Mission 10: Operation Defiant Stroke
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/4GLcQse.jpg)
We set out on another Protect the Device mission. New armor looks interesting.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/WCrZPw3.jpg)
We started on the bottom right corner of the map. The device is inside one of the houses.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/wwgtwMv.jpg)
Found our first enemies, but we made some orange moves to get there. We'll fight them next turn.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/GD1wNd2.jpg)
They patrolled a few steps without spotting us. We set up an ambush.
Everyone had a shot except Fenn. Old Harry had a crazy 99% chance to hit. He has a brand new +10 Aim upgrade in his sniper rifle.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/TuUXIcY.jpg)
Jkaen fragged them, then Adrien and Old Harry connected with their overwatch shots.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/gdNZ6le.jpg)
Fenn runs in and gets an epic action cam shot. By this point all the enemies were already dead though.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/5JJrgx3.jpg)
Old Harry got to use one of his shiny new battle scanners.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/BCdWSiD.jpg)
Found a full pod. Two Sectoids and a Viper. We are a bit far to engage them this turn, but now we know where to set up.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/03SbniG.jpg)
Sunrise checked out the tower hack. I was curious at what the Alien Facility Lead reward was about, but I didn't want to be swarmed by 2-3 pods at once if we failed the roll.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/HrOhpF7.jpg)
We checked the building and then moved two guys inside since there isn't much cover out in the street.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/ywsZ567.jpg)
The device had taken a few shots already, but this time it revealed to us that there's a second pod just behind the building.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/slqXrSm.jpg)
Sunrise took a peek from the window. It seems that the closer pod has moved inside the building.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/wxS5TCP.jpg)
There they are.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/4lcBCrX.jpg)
Jkaen and Adrien both launched grenades at them, hitting two at once. Didn't kill the one in the middle, but we did get rid of all their cover.
It might be a good idea to get Proving Grounds built soon so we can upgrade our frag grenades.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/p4xttft.jpg)
Old Harry killed the Viper with one very accurate shot.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/Ten2rKT.jpg)
Fenn was a tile or two too far to get a shot on the Sectoids. We might have went overboard with the grenades.
What we should have done is only shoot one to take down the cover from a Viper and a Sectoid, then kill those two, only leaving one Sectoid alive. Now there'll be two.
Sunrise sent in an Aid Protocol on Jkaen who's cover is at an awkward angle. Aid Protocol was also boosted by Gremlin Mark II, it's now 30 defense.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/MXgORav.jpg)
They were still standing in the open so Fenn had a great overwatch shot when they started running, but she missed.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/nmtnlUs.jpg)
Sunrise and his drone had Jkaen's back
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/BzbMlgB.jpg)
The other Sectoid took cover and raised the dead officer from our first fight.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/fPHjuuu.jpg)
One of them took cover behind a gas canister. Fenn made it go boom.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/byHHBgT.jpg)
The explosion burned down the bench that the other Sectoid was using as cover. Jkaen had a clear shot and killed it. This broke the reanimation.
I'd like to say that was all planned, but I didn't think the explosion would be so large.. Jkaen may have burned an eyebrow or two himself.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/AQmR5WJ.jpg)
We moved up the road carefully. There was no need to hurry: Whoever took that shot from behind the building never took a second one.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/OjZ6HAe.jpg)
Fenn moved next to the window, giving us sight inside. No-one there.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/78qK07T.jpg)
Ah, there we go. They ended up patrolling into us. For a while there I was expecting our old friend to make his return, but it's just a Muton and two Sectoids.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/dJSpaaG.jpg)
We even got off some overwatches! Sunrise missed..
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/bnKdEu7.jpg)
Jkaen missed..
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/wcurA0m.jpg)
Fenn missed..
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/v8tcW6V.jpg)
The Sectoids are easily flanked, but the Muton is taking cover behind the thing we're protecting, which worries me greatly.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/97DWGnV.jpg)
Sunrise raised the bar with a critical hit and a solo kill!
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/3G8ZfPA.jpg)
Not wanting to be outdone, Jkaen killed the other one. Now that's some healthy competition
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/xxvNLth.jpg)
If this destroy the wall, we're golden. If this destroys the objective, we're fucked.
