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RB PBEM #1 - Gandhi [spoilers]

Ruff_Hi Wrote:Here is a question that lurkers can answer ... how many turns between the UN election and the first vote option?
Sigh ... I think it is 3 turns. Guess Dreylin is going to win via a diplovictory. I don't have enough time to nuke mh down by enough votes.
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

Ruff_Hi Wrote:That is a good question. Here is what I know about minimizing the cost of missions ...
[*]share the same religion

This one is big enough and wrong enough that I'll step in right here (and the mechanics are described in detail in my Epic 26 report anyway.)

-15% cost: If your state religion is present in the target city and is NOT your target civ's state religion (so must be different.)
-25% cost: If your state religion is present in the target city and you control that religion's holy city. (can be same religion, but stacks additively with the -15% if you are different religions.)

Other than that, you're right, but maybe there's something you can do about at least one of the factors.

Dreylin has not commented or asked about espionage costs in his thread so I'm hesitant to bring it up there, unless you think I should for fairness.

Quote:Here is a question that lurkers can answer ... how many turns between the UN election and the first vote option?

This I don't know for sure. I think elections happen every 6 turns on normal speed, which would be 4 turns on quick... so yes 3 turns between the first results and the next election.

Can a civ Defy a diplomatic victory? I don't know.

T-hawk Wrote:Can a civ Defy a diplomatic victory? I don't know.


For some reason I think they should be able to...
Current games (All): RtR: PB83

Ended games (Selection): BTS games: PB1, PB3, PBEM2, PBEM4, PBEM5B, PBEM50. RB mod games: PB5, PB15, PB27, PB37, PB42, PB46, PB71 PB80. FFH games: PBEMVII, PBEMXII. Civ 6:  PBEM22 PBEM23Games ded lurked: PB18

T-hawk Wrote:-15% cost: If your state religion is present in the target city and is NOT your target civ's state religion (so must be different.)
-25% cost: If your state religion is present in the target city and you control that religion's holy city. (can be same religion, but stacks additively with the -15% if you are different religions.)

Dreylin has not commented or asked about espionage costs in his thread so I'm hesitant to bring it up there, unless you think I should for fairness.
Well, if he asks about spy discounts, feel free to point it out to him. I am no where near close to starting my spy-revolt-save the game strategy so I don't think that this is unbalancing at the moment.

Guess I might go to my religion (Christianity) when (if) I get to that stage.

I think this game will be over in 2 to 4 turns when mh votes for Dreylin. I am looking at my game and seeing if there is anything I can do about this. I'll keep you up to date if I think of anything.

To start with ... my current tech is fission and if I can unlock and build some nukes fast enough, I should be able to reduce mh's population pretty quickly.
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

chat between the guys playing pbem2 ... has some relevance here ...

