedal, castle replacement. +50% city defence, +1 trade route, +5XP to siege units. +100% production with stone. Cost 100 hammers, requires Machinery. Unique Unit: Conquestador, Cuirassier replacement. Strength 12. 15% retreat. +50% against Melee, Archery units. Cost 90 hammers. Requires Military Tradition, Gunpowder, Horseback Rifing, horse, iron.

Sumeria: Trait: Spiritual. Unique Building: Ziggarut, courthouse replacement. -50% city maintenance. Cost 90 hammers, +2 Espionage Points. requires Priesthood. +100% production with Organized. Unique Unit: Vulture, axeman replacement. Strength 6, +25% against melee. Cost 35 hammers. Requires Brozeworking, copper.

Vikings: Trait: Organized. Unique Building: Trading Post, Lighthouse replacement. +25% naval unit production, +1 food water tiles. Cost 60 hammers. +100% production with Organized. Requires Sailing. Unique Unit: Berzerker, Maceman replacement. Strength 8. Starts with Amphibeous. +50% against melee units. Cost 70 hammers. Requires Feudalism, Machinery.

Zulu: Trait: Aggressive. Unique Building: Ikhanda, barracks replacement. +3XP for land units, +1 culture, -20% city maintenance. +100% production with Aggressive. Cost 60 hammers. Unique Unit: Impi, spear replacement. Strength 4, +100% against mounted units, 2 movement points. Cost 35 hammers, Requires Bronzeworking, Hunting, copper,


Kublai Khan: Leader traits are now Charismatic, Creative, changed from Aggressive, Creative.


Government civics: Police State: +25% production of Military Units. -75% War Weariness. Medium Cost. Requires Military Science.

Universal Suffrage: Unlimited scientist, merchant, artist slots. Low cost. Requires Civil Service.

Legal civics: Vassalage: Now provides free support for military units as well (meaning Pacifism is cheaper), and is Medium Upkeep.

Bureaucracy: +35% Commerce, Hammers, in capital, Forbidden Palace and Versailles. High Cost. Requires Civil Service.

Environmentalism: +3 health, +1 gold per specialist, +1c to farms and pastures, +2c to forest preserves. Legal Colum civic. Low cost, requires Economics

Labor civics: Slavery: 30h for the 1st pop, 20h for the 2nd pop and subsequent pops. So, 30/50/70/90. On Quick speed, that's 20/33/46/60. Medium cost. Requires Bronze Working

Serfdom: +1 hammer from windmills, watermills, +1 commerce from mines. +75% worker speed. Medium cost, requires Feudalism

Caste System: +1 hammer from workshops, +1 commerce from mines. +2 artist, scientist, merchant specialist slots, +1 engineer specialist slot. Medium cost, requires Code fo Laws

Emancipation: +1 hammer from Towns, +100% growth of tile improvements, can rush buy with gold. Medium cost, requires Banking.

Economy civics: Mercantilism: +2 free specialists, High cost, requires Liberalism.

Free Market: No longer provides -25% Corporate Costs. Now provides +25% Trade Route Yield. Medium cost. Requires Economics

Free Speech: +1 commerce from village, +3 commerce from Town, +100% culture in all cities, No cost, requires Constitution.

State property: +1 food from workshops, watermills. +10% production. No distance maintanance. Medium upkeep, requires Communism

Wonders, Projects:

Wonder Resource Doublers: All wonders that had +100% production with a specific resource now only have +50% production with that resource.

Rushmore: Now -50% WW, (from -25%).

Red Cross: Units built in this city gain a free march promotion, cost 200 hammers, requires Medicine.

Oxford University: +100% research. +3 scientist slots. +4 culture. Cost 600 hammers, Education, requires University in city, map size dependent number of total Universities. +50% production with Stone.

Heroic Epic: +75% military production. Cost 150 hammers, +50% production with marble, requires Literature, Colosseum, Barracks in city.

West Point: 550h, +5XP. Now requires a lvl 5 unit (17XP/13XP for Charismatic).

Great Lighthouse: Now +1 trade route instead of +2 trade routes, enabled at Masonry, but needs lighthouse and Sailing (no functional change in the tech requirements but makes F6 look less cluttered).

SoZ: no WW effect. Now +3XP, 200 hammers, Requires Monarchy, Aesthetics

The Internet: Now a wonder. 2k cost, +15% beakers in every city, +2 scientist gpp, double production speed with copper. No longer a project.

Versailles: Cost: 500 hammers, requires Divine Right

Colossus: +2c to water tiles only in that city. Does not obsolete. Cost 250 hammers, requires Metal Casting.