Let's not take unnecessary risks when there's only one enemy left.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/mUlGrwO.jpg)
"Did someone say let's take unnecessary risks? Okay, got it boss!" - Fenn, probably.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/JykIpB3.jpg)
THE OBJECTIVE IS NOW ON FIRE. And the Muton has invisible high cover.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/TwZl2mu.jpg)
I guess we'll throw in the flash bang and hope for the best.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/qORcrmc.jpg)
The Muton melee attacked the objective (I think?). It's no longer on fire though, which is nice.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/wDSbsIm.jpg)
This flank is too good not to take! We'll have a great chance to kill it outright, and even if we miss, we'll still have 4 other units to move and even a second flash bang to throw at it.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/OnkNqTJ.jpg)
There's no way we won't kill it though, right? No need to be scared, at all, not even the slightest chance that it'd live through the turn and kill Fenn
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/cGW4Riu.jpg)
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/g1q6CrY.jpg)
Good recovery after we failed the last mission.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/5HyLvzZ.jpg)
Everyone came back with a promotion.
Jkaen was given Shredder (attacks shred armor).
Sunrise was given Combat Protocol (drone attack with guaranteed damage)
Fenn was given Blademaster (sword attacks have +2 extra damage and +10 aim)
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/uOVCOMO.jpg)
Old Harry now has the Death From Above perk. If we get him to high ground he'll be an absolute monster. Notice his AIM (the stat, not the messenger). That's a 95% hit chance before modifiers.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/eReqtuE.jpg)
Adrien is our second (or third if we count Sareln..) lieutenant. She will now have an extra grenade to launch. That's three in total. We could probably run some missions with just her as a grenadier, if we wanted to or had to.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/3rAHQix.jpg)
Muton dropped some loot when it died. I think the Elerium Core is something we can use in the Proving Grounds to create weapons and armor. Looking forward to discovering that part of the game.
As a reward for completing the mission, we also got our fourth Scientist. That should be about as many as we'll ever need.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/4GLcQse.jpg)
We set out on another Protect the Device mission. New armor looks interesting.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/WCrZPw3.jpg)
We started on the bottom right corner of the map. The device is inside one of the houses.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/wwgtwMv.jpg)
Found our first enemies, but we made some orange moves to get there. We'll fight them next turn.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/GD1wNd2.jpg)
They patrolled a few steps without spotting us. We set up an ambush.
Everyone had a shot except Fenn. Old Harry had a crazy 99% chance to hit. He has a brand new +10 Aim upgrade in his sniper rifle.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/TuUXIcY.jpg)
Jkaen fragged them, then Adrien and Old Harry connected with their overwatch shots.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/gdNZ6le.jpg)
Fenn runs in and gets an epic action cam shot. By this point all the enemies were already dead though.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/5JJrgx3.jpg)
Old Harry got to use one of his shiny new battle scanners.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/BCdWSiD.jpg)
Found a full pod. Two Sectoids and a Viper. We are a bit far to engage them this turn, but now we know where to set up.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/03SbniG.jpg)
Sunrise checked out the tower hack. I was curious at what the Alien Facility Lead reward was about, but I didn't want to be swarmed by 2-3 pods at once if we failed the roll.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/HrOhpF7.jpg)
We checked the building and then moved two guys inside since there isn't much cover out in the street.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/ywsZ567.jpg)
The device had taken a few shots already, but this time it revealed to us that there's a second pod just behind the building.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/slqXrSm.jpg)
Sunrise took a peek from the window. It seems that the closer pod has moved inside the building.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/wxS5TCP.jpg)
There they are.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/4lcBCrX.jpg)
Jkaen and Adrien both launched grenades at them, hitting two at once. Didn't kill the one in the middle, but we did get rid of all their cover.
It might be a good idea to get Proving Grounds built soon so we can upgrade our frag grenades.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/p4xttft.jpg)
Old Harry killed the Viper with one very accurate shot.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/Ten2rKT.jpg)
Fenn was a tile or two too far to get a shot on the Sectoids. We might have went overboard with the grenades.
What we should have done is only shoot one to take down the cover from a Viper and a Sectoid, then kill those two, only leaving one Sectoid alive. Now there'll be two.
