Turn 43 came in this morning on our normal schedule. I started out the turn by moving my warror onto the desert hill tile and... contact!
![[Image: PBEM1-125.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-125.jpg)
There's teh's borders, with his second city placed in the exact mirrored Ravenna location where I was expecting it to be. It's the most natural location to choose for a second city on this map, with great minds thinking alike and all that. Note that teh has that pigs resource (truffles?) for his second luxury, which has a yield of 2/1/3 instead of the spices that I have at 4/1. There's an extra gold coin on the tile because it already has a plantation completed. All things considered, I think that the spices are slightly better due to their two additional food, but the extra gold is pretty darn good in the early game too, making this largely a wash. Now that I've made contact over here, it's time to scurry the warrior back home for escort duty on the new settler.
I also completed Military Tradition civic this turn, prompting a policy swap:
![[Image: PBEM1-126.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-126.jpg)
With my settler finished, I dropped Colonization policy in favor of Strategos and its +2 Great General points/turn. This is not a policy that I want to be running too much of the time, as I continue to believe that it's a weaker option in comparison to the production-boosting policies. However, I do want to make sure that I can snag that first Great General as it's integral to my plans, and for the moment I essentially have a free policy slot because I don't need to keep running Colonization while I'm not building settlers. The only other strong option here right now would be Agoge for the military production bonus, and with me in first place in power, I think I can sneak through the next ten turns or so without needing it. I really do want to get the Encampment built at some point in the next 15-20 turns though, specifically so I don't have to spend more time in Strategos policy than necessary. Right now, I'm thinking that I can have the capital go builder into slinger (yes, without Agoge in place sadly) and then work on the Encampment until my next civic finishes, then pick up Colonization again to turn out a settler, and then probably go into Autocracy after that for more Military policies. This is still very much contingent on what the other players are doing, of course. The next few civics are not going to be boostable, and the swaps will have some considerable time between finishing.
![[Image: PBEM1-127.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-127.jpg)
Here's an overview of my current territory. That scout from TheArchduke will be annoying if it tries to move into my territory, even though it can't enter my borders without declaring war. If TheArchduke tries to get too frisky with it, I'll consider declaring war myself and trying to kill it, although I would prefer to avoid that. No need to initiate a destructive buildup with my northern neighbor when I want to be in peaceful expansion mode. My slinger is holding the northern desert hill pass through the mountains because that's the tile my settler will need to move through in a few turns. The settler itself is now out on the map and heading east, with another half dozen turns to reach its destination. At least the roads are genuinely helpful in crossing over those rivers.
Roma was able to get its builder down to just 3 turns with the overflow from the settler, and I was happy to set that as the next production choice. Note that the city is now benefitting from positive amenities, and thus the production is 12.6/turn even without factoring in the Ilkum bonus of 30%. The real production is therefore something like 16.5 per turn. I'll use that builder to mine the jade, mine one of the grassland hill tiles, and then probably save the third charge for use mining the iron hill, which will be grabbed by the borders of my fifth city. The capital won't be getting above size 6 for a very long time and therefore won't need additional tiles improved at the moment. Elsewhere, the current builder is about to quarry the stone resource at Ravenna (triggering the boost for Masonry tech) and Arretium's builder is already halfway done. Development is coming along nicely.
![[Image: PBEM1-128.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-128.jpg)
Now that I have formal contact with teh, I have additional information at my fingertips on the international world rankings screen. Teh has six techs researched, the same as me, and just completed his fifth civic research this turn. That means that he also finished the expensive State Workforce civic and will be pursuing Political Philosophy next. His beaker rate is 8.7/turn and his culture rate is 6.8/turn. You can see the comparison to my tallies at the top of the screenshot. Teh is doing quite well for himself in these categories; he's only a single population point behind me at the moment, 9 pop to my 10 pop, and the discrepancy in science comes almost entirely from my envoy at the Scientific city state. I have almost double his culture because, well, I'm Rome and I have the disgusting ability to get three free monuments. Like me, teh also has an envoy with a Cultural city state helping him out in this category.