  • Ruff: hello
    what are we all doing?
  • Krill: Yo guys, just wondering what the likelihood of getting a few turns in at some point this weekend is?
  • Ruff: pbem2
  • Krill: yeah, PBEM2
  • Ruff: blerrr - want pbem1 back
  • Krill: Well, I want PBEM 2 back, I just sent it along...
    damned italics
  • Ruff: its out at square leg
  • Krill: spam him until he plays it?
  • Ruff: isn't that your job?
    I currently have 4 civ games going and 3 of them are on auto-pilot
  • Krill: Wanta franchise?
  • Ruff: only 1 is interesting
  • Krill: btw
  • Ruff: what is the buy in?
  • Krill: 50 spam emails
    any one here got teamspeak?
  • Ruff: I have SP v2
    and there is only you and I here at present
  • Krill: would you mind trying to join my server, see if it is set up right?
  • Ruff: sure
  • Krill: <snip - talk to krill about team speak>
    Setting it up for the occasional MP game at RB, and for people to chat in diplomacy for any of hte games
  • Dreylin: er, hi
  • Krill: Hi Dreylin
  • Ruff: got a port with that?
  • Krill: 8767
  • Ruff: [13:42:54] Connecting to <snip - talk to krill about team speak>
    [13:42:57] No reply from server
  • Krill: damnit
  • Ruff: hi dreylin
    de wants to nag us about pbem2
  • Dreylin: I'm here
  • Ruff: ready to be nagged?
  • Dreylin: waiting on SL
  • Darrell:: darrell here
  • Dreylin: can't nag me when it's not my fault....
  • Ruff: dreylin - how is the war in pbem1 going?
  • Krill: Yeah Ruff
  • Dreylin: /loaded question....
  • Ruff: is mh in this chat?
  • Dreylin: not that I know of
  • Ruff: just you me and some lurkers
  • Dreylin: Yu offering to help out?
    Square: Played gotta dash!
  • Krill: tongue
  • Ruff: looks like you need it
    Square has left
  • Dreylin: I got things under control
  • Darrell:: ahab had moby dick, dreyling has MH
  • Krill: Dreyling?
  • Dreylin: heh
  • Darrell:: funny when I type "in" the "g" comes by reflex
  • Ruff: as in ... Darling?
  • Dreylin: So who's nagging Yaz?
  • Ruff: not me
  • Dreylin: it's like Broker and his "regro" not "rego"
  • Ruff: lol
    @Krill - team speak hated me
    not working
  • Darrell:: does anyone besides me known how to prounounce regoarrarr?
  • Ruff: keek
  • Dreylin: indeed
  • Darrell:: wow
  • Krill: <snip - talk to krill about team speak> is the ip it says in my client, it is just that that is because it is a virtual server behind my router, right?
  • Darrell:: Im not as cool as I thought
    Am I supposed to be installing something?
  • Ruff: that is a local IP
    starts with 192..
  • Krill: thought so
  • Ruff: no - multi-jobbing
    Dreylin - no chatting to mh about any possible ruff unit movement
  • Dreylin: OK
  • Ruff: let me at least try and stop you winning by diplo
    and no mentioning that comment to mh
  • Dreylin: Wow, lots of restictions!
    naw - its just that I have about a 5% chance of stopping you and I want to see if I can pull it off
  • Dreylin: Nexttime we sign a treaty, remindme to read the fine print....
  • Krill: what about a restriction of no cheese wins?
  • Ruff: tbh - this game is getting a little dull and I would be happy if it finished
  • Krill: or would that break the game?
  • Dreylin: dunno
  • Ruff: but a Dreylin culture v Ruff space would prob go down tot he line and be real fun
  • Dreylin: Really?
    What's your ETA?
  • Ruff: well - what do you have at the moment ... 4 cities heading to legendary?
  • Dreylin: yeah
  • Ruff: yours looks to be around 30
  • Dreylin: less
  • Darrell:: <bites tongue so hard it is bleeding>
  • Dreylin: heh
  • Ruff: it will take me 31 turns to finish the requred techs
    at my current pace
  • Dreylin: so unless you cheese me, I win that race
  • Ruff: or I increase my pace
    and slow you down some (or is that cheeze)
  • Dreylin: depends if it's "slow me down some" or "cause a city revolt in multiple cities every turn so they can't reach Legendary"
  • yaz: hey
  • Ruff: YAZ - hurry up and play!!
  • yaz: I already played! You were eliminated so no point you hanging around... wink
  • Ruff: @Drey - is there a difference?
    oh - it is with Dreylin
  • Dreylin: istracting me now
  • Ruff: @YAZ - choppers cannot take cities
  • Dreylin: tongue
  • yaz: Damnit, there goes my military plans
  • Dreylin: @Ruff - how many cities canyou keep revlted?
  • Ruff: so, Krill - what do you want me to do re TS?
  • Krill: best forget it for the moment
    I don;t have the password to the router, so can't check the forwarding
    need to phone my dad who isn;t here
  • Darrell:: we should be able to toggle between pbem and pitboss
  • Ruff: at the moment, I can get a revolt down to about 1000EPs
  • Dreylin: 1000EPs per reolt!?
  • Ruff: so I should be able to keep 2(ish) in constant revolt
    yeah - dambed expensive
  • Dreylin: they'll get cheaper though as you spend more, right?
  • Ruff: true
  • Dreylin: Yeah, so thenit would come down to Mecca
    which is a bit furtr behind
  • Darrell:: <severs tongue>
  • Ruff: I cannot even see Mecca
  • Dreylin: heh
  • Ruff: I had IZmar pegged as your 4th
    so Mecca is your 5th
  • Dreylin: Whaaa?
    BTW, Izmir is No. 3
  • Ruff: not by F8 (at the moment)
    but I can see that is moving
  • Dreylin: oh, the turn hasn't got to you yet
  • Ruff: keeps taking tiles from my northern DV city
  • Dreylin: yeah, that citymight revolt soon
  • Ruff: I have it set up for culture (77 per turn) with Herm going in soonish