Pyramids: Enables all Legal civics. Cost 400 hammers. Requires Masonry, Maths.

Mausoleum: +50% Golden Age length, obsoletes at Rifling, cost 500 hammers, requires Calendar.

Taj Mahal: Triggers golden age. Cost 800 hammers, requires Nationalism.

Cristo Redentur: +100% SPI production, -50% Anarchy instead of -100%.

SDI: Removed from the game

Base unit changes:

Barbarian Animals: Wolf: unchanged.

Lion: Strength 1, 1 move. +50% against Melee.

Panther: Strength 1, 2 move, starts with woodsman 2 promotion.

Bear: Strength 1, 1 move, +100% against Melee.

Scout: +200% against barbarian animals. Require no tech. Every player starts with a scout instead of a warrior.

Work boat: cost 25, food hammer unit. Creates fishing net. Suicide on use. Does not require tech.

Swordsman (and all replacements): +50% city attack

Macemen (and all replacements): +25% city attack, require Fuedalism and Machinery

Crossbows (and all replacements): +10% defence against Macemen

Archer (and all replacements): +30% defense against Swordsmen.

War Elephants: Now 7 str, +50% vs. Mounted units.

Trebuchet: Now requires Machinery, instead of Engineering.

SAM Infantry: 70% interception chance (up form 40%)

Paratrooper: Starts with Blitz

Destroyer: Now enabled at Artillery (not Combustion) (requires Oil OR Uranium)

Transport: Now enabled at Artillery (not Combustion) (requires Oil OR Uranium)

Mobile Artillery: Can now load guided Missiles and Tac Nukes (as Submarines and Missile Cruisers do). No longer require oil.

Gunships decreased to 3 moves.

ICBM: No longer unlimited range, but long enough so that they will out distance your army and navy easily, and they can be rebased. Loses the nuke tag. Does not need Manhattern project to be built.

iCost: 450h
iAirCombatLimit: 75
iAirCombat: 160
iCollateralDamageLimit: 75%
iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 12
iAirRange: 36

Tactical Nukes: Now S80 1shot units that can bombard units, cause collateral damage to 5 units, cannot be intercepted. Loses the nuke tag. Does not need Manhattern project to be built. Full list of changes:

iCost: 200h
iAirCombatLimit: 75
iAirCombat: 80
iCollateralDamageLimit: 75%
iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 5
iAirRange: 4

Guided Missiles: Can bombard units, tiles and cultural defence, cause collateral damage to 2 units, cannot be intercepted. Full list of changes (underline means original stat, for comparison):

iCost: 60h
iBombRate: 16
iAirCombatLimit: 75
iAirCombat: 40
iCollateralDamage: 100
iCollateralDamageLimit: 50%
iCollateralDamageMaxUnits: 1
iAirRange: 4

Flanking: Flanking strength (used to calculate damage from flanking strikes) or all units reduced by 50%.


Barracks: increased cost to 60 hammers, +1 culture.

Jails: now -50% War Weariness.

Castles (and replacement UB): no longer decrease bombardment rate of catapults or trebuchets.

University: +25% research, 3 culture. Cost 150 hammers. Requires Library, Education. +100% production with Philosophical

Colosseum: +1XP to Melee, Archery, Mounted, Siege units, +2 happy, +1 happy per 20% culture slider. Cost 80 hammers, requires Construction. +100% production with Charismatic.

New Building: Quay: +1 commerce on sea tiles. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Compass. +100% production with Charismatic.

Promotion changes:

Amphibious: requires D2 or C2
Blitz: requires D3 or C3
Charge: requires D1 or C1
March: requires D3 or C3 or M1
Commando: requires Combat 4 OR Drill 4. Available on Mounted, Gunpowder, Armoured units.
Great General: When settled produces 2XP (no change).
Military Academy: Free Drill 1 promotion, +1XP, +50% military production. Requires Military Science, Great General.


Known tech bonus no longer scales with total player number. Scales depending on the tech era of the most advanced player in the game:

Ancient: No bonus
Classical: +2% per met player with tech, max +60% (no further bonus after 30 players)
Medieval: +4% per met player with tech, max +60% (no further bonus after 15 players)
Rennaissance: +6% per met player with tech, max +60% (no further bonus after 10 players)
Industrial: +8% per met player with tech, max +80% (no further bonus after 10 players)
Modern: +8% per met player with tech, max +80% (no further bonus after 10 players)
Future: +8% per met player with tech, max +80% (no further bonus after 10 players)

The Wheel, Agriculture, Hunting, Fishing, Mining, Mysticism: cost reduced to 40 base beakers.