I can now see teh's power directly, and he has 50 military score. That's almost certainly two warriors and a scout, unless he's been fighting Yuris and has a damaged unit or something like that. I had him pegged at two warriors and a slinger earlier, and I'm happy to see the scout build instead. Scouts don't upgrade into anything useful until rangers a million techs away, and their 10 strength makes them virtually useless in combat. (One note of caution: their 3 movement does give them the chance to snipe builders/settlers if left unprotected though.) Still, I'd rather see a scout than a sliger that's a mere 30 gold away from becoming a powerful archer. Finally, in the mostly useless Religious category, I can now spot that both TheArchduke and teh have swapped out of God King policy and are now getting 0 faith/turn. I can't see what pantheon teh chose for himself, as it did not appear as a gossip item on the diplo screen like it did with TheArchduke, probably because I didn't have contact when he established his pantheon.
![[Image: PBEM1-129.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-129.jpg)
Here is the actual diplo screen with teh. He has two luxuries connected, the coffee at his capital along with the truffles at his second city. I can also see that the second city is named Cologne (I guess none of us are being that creative in this game on the names). Perhaps this is why teh hasn't shown up with a third city yet, because he went for a trader and an additional builder in his capital (?) I'm surprised that I haven't seen another settler appear in the population tracking from teh, although it's possible that he did produce one that was hidden by a pop increase, the way that TheArchduke did. It's been almost 20 turns since he founded his second city now. If he's still looking weak 25 turns from now, perhaps I'll choose teh instead of TheArchduke for an attack, although the logistics are easier to pull off with my northern neighbor. (Of course, TheArchduke doesn't need iron to build his legions, so Germany may be a better target than northern Rome regardless.)
There's one other item of note to mention this turn: TheArchduke's population dropped by a point from 7 to 6. That means he finished a settler in his capital this turn, and his third city will be incoming soon. I expect that it will go on his northern coast somewhere (the equivalent of my mirrored southern coast), where there's some good land... but no fresh water. That will limit the effectiveness of any city placed there in the early game. Alternately, perhaps TheArchduke will make a play for the northern oasis, which would be fine with me if it pulls him into conflict with Yuris. Fortunately I already have control of the key contested land between us, and TheArchduke has no chance of taking my city away without a whole heck of a lot more military.
![[Image: PBEM1-125.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-125.jpg)
There's teh's borders, with his second city placed in the exact mirrored Ravenna location where I was expecting it to be. It's the most natural location to choose for a second city on this map, with great minds thinking alike and all that. Note that teh has that pigs resource (truffles?) for his second luxury, which has a yield of 2/1/3 instead of the spices that I have at 4/1. There's an extra gold coin on the tile because it already has a plantation completed. All things considered, I think that the spices are slightly better due to their two additional food, but the extra gold is pretty darn good in the early game too, making this largely a wash. Now that I've made contact over here, it's time to scurry the warrior back home for escort duty on the new settler.
I also completed Military Tradition civic this turn, prompting a policy swap:
![[Image: PBEM1-126.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-126.jpg)
With my settler finished, I dropped Colonization policy in favor of Strategos and its +2 Great General points/turn. This is not a policy that I want to be running too much of the time, as I continue to believe that it's a weaker option in comparison to the production-boosting policies. However, I do want to make sure that I can snag that first Great General as it's integral to my plans, and for the moment I essentially have a free policy slot because I don't need to keep running Colonization while I'm not building settlers. The only other strong option here right now would be Agoge for the military production bonus, and with me in first place in power, I think I can sneak through the next ten turns or so without needing it. I really do want to get the Encampment built at some point in the next 15-20 turns though, specifically so I don't have to spend more time in Strategos policy than necessary. Right now, I'm thinking that I can have the capital go builder into slinger (yes, without Agoge in place sadly) and then work on the Encampment until my next civic finishes, then pick up Colonization again to turn out a settler, and then probably go into Autocracy after that for more Military policies. This is still very much contingent on what the other players are doing, of course. The next few civics are not going to be boostable, and the swaps will have some considerable time between finishing.