    not even holding its own
  • Dreylin: no
  • Ruff: btw - if any lurkers are shocked that we are freeling trading such details ... dreylin and I pretty much talked like this the whole game
    but I am pretty sure that we did keep somethings back smile
  • Dreylin: we still are, aren't we? wink
  • Ruff: you have a 6th city?
  • Krill: Ruff
    can you try the teamspeak server again please?
  • Ruff: sure
  • Dreylin: I might need one!
  • Ruff: victory!
  • Krill: IT LIVES
  • Dreylin: To Ruff...
  • Krill: <snip - talk to krill about team speak> if anyone wants on teamspeak
    save it, it might come in handy
  • Ruff: I had the game for 2 mins!!
  • yaz: If only SL was around.
  • Krill: get the admin password and retire his civ?
  • Ruff: retire the 5 other teams and it would fly along
  • Krill: I still wouldn;t make it to the end though ;P
  • Ruff: oh yaz ... my warrior is on its way into your territory
  • Krill: Oh, I fully expect him to have his horde of Immortals ready to kill it
  • Ruff: don't tell him, but you don't normally get horses on these types of maps
  • Krill: oh noes, no flanking away dose catapults
  • yaz: frown
    We could have been such good friends
  • Krill: blood makes the grass grow.
    stabby stabby kill kill
  • Ruff: still can
  • yaz: so I should kill him over a desert to change it to grassland?
  • Dreylin: Oooooo
  • Ruff: just agree that we both settle to our repective W
  • Krill: That would be a great mod
  • Ruff: yeah - called the blood mod
  • Dreylin: Sometimes I just wish the main game had som of th terraforing effects from FfH
  • Krill: meh, never played FfH
    Don;t have the patients
    As you all know tongue
  • Dreylin: an you're plying in this PBEM!?!? wink
  • Krill: technically speaking , it does...
    Well, looks where we all are right now, save one slacker
  • Darrell:: turn played..
  • Krill: PBEM can move damned fast, seen one do 20 turns in a day once
  • Darrell:: dont be to hard on sl, I also have to run
  • Ruff: me too
  • Krill: oh well
  • Ruff: which lazy person has the game now?
  • Krill: nice chatting with you all
  • Ruff: see ya
  • Dreylin: Gah, we should have been clearer on our recruitment that players must not have a life
  • Ruff: duh!
    it will be fun colour coding this chat
    who wants to be pink?
  • Krill: Me?
    Irony ftw
  • Ruff: you are blue
  • Krill: bummer
  • Ruff: there is no pink ... lol
  • Dreylin: Well I should e Grey
    i.e. invisible
  • Ruff: yeah - stupid color
  • Dreylin: not so bad when there's not so much greenery
    it's the forest/jungles that lose the grey borders
  • Ruff: ok - I am done
    see you guys later
  • yaz: cya
  • Dreylin: bye all
  • Krill: cya
    and turn is with SL
  • Ruff: my 2 mins still holds the record
  • yaz: I think you should see how long you can keep it up playing in under 2 mins...
  • Ruff: I did have the fastest game in the RB speed event
    the whole game only took 45 mins
    or was it 34
  • Krill: I take it you lost tongue
  • Ruff: culture victory
  • Krill: Impressive
  • Ruff:
    41 mins
    and that is playing with the BUG mod which is a little slower than normal bts
  • Krill: cool
    btw, who here has second cities?
    anyone care to admit to it?
    or going to horde your stats
  • yaz: I guess you'll find out someday. Until then you can guess smile
  • Krill: Yaz, no
    Ruff no
    Dreylin, yes
    Sl, who cares
    Darrell, no frigging clue
    Although Dreylin has to have a holy city capital
  • yaz: lucky him
  • Dreylin: I have a second city?
    Darrell has left
  • yaz: Yup you do
  • Krill: Hmmm, it's t26, which is about t39 in Normal speed...
    so roughly, we are about 7 turns behind the pitboss game
  • yaz: You guys should pick up the pace then.
  • Krill: Yeah, wish we would...
    Anyway, I'm outta here...altough be around if you want to swear fealty to me later
    de has left
  • Ruff: what do you mean T39 on normal ... my turn is on normal speed
    or is that the pitboss game that is on normal
  • yaz: he meant pitboss is on normal speed, our pbem is on the equiv of turn 39 normal speed
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

The only thing of interest at the moment is UN votes. I put all bar 1 city on max food.

Pre end of turn ...

Required - 374 of 611
Dreylin - 311
Ruff - 217
Mh - 83

Dreylin wins with margin of 20

After end of turn ...

Required - 382 of 617
Dreylin - 311
Ruff - 223
Mh - 83

Dreylin wins with margin of 12
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

Pre end of turn ...

Required to block - 239
Ruff - 223 (short by 16)

After end of turn ...

Required to block - 240
Ruff - 226 (short by 14)

Fission complete.
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

After end of turn ...

Required to block - 246
Ruff - 229 (short by 17)

Dreylin tells me that it is 'vote time' so if (as expected) mh votes for Dreylin, it is game over.

Does anyone feel that this game went out with a whimper rather than a bang?
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

turn came back - going very quickly at the moment. UN Diplo victory vote came up. I voted for myself. If mh votes for Dreylin, then Dreylin wins.

3G Dam complete as well as Versailles and Hidden Palace. Started Manhattan Project [4].
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

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