Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoiler] Island hoppers

Now the turns are coming really fast. It is now T23.
Commodore: grew to 4p on T20. Researched BW on T22. I assume he is going to whip out his settler
AI: Researched BW on T20. Planted his 2nd city on T22 but I have serious questions about his site since he gained 5 land tiles and the most likely place he settled is the northern wine tile, which seems really bad? He did start with Myst so he can whip out the monument and workboat to claim the fish but I am really surprised at this opening that decided not to go for the deer and fish site.
ipecac: Researched AH on T19. Revolted to slavery on T20. 2 whipped his cap on T21. Researched TW on T23 but still hasnt settled yet. I think he is going for the fish and deer site but has to take longer without TW
Yuris: Grew cap to 4p and researched BW on T22. The early WB is helping out his commerce.
Now I finished my settler and BW on T22 by working the fish tile over the mine for 1 turn because that 1 extra commerce was enough to make sure both finished at the same time. Settler is already on the hill and the workers will chop out the WB.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Forgot to mention. No bronze on main island so archery looks like more or less mandatory. because the area is food rich but happy poor. I believe I will research sailing before pottery to claim gold and fur ASAP.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin







So Commodore and yuris also founded cities this turn. However I am very puzzled by the land area since the global gain in land was only 4 tiles. Even founding 2W of rice or the ice S of 2nd city would net 3 tiles. I have to now believe that only the start is mirrored and the rest of the map is not. This would also explain AI's 2nd city grabbing 5 tiles. ipecac still has not settled his 2nd city.
I thought and simmed this carefully and I will take a hit of 3c from rounding loss to make sure the workers can start improving the deer after they minechop out the WB.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Turns are really flying now


ipecac finally founded his 2nd city and AI researched fishing or hunting. thinking its the former since he definitely has a fish resource in capital.


Commodore either researched pottery or myst since there was no global power increase. I am thinking its the former.


I have it down that both ipecac and yuris researched Myst. Commodore whipped his cap here by 1, which is interesting.


While ipecac and yuris are growing their cities, Commodore also whipped his 2nd city by 1. For workboats possibly? He might be going for circumnavigation at the expense of growth.


Yuris 2 whipped this cap. Likely for a settler but could be a worker that went to chopping next turn.


Yuris built henge. Now I should be able to 1 turn sailing with the 2 extra commerce from the 3rd city. Realized that after I emailed the save, the deer on flat land is actually tundra, not grassland. Sadface. I wouldn't have roaded N of the camp if I realized this.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin


Definitely an eventful turn. Checked demos to make sure and I am definitely the 1st player to the 3rd city. AI, ipecac, and yuris all teched. Since the bottom power is no longer 18, this means that Yuris' power must be 22 now. I have it that he researched the wheel. His power still should be an even number since he is the only player with less than 6 pop. Now I am guessing here, but I believe that ipecac found Buddha. Path makes sense if he is going for the Oracle, and it is conceivable that he would research Meditation in 4 turns since I 4 turned sailing. It took 6 turns for AI to research his tech after fishing and I can't believe that his GNP is good considering he is missing TW and he has late workboats. I guess he feels that it's more efficient to get trade routes with sailing instead of building roads between his cities.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

Sorry for late updates. Turns are flying and I been very tired lately.


Uneventful. The capital is not working the mine so I can get 12 hammers into the galley to maximize overflow.


Commodore researched sailing. The forest growth is a huge boon since the 5th forest makes chopping out a wonder much easier in the capital. The more I think about it, I believe the lighthouse whip in the 2nd city was a huge mistake. Oh well. Ipecac and yuris planted their 3rd city.


AI researched Sailing I presume and ipecac researched priesthood.




Commodore 2 whipped his cap. Unless thats a settler or galley, I highly question the decision. Put galley overflow into settler to get it to 29/65 so I can spend 2 turns growing the city before I whip it again.


Looks like Commodore grabbed Hinduism. Is that why he delayed his 3rd city so late so the 2nd city can guarantee to grab the 2nd ring? ipecac built the oracle to no-one's surprise. Yuris 1 whipped his 2nd city but the 3rd city grew to 2 to even out the score. AI planted his 3rd city.


Commodore whipped his 2nd city down to 1. I really hope he knows what is he doing with all those whips w/o a granary. So settler whipped next turn. Then it boards galley on T41. Lands on T42 and founds 4th city on T43. Pretty late 4th city but it is overseas. I will land the scout on hills near gold and evalulate whether to whip settler first overflowing to granary or granary whip overflow to archer.
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

I am having some serious C&D fail but you can take a look at some pictures while I try to figure out what went wrong. Also I really need to slow down and stop making micro mistakes. Settler whip on T42 was definitely one because it does not expedite that settler loading on the galley and planting the gold city on T46.







Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

More pictures. C&D is so hard when you have made no contact. But I did figure things out to T48.





T39: Commodore I think researched hunting. AI pottery.
T40: AI probably researched hunting and was the first to the 4th city. I believe Yuris researched Archery but could be pottery.
T41: Commodore and yuris founded their 4th cities.
T42: I think Commodore and ipecac both researched pottery.
T43: I settled the fur city. Commodore researched an ancient tech immediately? Could be masonry or priesthood. I think AI researched Pottery and yuris researched Sailing.
T44: I have it that ipecac researched Hunting.
T45: AI researched polytheism, which I am 100% sure of since he is the Judaism founder.
T46: Settled gold city. Commodore researched another ancient tech? Is it writing? How is it that his GNP is so good?
T47: ipecac finally establishes his 4th city very late. Yuris is now to 5 cities.
T48: Settled horse city. Yuris researched another tech but global power increase was minimal. The hunch that he researched Archery on T40 is probably correct.

My GNP is so bad. Need to work more cottages and coasts. My weakness of lack of cottagable land is going to bite me. Scouting is bad. Need to build more workboats. Any future cities I think have to work commerce tiles like seafood immediately to avoid getting into an economic crisis. How is it that the other players are focusing so much on religion? Beelining currency is the way for me...
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

I only got C&D done to T52 and I think I am just going to give up at this rate.


I think ipecac researched Archery


AI researched Monotheism. Not sure what yuris researched.


Yuris researched another ancient tech.


AI founded 2 cities. ipecac also settled another city. Yuris researched another ancient tech. Is he beeling COL?
Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin







Youtube Channel Twitch aka Mistoltin

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