![[Image: PBEM1-127.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-127.jpg)
Here's an overview of my current territory. That scout from TheArchduke will be annoying if it tries to move into my territory, even though it can't enter my borders without declaring war. If TheArchduke tries to get too frisky with it, I'll consider declaring war myself and trying to kill it, although I would prefer to avoid that. No need to initiate a destructive buildup with my northern neighbor when I want to be in peaceful expansion mode. My slinger is holding the northern desert hill pass through the mountains because that's the tile my settler will need to move through in a few turns. The settler itself is now out on the map and heading east, with another half dozen turns to reach its destination. At least the roads are genuinely helpful in crossing over those rivers.
Roma was able to get its builder down to just 3 turns with the overflow from the settler, and I was happy to set that as the next production choice. Note that the city is now benefitting from positive amenities, and thus the production is 12.6/turn even without factoring in the Ilkum bonus of 30%. The real production is therefore something like 16.5 per turn. I'll use that builder to mine the jade, mine one of the grassland hill tiles, and then probably save the third charge for use mining the iron hill, which will be grabbed by the borders of my fifth city. The capital won't be getting above size 6 for a very long time and therefore won't need additional tiles improved at the moment. Elsewhere, the current builder is about to quarry the stone resource at Ravenna (triggering the boost for Masonry tech) and Arretium's builder is already halfway done. Development is coming along nicely.
![[Image: PBEM1-128.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-128.jpg)
Now that I have formal contact with teh, I have additional information at my fingertips on the international world rankings screen. Teh has six techs researched, the same as me, and just completed his fifth civic research this turn. That means that he also finished the expensive State Workforce civic and will be pursuing Political Philosophy next. His beaker rate is 8.7/turn and his culture rate is 6.8/turn. You can see the comparison to my tallies at the top of the screenshot. Teh is doing quite well for himself in these categories; he's only a single population point behind me at the moment, 9 pop to my 10 pop, and the discrepancy in science comes almost entirely from my envoy at the Scientific city state. I have almost double his culture because, well, I'm Rome and I have the disgusting ability to get three free monuments. Like me, teh also has an envoy with a Cultural city state helping him out in this category.
I can now see teh's power directly, and he has 50 military score. That's almost certainly two warriors and a scout, unless he's been fighting Yuris and has a damaged unit or something like that. I had him pegged at two warriors and a slinger earlier, and I'm happy to see the scout build instead. Scouts don't upgrade into anything useful until rangers a million techs away, and their 10 strength makes them virtually useless in combat. (One note of caution: their 3 movement does give them the chance to snipe builders/settlers if left unprotected though.) Still, I'd rather see a scout than a sliger that's a mere 30 gold away from becoming a powerful archer. Finally, in the mostly useless Religious category, I can now spot that both TheArchduke and teh have swapped out of God King policy and are now getting 0 faith/turn. I can't see what pantheon teh chose for himself, as it did not appear as a gossip item on the diplo screen like it did with TheArchduke, probably because I didn't have contact when he established his pantheon.
![[Image: PBEM1-129.jpg]](http://www.sullla.com/Civ6/PBEM1/PBEM1-129.jpg)
Here is the actual diplo screen with teh. He has two luxuries connected, the coffee at his capital along with the truffles at his second city. I can also see that the second city is named Cologne (I guess none of us are being that creative in this game on the names). Perhaps this is why teh hasn't shown up with a third city yet, because he went for a trader and an additional builder in his capital (?) I'm surprised that I haven't seen another settler appear in the population tracking from teh, although it's possible that he did produce one that was hidden by a pop increase, the way that TheArchduke did. It's been almost 20 turns since he founded his second city now. If he's still looking weak 25 turns from now, perhaps I'll choose teh instead of TheArchduke for an attack, although the logistics are easier to pull off with my northern neighbor. (Of course, TheArchduke doesn't need iron to build his legions, so Germany may be a better target than northern Rome regardless.)
There's one other item of note to mention this turn: TheArchduke's population dropped by a point from 7 to 6. That means he finished a settler in his capital this turn, and his third city will be incoming soon. I expect that it will go on his northern coast somewhere (the equivalent of my mirrored southern coast), where there's some good land... but no fresh water. That will limit the effectiveness of any city placed there in the early game. Alternately, perhaps TheArchduke will make a play for the northern oasis, which would be fine with me if it pulls him into conflict with Yuris. Fortunately I already have control of the key contested land between us, and TheArchduke has no chance of taking my city away without a whole heck of a lot more military.