Hunting: Enables pastures. No longer enables camps.

Animal Husbandry: Enables camps. No longer enables pastures.

Archery: cost 60.

Astronomy: Requires Code of Laws as mandatory prerequisite in addition to Calendar and Optics. No longer requires Paper.

Metal Casting: Cost reduced to 300.

Alphabet: No longer enables tech trading, allows Open Borders. Cost reduced to 250.

Writing: Enables Map trading, no longer enables OB.

Civil Service: -50% from forest chops

Nationalism: -25% from forest chops

Paper enables Tech Trading. Requires Metal Casting as mandatory prerequisite.

Divine Right: Cost lowered to 800

Fascism: Require [Military Science] AND [Assembly Line OR Communism]

Corporation: Requires [Constitution] AND [Liberalism OR Economics]

Electricity: Requires [Liberalism] AND [Physics]

Industrialism: Requires [Electricity AND Economics] And [Assembly Line]

Radio: Requires [Democracy] AND [Electricity]

Tech cost scaling: Implement the tech cost scaling feature as per ToW. This changes Fishing to be a 5 turn tech on pretty much every normal speed map. Late game tech costs adjusted accordingly: check in game for alterations.

Education: +15%
PP: +15%
Nationalism: +15%
Gunpowder: +15%
Astronomy: +15%
Economics: +30%
Liberalism: +30%
Replaceable Parts: +30%
Military Tradition: +30%
Constitution: +30%
Chemistry: +30%
Democracy: +45%
Rifling: +45%
Corporation: +45%
Military Science: +45%
Steel: +45%
Steam Power: +45%
Artillery: +60%
Assembly Line: +60%
Scientific Method: +60%
Railroad: +60%

Cost of all subsequent techs increased by arbitrary amounts and are unlisted.

All medieval and earlier techs are untradeable:

The untradeable techs are as follows: Fishing, The Wheel, Agriculture, Hunting, Mysticism, Mining, Sailing, Pottery, Animal Husbandry, Archery, Meditation, Polytheism, Masonry, Horseback Riding, Priesthood, Monotheism, Bronze Working, Writing, Metal Casting, Iron Working, Aesthetics, Mathematics, Alphabet, Monarchy, Compass, Literature, Calendar, Construction, Currency, Machinery, Drama, Engineering, Code of Laws, Feudalism, Optics, Music, Philosophy, Civil Service, Theology, Divine Right, Paper, Guilds, Banking


Active missions removed.

Spies now spawn with "Secretive", and cannot see tiles except the one they're standing on.

The No Espionage game option now works properly:

GSpy points are converted into Great Merchant points.
Espionage no longer gets converted into culture.
Cultural expansion now happens at normal values.
Spies cannot be built.
Graphs are always visible on contact.

Tile Changes:

Lumber Mill: Removed.

New tile improvements:

Woodland Workshop: Upgrades to Workshop (1 turn). +1 base commerce. Build cost: 6 worker turns. Requires forest, flatland, Metal Casting.
Woodland Watermill: Upgrades to Watermill (1 turn). +1 base commerce. Build cost 8 worker turns. Requires forest, flatland, riverside, Alphabet
Woodland Windmill: Upgrades to Windmill (1 turn). +1 base commerce. Build cost 5 worker turns. Requires forest, hill, Mathematics.
Woodland Cottage: Upgrades to Hamlet (10 turns). +1 base commerce. Build cost 4 worker turns. Requires forest, Iron Working.

Watermills: +1 base hammers, no longer receives +1h at Rep Parts.
Workshops: +1 base hammers, no longer receives +1h at Chemistry.
Windmill: +1 hammer at Chemistry. No longer recieves +1 hammer at Rep Parts
Mines: +1 hammer at Chemistry.
Quarry: +1 hammer at Chemistry.
Whaling Boats: Enabled at Sailing, not Optics. Otherwise unchanged.
Towns, are permanent and cannot be pillaged or improved over. Also provide access to Oil, Coal, Aluminium and Uranium

Aluminium: Revealed by Scientific Method

Forests: Now receive river bonus commerce[spoiler]

Game Mechanics:

[spoiler]The Draft: Rifles now cost 2 pop to draft. A city must now end a draft at size 6 instead of size 5 (So size 8 to draft a rifle, size 7 to draft a musket).

Corporations: Completely removed from the game.