Sunrise sent in an Aid Protocol on Jkaen who's cover is at an awkward angle. Aid Protocol was also boosted by Gremlin Mark II, it's now 30 defense.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/MXgORav.jpg)
They were still standing in the open so Fenn had a great overwatch shot when they started running, but she missed.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/nmtnlUs.jpg)
Sunrise and his drone had Jkaen's back
![jive jive](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/jive.gif)
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/BzbMlgB.jpg)
The other Sectoid took cover and raised the dead officer from our first fight.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/fPHjuuu.jpg)
One of them took cover behind a gas canister. Fenn made it go boom.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/byHHBgT.jpg)
The explosion burned down the bench that the other Sectoid was using as cover. Jkaen had a clear shot and killed it. This broke the reanimation.
I'd like to say that was all planned, but I didn't think the explosion would be so large.. Jkaen may have burned an eyebrow or two himself.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/AQmR5WJ.jpg)
We moved up the road carefully. There was no need to hurry: Whoever took that shot from behind the building never took a second one.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/OjZ6HAe.jpg)
Fenn moved next to the window, giving us sight inside. No-one there.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/78qK07T.jpg)
Ah, there we go. They ended up patrolling into us. For a while there I was expecting our old friend to make his return, but it's just a Muton and two Sectoids.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/dJSpaaG.jpg)
We even got off some overwatches! Sunrise missed..
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/bnKdEu7.jpg)
Jkaen missed..
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/wcurA0m.jpg)
Fenn missed..
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/v8tcW6V.jpg)
The Sectoids are easily flanked, but the Muton is taking cover behind the thing we're protecting, which worries me greatly.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/97DWGnV.jpg)
Sunrise raised the bar with a critical hit and a solo kill!
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/3G8ZfPA.jpg)
Not wanting to be outdone, Jkaen killed the other one. Now that's some healthy competition
![Clint Clint](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/sasmilies/clint.gif)
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/xxvNLth.jpg)
If this destroy the wall, we're golden. If this destroys the objective, we're fucked.
Let's not take unnecessary risks when there's only one enemy left.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/mUlGrwO.jpg)
"Did someone say let's take unnecessary risks? Okay, got it boss!" - Fenn, probably.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/JykIpB3.jpg)
THE OBJECTIVE IS NOW ON FIRE. And the Muton has invisible high cover.
![Iiam Iiam](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/sasmilies/iiam.gif)
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/TwZl2mu.jpg)
I guess we'll throw in the flash bang and hope for the best.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/qORcrmc.jpg)
The Muton melee attacked the objective (I think?). It's no longer on fire though, which is nice.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/wDSbsIm.jpg)
This flank is too good not to take! We'll have a great chance to kill it outright, and even if we miss, we'll still have 4 other units to move and even a second flash bang to throw at it.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/OnkNqTJ.jpg)
There's no way we won't kill it though, right? No need to be scared, at all, not even the slightest chance that it'd live through the turn and kill Fenn
![please please](https://www.realmsbeyond.net/forums/images/smilies/please.gif)
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/cGW4Riu.jpg)
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/g1q6CrY.jpg)
Good recovery after we failed the last mission.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/5HyLvzZ.jpg)
Everyone came back with a promotion.
Jkaen was given Shredder (attacks shred armor).
Sunrise was given Combat Protocol (drone attack with guaranteed damage)
Fenn was given Blademaster (sword attacks have +2 extra damage and +10 aim)
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/uOVCOMO.jpg)
Old Harry now has the Death From Above perk. If we get him to high ground he'll be an absolute monster. Notice his AIM (the stat, not the messenger). That's a 95% hit chance before modifiers.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/eReqtuE.jpg)
Adrien is our second (or third if we count Sareln..) lieutenant. She will now have an extra grenade to launch. That's three in total. We could probably run some missions with just her as a grenadier, if we wanted to or had to.
![Click to resize (Javascript)](http://i.imgur.com/3rAHQix.jpg)
Muton dropped some loot when it died. I think the Elerium Core is something we can use in the Proving Grounds to create weapons and armor. Looking forward to discovering that part of the game.
As a reward for completing the mission, we also got our fourth Scientist. That should be about as many as we'll ever need.