Culture required to achieve legendary border pop on Quick Speed changed from 25000 to 33000


The following events have been removed from the game:

Negative Events:
1. Forest Fire
5. Washed out
10 Careless apprentice
11. Famine
12. Slave revolt
15. Farm Bandits
18. Fugitive
19. Pestilence
21. Faux Pas
22. Joyous Wedding
23. Wedding Feud
24. Left at the Altar
26. Tornado
29. Looters
30. Brothers in need
31. Hurricane
32. Cyclone
33. Tsunami
34. Monsoon
35. Blizzard
36. Volcano
37. Dust Bowl
42. Clunker Coal
43. Sour crude
50. Mining accident
52. SetbackS
54. Great depression
55. Bermuda triangle
70. Influenza
71. Solo Flight
77. Ancient olympics
78. Modern olympics
80. Earth day
92. Cigarette Smoker
93. Heroic Gesture
94. Great Mediator
99. The Huns
100. The Vandals
101. the Goths
102. The Philistines
103. The Vedic Aryans
104. Holy ritual
132. Spoiled grain
135. Industrial fire
155. Slave revolt warning
160. Defecting agent
161. Jail
162. Spy discovered
163. Nuclear protests
165. Broken Dam
169. Toxcatl
170. Dissident Priest
172. Rogue station
174. Impeachment

Remove (Too good):
9. Hymns and sculptures
20. Marathon
28. Bards tale
64. Federal reserve
139. Partisans
167. Golden Buddha

Quests (Too good):
13. Blessed sea
121. Harbomaster
125. Sports league
149. Guns Butter
151. Overwhelm
152. Corporate expansion
153. Hostile takeover


Coastal Blockade now has a range of 1 square around the blockader, instead of 3 squares.

AP Resolutions: Declare War (on a non-member), Force Peace (between two members), Religious victory, and Assign City are no longer eligible resolution actions.

Fail-gold: You never get fail-gold if you also completed the wonder somewhere else (so no National Wonder fail-gold, or doubling up on a wonder to guarantee yourself a paycheck. The game still informs you that you received "0 gold" from your hammers).

Hut techs: Can only gain techs from the first row of the tech screen:

Fishing, Wheel, Agriculture, Hunting, Mysticism, Mining,

Toroidal maps: Now return city maintenance as if the map were Cylindrical.

Maximum number of players is now 40, up from 18.

Jungle: No random growth

Global warming: removed from the game

No City trades option now available

No Barbs option disallows map trading

Included additional bug fixes:

Trade route turn order bug.

Spaceship launch bug.

Foreign trade route cities lost permanently when your city using those routes is destroyed (fix is taken from BTS unofficial patch).

Build culture double production.

Build wealth/research/culture + production automation double production.

Proposed trades including cities, where the cities no longer exist to be trades, are not cancelled (note: I consider this a bug because proposed trades are already cancelled if a player lacks the requisite e.g. resources/gold. could be considered not a bug).

Production decay counter on a type of build (e.g. axeman) is not reset after completing one if the next item in the queue is of the same type (fix is taken from BTS unofficial patch).

Feature growth/disappearance rates, and bonus discovery (mine pop) rates, do not scale with game speed.

Diplomacy Pausing: Diplomacy windows do not occur on game login whilst the game is paused.

Autosaves: Autosaves are generated at login and log out; log out saves are saved to a folder specified within the global defines XML file. Default location is C:\temp.

Observer mode

Observer mode is enabled and functional. Requires pitboss logging enabled, and for the host to run the observer program. Observer mode is then accessible at a preset web address. Only available in Pitboss, additional server side applications required for functionality, available from the following links.

Pitboss Observer:
Pitboss Portal:
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

I also have an idea to help limit the issues with Astro beeline: it is possible to make a Project, unlocked at Astro, that allows everyone to make Galleons.

It is also possible to make it such that Galleons also require other infrastructure to be built ie cities must have a lighthouse or a harbour or other tech requirements. Specific reasoning for this: it removes distorting effects of Astro beeline from some maps due to islands. The Project does not have to have high cost, merely making it 50 hammers suffices. Frigates do not have to have this functionality, such that a Chemistry beeline is an effective method of controlling seas.

Also, this would require changing EIT and Carracks, but I view that as a wise idea anyway.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

Was there a huge issue with an Astro beeline before? Galleons can be held off by massed Caravels, its Frigates that are really hard to deal with if you're behind in tech. EIM - either irrelevant or horribly overpowered, something definitely should be done about it.

I'll give this new version a few whirls in SP... is there anything you'd want me to pay attention to?

Random questions/observations:

What's Industrious in this version? Changelog doesn't say.

Regarding the Woodland Improvements, two questions. First: why do they only take 1 turn to upgrade? Seems a bit pointless. Second: changelog says Woodland Watermill is enabled at Alphabet; does that mean it only requires Alphabet, or Machinery + Alphabet?

The new Indian UU is.... pretty boring. ;[
The Chinese UB doesn't seem to do anything here? At least comparing to the Hippodrome.

Are the Greek and Maya UBs correct? I remember in the last version that Colosseums had +25% military production, but its missing from the description of the baseline one here. Greek UB only has +1 happy, but if it keeps that +25% military it is a very very good UB. Both are kinda crummy without that bonus though. (Greek would be good if it gets +2 happy (like a standard Colosseum) but at Writing)

Quote:Greece: Trait: Charismatic. Unique Building: Odeon, Colosseum replacement. +1 happy, +3 culture, +1XP to land units, +25% military unit production. +100% production with Charismatic. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Writing.

Maya: Trait: Charismatic. Unique Building: Ball Court, Colosseum replacement. +3 happy. +25% military unit production, +1 happy per 20% culture slider. +100% prodcution with Charismatic. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Construction.

Colosseum: +1XP to Melee, Archery, Mounted, Siege units, +2 happy, +1 happy per 20% culture slider. Cost 80 hammers, requires Construction. +100% production with Charismatic.

(October 15th, 2016, 18:17)GermanJoey Wrote: Was there a huge issue with an Astro beeline before? Galleons can be held off by massed Caravels, its Frigates that are really hard to deal with if you're behind in tech. EIM - either irrelevant or horribly overpowered, something definitely should be done about it.

I'll give this new version a few whirls in SP... is there anything you'd want me to pay attention to?

I think that it's possibly an interesting way to bring privateers back into the game: I was considering making Privateers just need Astro, but Galleons need the completed project, so everyone ends up being able to build Galleons but only those with Astro get Privateers. It eliminates the problem with Astro unlocking large tracts of previously unaccessible land (which can have a distorting effect on the tech tree) but also keeps all the other benefits of teching Astro intact. EIM can be altered (and Carracks, I was thinking of giving Carracks collateral), EIM I was thinking of changing to a Privateer UU.

The other part of this, was making Custom Houses buildable once the project was completed, and not require a specific tech. It's helpful with the Ren era clusterfuck of congested civics and buildings and units all over the place.

(October 15th, 2016, 18:46)GermanJoey Wrote: Random questions/observations:

What's Industrious in this version? Changelog doesn't say.

Regarding the Woodland Improvements, two questions. First: why do they only take 1 turn to upgrade? Seems a bit pointless. Second: changelog says Woodland Watermill is enabled at Alphabet; does that mean it only requires Alphabet, or Machinery + Alphabet?

The new Indian UU is.... pretty boring. ;[
The Chinese UB doesn't seem to do anything here? At least comparing to the Hippodrome.

Are the Greek and Maya UBs correct? I remember in the last version that Colosseums had +25% military production, but its missing from the description of the baseline one here. Greek UB only has +1 happy, but if it keeps that +25% military it is a very very good UB. Both are kinda crummy without that bonus though. (Greek would be good if it gets +2 happy (like a standard Colosseum) but at Writing)

Quote:Greece: Trait: Charismatic. Unique Building: Odeon, Colosseum replacement. +1 happy, +3 culture, +1XP to land units, +25% military unit production. +100% production with Charismatic. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Writing.

Maya: Trait: Charismatic. Unique Building: Ball Court, Colosseum replacement. +3 happy. +25% military unit production, +1 happy per 20% culture slider. +100% prodcution with Charismatic. Cost 80 hammers. Requires Construction.

Colosseum: +1XP to Melee, Archery, Mounted, Siege units, +2 happy, +1 happy per 20% culture slider. Cost 80 hammers, requires Construction. +100% production with Charismatic.

IND is as RtR, don't have method of introducing double national wonders for IND only, but if I did I'd stick with that because it's fun.

Woodland improvements, it's a placeholder for discussion. Woodland improvements don't benefit from civic or tech bonuses to the base improvements, the numbers need thinking about. They also do not require additional tech, ie Alphabet for a tile improvement that becomes a watermill, but does not require Machinery. You need machinery to build the watermill on a bare tile, but if there is a forest, you don't need it.

Colosseum: All should give +25% land unit production, and XP to melee/archery/siege/mounted, plus the happy. Maya gives extra happy (should also give happy from incense) Greece should give XP to all land units so also applies to gunpowder and armoured units so scales better. HE is nerfed to 75% unit production.

5 strength spear may be boring but are stronger than people giove it credit for and I'm sick of people bitching about fast workers.

Chinese UB can be buffed/recreated. Tempted to just put it at Alphabet TBH, keep it as a 30 hammer theatre.
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

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